seventy one

43 0 1

William Hayes
London is still not home, and her mom was going to start moving her stuff into the attic, like still keep it all but just wanted to go through it and she asked me to help her.

Her mom and my mom were just having a coffee but I wanted to come in here to see what I can remember. I took her virginity in her bed and she took mine. Her bed was just as messily made before we went out and I'm getting better at accepting she's gone and I still miss her and love her unconditionally but I'm going to school more and answering people's questions.

I sit in her bed, my side of it should I say, and look at the pillows stretched out on the bed. We can get pretty restless when we're sleeping, and the blankets end up ok the floor and I'm shivering into her and she's rubbing me to sleep, it's strange.

I zone out and think. I've been messing around with Ally for the past few weeks, and so feel so guilty. I mean, I really like Ally, in a crush way, but I still love London, but what is actually happening to her right now?

After I zone back in, I then notice something squished in between the bed and wall, picking up a green Care Bear I got her that should glow in the dark with a. yellow star on its stomach. I stare at the bear that looked like it had gone through a lot because it had.

I got that for her on our first date, and we started dating later that week. I hold it in my hands, remembering what happened. It was a few years ago. I walk over to her jewellery box and open it, seeing the charm bracelet neatly placed in there but the ring I gave her was gone, meaning she had it on her.

I smile at that, and look at the other stuff she had, and I close that and pick up her perfume. I open the lid and smell and my god it was like a flashback. I spray a little in my wrist so it will follow me, and I enjoyed the smell.

I see the bear again and I sigh, sitting on the bed and I hold it back in my hands and close my eyes, remembering everything.

London Reed - 3 years ago
"I got you something.." Will stops us from walking dow the path and hands me a pink gift bag. I pout and smile.

"Oh, you didn't have to get my anything," I shake my head.

"Of course I did," he smiles softly. "You a present,"

I find a bench, sitting down and he sits close to me, and I put the bag on the bench. I open it and peer into it, seeing a Care Bear with the tag on it and I gasp softly and pull it out the bag. "Will.." I breathe out, looking at the soft bear. I love these, I have the purple, pink and blue, now I have a green.

"Do you like it?"

I look at him and he widens his eyes. "Are you kidding? I love it!" I grin. I smile and face him. He looks down at my lips and I peck his lips, still being a bit awkward around him. "Thank you," I hug him and he hugs me back. "I love it,"

"There's more,"

I smile and rest the bear on my legs, looking into the bag, seeing a glass jar and a little box. I take out the glass jar and see a green apple candle with cinnamon which is one of my favourite scents. I open the lid and sniff it and my goodness my mouth watered.

"I remember you like cinnamon," he shrugs.

"I really do, thank you," I smile and out it down and he nods.

"Last thing,"

"Will..haven't you spoilt me enough?" I smile and he nods to the bag, nagging me to do it. I turn to the bag and open it, taking the last thing out of it. I hold the box in my hand and I flip it open. I widen my eyes when a little Care Bear charm sits in the black foam. I gasp. "Will!"

"I know you wanted it, and it can go on here," he points to my charm bracelet and I pout. I close it and out it down, wrapping my arms around him and he hugs me back.

"Thank you so much for all of this, I had a good time tonight," I hold his shoulders and he looks at me through his brown eyes, his natural blonde hair swaying gently in the wind. "It's been amazing,"

"Does that deserve another kiss?" he asks, grinning cheekily. I laugh and his. He smiles and holds my jaw, and I lean in. Our lips touch and my whole body collects goosebumps from it, and we pull away after a few seconds. "Here," he blushes, looking down and taking the charm out of the box,opening the clip and I hold my wrist out, pointing to the other heart I had, and he clips in on the chain. "Pretty," he was now a lot closer than I thought.

I smile and look down at it, but when I look back up,he was almost touching my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him and he kisses me back, and we smile into the kiss. "C'mon, you're moms waiting for you," he pulls away. I grab the bag, the bear and my candle, putting them in the bag and holding Will's hand as we keep walking but this time, I kind of hug his arm.

I look up at him, a sharp jawline and a cute little smile, what's bit to like? I was really falling for Will, I really like him.

a little filler hehe

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