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"I'm lying on her bed.It feels so good. I can smell her fragrance from this mattress." Becky inhaled her scent from the bed sheet, her eyes are closed and her lips are drawn up to a satisfying smile.

At that moment, Marie, Freen's housekeeper whom Freen trusted very much, stepped into the room to clean Freen's room. She widened her eyes in surprise and utterly astonished by seeing a girl in her boss's room for the first time.

"She must be Freen's special girl." She guessed.

Becky opened her eyes and look at Marie with confuse look. "Who are you? What are you doing here? What do you mean I'm a special girl for Freen?"

"I'm Marie. I was assigned to clean Freen's room. Freen never allowed any girl to relax in her room. This is the first time I have seen a girl relax at her room." Marie told her.

"Ooo...So could you tell me something about your boss? Why she's so rude? She always threatens me with her gun." Becky asked and her eyes glinted with curiousity.

"I'm sorry, Miss. I can't tell you anything." Becky pouted disappointedly. " But I want to tell you one thing about my Boss. She's not what she shows to the world."


"She is not heartless, evil and ruthless person if you get to know her more deeply." said Marie.

Freen walked into the room. She glared at Becky, Becky gave her mischief wink.

Freen shook her head and look at Marie. "Please throw this garbage out of my room." She ordered Marie to get Becky out from her room before she go to the washroom.

Becky frowned in anger and retorted. " I'm not a trash!" She stood up from Freen's bed. As she stood up, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle. She screamed a little.

As Freen heard Becky scream, she became anxious for her and hastily going out of the washroom, her intense eyes are filled with concerns. Marie noticed Freen expression.

"Don't you dare call me garbage again, Miss Chankimha!" Becky warned her, waggling her finger at her. She tried to stand up properly. Marie help her by holding her hand.

"You are the one who started all this. If you don't come into my room, I won't call you trash. The only people who enter my room are those whom I invite and allow." said Freen to Becky.

Becky rolled her eyes.

"Marie, I'm going to the washroom again. When I come out, I hope she's not in my room anymore." Freen stormed her feet to the washroom.

"She is so brave!” Becky muttered in frustration and anger.

Marie helped her to get out from Freen room. Freen stalks Becky from the washroom, she wants to go and scoop her into her arms but her ego is most important to her.

"This is why you're saying I'm a special girl?!" Becky sneered at Marie after going inside her room. She lay on her bed with angry emotions.

"You're special to her, Miss. Trust me." said Marie and left from Becky's room.

"Is what Marie said true?" Becky asked herself. "If she wasn't my type, I wouldn't be staying with this rude woman." she murmured to herself.

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