My Little Monkey...

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On the plane to Los Angeles

- There it is again Heidi... Look at her! Look at her! Look how cheeky that bitch is! - Charlotte was moving like crazy from her seat to try to keep an eye on the flight attendant who stalked Engfa.

- Wow! - Heidi leaned from her seat towards the hallway and Tina did the same with more effort because she was sitting near the window.

- That girl does know how to move her butt to get attention - Heidi observed when the flight attendant intensified the swaying of her butt every time she passed through the brunette's seat. Brunette who, having bought her ticket later, had to settle for the location she had and ended up sitting alone in a couple of seats five or four rows away from her roommates.

-I don't see Eng- Tina said, making the three of them stretch a little more in their seat without any success, there were no traces of the brunette.

Charlotte again hit her hands on her armrests when she saw the same woman leaning over to offer something to Engfa and by chance her breasts stood out with the gesture.

-The Weirdiconda must be in all its splendor- Heidi maliciously commented.

- According to Keaton that is a normal thing- Tina commented from her place - Apparently Eng has quite a few birds fluttering near the study - she added to intensify Charlotte's suffering.

Heidi snorted funny - I think Weirdy has the power to give and distribute to four or five together and...-

- Shut up Heidi- It was the only thing Charlotte told her.

Heidi didn't listen and continued - And let me tell you something Cha, you deserve it. You deserve it for changing our tickets from first class to tourist - Now she was calmer, but the tantrum that Charlotte had to endure when her friend found out that they were not traveling in first class was something that put their friendship to test.

Charlotte turned her eyes while continuing to inspect Engfa's line - And what do you want me to do? Tell me, what the fuck do you want me to do if Engfa refused to let me buy her the ticket? She just asked me what line and what flight we were getting- she explained - I had to tell Chompu to change the tickets urgently while I entertained Engfa with other things, I couldn't let her pay for a ticket in first class - a nasal laugh from Tina caught the attention.

-What's going on?- Heidi asked her.

- Nothing, it's just funny that you assume that Eng doesn't have money- she kept laughing 

- Sometimes it would be good for both of you to come down from the pedestal where you have been all this time - she commented to irritate her friends.

- Please don't come up with nonsense. We are talking about someone who drives an ice cream truck and who dresses in the clothes that she probably takes out of donations or something like that... Look at her now, we're going to one of the most extravagant cities in the world and she's just wearing a ripped jean and a long-sleeved t-shirt probably three larger sizes, and don't make me talk about her luggage... She just brought a backpack. The suitcase of my cosmetics is bigger - Heidi kept thinking - Except if...-

- Except what? - Charlotte listened to them without looking at them, her eyesight was elsewhere.

- Unless she puts the Weirdiconda on display and there we would be talking about exorbitant sums of money... HELL! Even I myself would invest in that - it seemed that she was joking, but she was totally serious.

Charlotte turned her eyes while the dancer laughed again, but not because of Heidi's comment - What? - Heidi asked again, already tired of that idiotic laugh of her ex-friend with benefits

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