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After Becky was check out from the hospital, Freen took her to another mansion. On the way to the mansion, Becky kept teasing Freen until they reached their destination.

Freen tells David to take Becky's belongings to the room.

"This will be your room for a while. Don't make trouble around my mansion."

"Where is your room?" Becky asked curiously.

"Why do you want to know my room?"

Becky grinned. "I want to sleep with you tonight, is that okay? You have to, because I'm a princess. Also, you promised my grandfather that you'll take good care of me as long as we're together."

"You are not a baby who should be accompanied by someone while sleeping.” Freen crossed her arms as she leaned her back against the wall. "Don't forget tomorrow you have to get up early for your walking practice. Your personal doctor will come to appoint you slowly."

"I know about that."

Freen shoot the floor suddenly. Becky wasn't surprised at all. Freen did that on purpose to scare Becky but Becky wasn't scared.

"Only in your dreams, you can scare me, Miss Hottie." Becky smirked and went into her room. She didn't close the door first. "Do what you want to do to scare me, it won't work." She closed the door slowly.

She, herself is tired of seducing Freen. Her energy is gone.

Freen hit the wall with her fist and sat down in the living room. "Shit! That girl is really brave! I will break your bold attitude." she smirked.

She put her gun on the table. She was tired of what happened today. As a result, she chose to rest in the living room.

After laying down in the living room, she closed her eyes. Suddenly, she opened her eyes quickly and sat back down.

"If I sleep well here, I'm sure I'll be raped by that girl even though she only has a pussy, not a cock. I should keep my virginity for my future. I don't want to plant a seed in the stomach of a woman like her." Freen went into the room. She didn't forget to lock her room.

"I can't imagine if her partner married her. Taking care of Becky alone already makes you like a hulk. If you add the baby that will come out of her belly, oh my god...." Freen shook her head thinking about it. "Surely her partner is languishing."

"I hope my partner is like me. My child should be like me too." Freen prays earnestly to God.

Becky brooded in her wheelchair. She was thinking of a way to lie on the floor without anyone's help.

"Oh... yeahhh.." She carefully went to the bed and laid herself down on the bed. "Good night, Rebecca Patricia Chankimha. Tomorrow we flirt, Miss Hottie again." She encouraged herself.

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