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After two days of Becky being busy with company and taking care of Ian, she was taken by White and Net to go on vacation with them. They already know Becky's arrival when they video call together with Becky and Ian yesterday.

Becky, who was told to open the main door of the mansion frowned when she saw a group of people in front of her.

She closed the door and walked away. White frowned. "Why don't you invite them in?" asked White.

"They are not my friends. You invite them in. After all, you rented this mansion for our vacation here."

White and Net shook their heads. Net offered himself to invite them all.

"Bro! I'm sorry! Becky is always like that to everyone." said Net to James.


Freen crossed her arms. She wanted to see Becky after not seeing her for two days. She went on a vacation planned by White and Net just wanted to get closer to Becky.

"Let's have breakfast first. After that we make a plan where to go. I have written a good activity for all of us!" White said happily.

Becky had already started breakfast at the dining table. Suddenly, Freen sat next to her and handed her milk tea. Becky accepted it happily.

She really needs milk tea this morning. She hasn't drunk her favourite water in a long time.

As long as they had breakfast, Becky silent herself.

She heard Ian crying loudly in the bedroom. White offered herself to take Ian because Becky's hands were still dirty.

Becky washed her hands. White carrying Ian to the dining table while calm his down.

"Since when did you have children, White?"


"Mommy!" Ian held out both his hands to Becky. Becky picked Ian up and took him to the back of the house.

"Look, there are many flowers here." said Becky to Ian.

"I want to sleep."

"Then, why are you crying?"

"Mommy suddenly disappeared." said Ian.

"You say you're a superhero. Superheroes can't be afraid."

"Mommy, I am still a baby." said Ian.

"Ohhh..okay baby."

Becky patted his back gently so that Ian would go back to sleep.

"Don't leave me, mommy."

"Okay, my mini superhero." said Becky.

Freen and her friends were surprised. Her friends looked at Freen expression.

Her eyes clearly showed an aura of sadness.

"You're too late Freen. She has become someone else's property." said Rin.

"Please don't ruin Becky's happiness just because you want her." said James.

"Accept your destiny, Freen." said Heng.

"Now you want to regret it. When she doesn't belong to anyone, you reject her" said Nam. She shook her head.

"Her name is not Freen Sarocha Chankimha if she doesn't reject people" Heng made a joke. Freen glared at him sharply.

"She is not my type." Ciize mimicked Freen.

"She is not my type." Namtan flicked her hair back.

Freen threw the crumpled paper at her friends. "If you two weren't my friends, you two would have been skeletons by me."

Namtan and Ciize rolled her eyes.

"Does Freen like Becky?" asked Net.

"Yea" answered Namtan.

"It's not too late." White said.

"What?!" shouted Ciize

"I'll tell you all." said Net.

My Badass GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora