The Date...

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Day of the date… In the afternoon in Charlotte's apartment

- What are you laughing at? - To Charlotte's surprise, Tina entered through the door of the apartment with a pure laughter.

- I thought you had a dance academy to direct and that you had important things to do - She herself had decided to work only in the morning because she wanted to prepare for her date with Engfa and because it was useless to be in her office looking at the ceiling, if the only thing she could think of was the brunette, the brunette's gaze, the brunette's tattoos and the brunette's mouth doing things on her, and Engfa hiding in her neck, and Engfa's hard penis on her... Anyway, she decided to take the afternoon off.

She planned to make some cucumber masks, relax in the Jacuzzi, shave, not because she thought about sleeping with Engfa, but anyway it's always good to be ready.

Anyway, Charlotte wanted to go on a total date and enjoy the tranquility of an apartment without her friends. Actually, speaking of that, it wasn't Tina who bothered her, but rather Heidi, but Charlotte knew that the dancer was Heidi's point of irritation, so if the two of them weren't there, her pre-date afternoon would become more bearable.

Unfortunately, her plans were ruined as soon as the dancer entered the apartment, killing herself with laughter.

Charlotte expected an answer from the dancer, but every time Tina tried to talk she laughed again non-stop.

The Dancer ended up lying on the armchair and the redhead followed her with her face mask ready to apply. While she waited for the dancer to stop laughing, with her fingers she put it in a circular shape all over her face. The last touch was two slices of cucumbers over her eyes.

- Oh God... leave me a little - the dancer took out the bowl and began to apply what was left.

- Are you going to tell me what's funny? - It was time for her to leave the mystery.

Tina smiled again and for a second Charlotte was afraid that the unstoppable laughter would return, but this time the Dancer's voice came out non-stop

-I come from seeing Keaton,- she said as if that solved the enigma.

Charlotte frowned when the Dancer named her boyfriend, she still didn't get over the totally drunk Heidi who found herself in her own office when she came back from talking to Engfa. If it hadn't been for the redhead's happiness, Chompu would probably be on the street for letting Heidi finish the bottles of champagne.

What she did do was call Tina immediately and ask her why Heidi didn't stop crying and babbling that Tina no longer loved her and that now she was going to have little kids and all kinds of things that are only heard to the women when she is drunk. If it had not been because the dancer began to tell her that a new legend had formed in the tattoo studio called -Charlotte's screams-, of which the redhead was not ashamed at all and because Tina told Engfa about the boys' joke about the poster they made and how Engfa fired them all, it is most likely that Charlotte would have scolded Tina for leaving Heidi surrounded by bottles with the news of her courtship.

In addition, as soon as the businesswoman told her about the date with Engfa, the dancer began to make all kinds of enthusiastic plans for them to go out on a date of four, to choose clothes for the redhead and to express her enormous happiness that left Heidi's theme a little buried.

That night Heidi did not return to the apartment and when, the next morning, Charlotte wanted to enter the girl's office, she received a huge -Get out- as an answer. Normally the redhead would have insisted, in fact, she would have entered the same, but this time and with a very good judgment she walked away to her own office. She only wrote to her later to let her know that she was leaving early and to tell her about her date, the answer she received from her friend worried her a lot to tell the truth. -I'm happy for you and for Weirdy, from the heart- Charlotte stayed examining the message for several minutes, she knew that the news that Keaton and Tina were a couple had done deep damage to the woman, but she never believed that she was going to bring the sentimental part of her to the surface. She took a deep breath and left the building hoping that Heidi wouldn't do stupid things.

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