A Lady...

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Same day at night - In the apartment

- Shit! - it was the only way to express herself that Charlotte had every time she looked at the clock. It was already one in the evening and there was no indication that Engfa stepped on the apartment. As soon as she passed the door of the tattoo studio, she was determined to wait for the girl to arrive at their apartment and ask her the thousands and thousands of questions she had been thinking about since she met her. But waiting for Engfa wasn't easy at all.

The whole afternoon had been an ordeal. First it was Heidi complaining about everything, from the little pressure that Charlotte had put on Engfa about the tattoo, to how Tina had given the phone to that "probably recently released from prison guy," according to the words of the same woman. Of course, this unleashed a fight between the two girls, leaving Harry again, who was still a little agitated by the fright that Engfa had given him, and Charlotte herself between them again. And of course after that everything continued with Tina going to sleep in Harry's apartment and with Heidi going to some bad bar where she dies to look for any girl she could spend the night with. Goal that the woman fulfilled perfectly, because hours later, when Charlotte was starting to read a book that would help her pass the time faster, her friend entered with a drunk redhead who went straight to her partner's room. Tina and Heidi's fight was the only moment that Charlotte did not want to see Engfa appear at the door, if she could see the dramatic way Tina cried and the exaggerated way Heidi treated her, the businesswoman was sure that she was left without her partner. She didn't know Engfa, but from the way she had worried about the dancer, Charlotte deduced that the brunette had a very developed protective side.

Another thing that Charlotte chose to do that day, was to call her parents. She came from a very close family where respect, affection and communication had never been lacking, that's why both her parents, her sister or her, were in charge of talking daily and telling each other how much they missed each other.

The conversation with her father was from golf championships, to forcing Charlotte to promise him that she was going to visit them, to how much they missed Charlotte in Miami, to reminding her how much Michael hated her boyfriend's bum, to Charlotte's business in New York. For her part, Isabella, her mother, told her about each preparation that the couple was carrying out for the anniversary of their silver wedding anniversary, she gossiped to her about her neighbor and the man's mania of looking at her mother while she sunbathes in the pool, she also ranted against her boyfriend and finally, to Charlotte's surprise, asked her about Engfa.

Now, these last two topics consulted by each of her parents, were two different worlds for Charlotte. While in business the woman moved like a fish in the water, with Engfa she looked like Nemo's father among the anemones, she knew that if she took a false step she could burn or something similar. Charlotte had a natural talent for business, since she was a girl she managed to get the stupid neighbor of the house where she grew up, to exchange the delicious ice cream covered in chocolate for her healthy apple, for her it was simple and everything was in her favor. With the brunette it was different, with Engfa she felt that she lost every time she made an attempt to get closer to her. With the tattoo artist Charlotte felt that she was the last to be recognized, Engfa did not seem to have the same weakness that she felt for the brunette... Engfa was unknown to her and that frustrated her more and more. That's why after she was in charge of telling her mother the little information she had, she was more determined than ever to stay until the hour to face the brunette, her mother had made her see things that perhaps were happening to her and that's why she was now lying on the couch, with one of her favorite books and every time she looked at the clock and insulted it again 

- When are you gonna come Engf...?

Noises outside the apartment alerted her, Charlotte straightened up and turned on the TV quickly, so it didn't look like she was waiting for her either. She had all her questions on the tip of her tongue, as soon as she saw the girl appear at the door she was going to throw them one by one. Keys trying to open the door confirmed the arrival, one last look at the reflection of one of the glasses and she was ready.

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