We Are Your Parents...

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Sunday afternoon night - In the apartment

- Did you see their faces? They were happy when we told them - the first to enter the apartment and throw herself into the armchair was Tina. They had gotten up very early to go wake the kids from the convent with a surprise breakfast courtesy of Michael and Isabella Austin and stayed all day until Sister Ana threw them out.

- Beth couldn't believe it, she asked if it was true about twenty times and when sister Anna confirmed it she jumped on the bed - Charlotte followed her friend on the couch.

- Between Her and Engfa, which of the two jumped higher? - Tina asked looking at her friend.

Charlotte smiled without realizing it remembering the jumps in Beth and Engfa's bed - It's true... - The truth was that, since Michael Austin got through his contacts, permission for both Beth and Sophie to spend a weekend in the apartment of the four girls, the only thing the businesswoman had done was imagine Engfa's face when she knew it. Both Tina and her, and even Heidi herself had decided that the best thing was to tell the three together and so it was, before leaving home they did it and the number of laughs that Charlotte released was incomparable with the number of times Engfa hugged her in gratitude.

-I like your face when you think of Engfa,- Tina said.

Charlotte just looked at her - What face? - she asked, playing dumb

-Silly face, it's a face that I've never seen you put on before - she answered

Far from changing the subject, Charlotte decided to be honest - I don't know what's wrong with me Tina...-

-Are you sure?- The dancer asked. -I think you know,- she said.

The businesswoman shook her head - Heidi is right, we are very different, we have different lives. We're leaving soon...-

- Really Charlotte? - The dancer was looking at her seriously - Are you really going to follow the advice of someone who is so terrified of having a relationship that every night a different disease is invented so that I can stay with her instead of going out with Keaton?-

Charlotte laughed when she remembered the alleged -clitoritis- that Heidi had invented the night before to prevent Tina from going out with the tattoo artist. She alleged that her alleged lack of sex was causing her clitoris to lose and lose life. When Tina reminded her that the day before she had seen her leave the apartment of the neighbor on the first floor, Heidi had to close her mouth and silently cry the exit of her ex-lover.

-But Tina, none of us is qualified for relationships. Look at you, going out desperately with the first boy who kills Heidi with jealousy - the dancer bowed her head embarrassed - And then there's me, three years of girlfriend with a stupid one I haven't seen for months and I don't care at all - at least she recognized him - And then there’s Engfa... Engfa is so... so... so...-

-Weird- they both laughed at what Tina added as Heidi would have said.

- Yes, but it's also adorable, has millions of faces that melt me or make me laugh, she’s also very good... - Tina nodded quickly - And she protects me... God, did you see how she grabbed my arm when we were going to cross a street? She pulls my chair, opens the car door for me, treats me like a princess - again silly face. - And how does she play with Beth and Sophie? They love her! - once again the dancer agreed.

-I love seeing how she teaches Beth how to tattoo,- Tina recalled.

Charlotte nodded - I love it when she gets jealous because Beth comes to me first or because she tells me something in secret - she added.

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