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The next morning - Last day in Los Angeles

As in the morning before, Charlotte woke up to the huge lump that supported her from behind.

- Oh my God! Not that stupid inflatable again - Charlotte closed her eyes very hard trying to fall asleep again. It had been difficult for her to get Molly to stop suffering for that stupid whale and it had cost her even more effort to prevent Engfa from giving in to the charms of the brunette and going at that time of the night to buy her a replacement for her dear companion, so that now that stupid toy would wake her up again

- No whale no! - she waved her arm back trying to hit the thing that harassed her and get it off her, but the lump tightened even tighter to her and as if possible, Charlotte thought it was getting bigger. She tried not to give it too much importance and squeezed her eyes even more begging for the dream to come back to her, even so it was not enough, the raven haired was already awake

- Ugh! - Complaining, she hit her pillow. She was too sleepy, the hours she had spent trying to comfort her daughter were taking their toll on her.

- stupid whale - she complained - Why the fuck did she have to get lost in the middle of the stupid sea to... Wait a minute! - Charlotte opened her eyes quickly, she had realized that the whale could not be in bed next to her.

She pulled her hand back quickly and unlike the previous morning, her fingers touched a soft surface.

-Whale?- She raised her hand a little more and grabbed the nose of a head that was shaking in denial of her question. Meanwhile, something was growing in her butt.

-Please, God, don't let it be a damn inflatable!- She begged, looking at the sky while with her hand she continued to travel the surface behind her.

- Are you another inflatable animal that my girlfriend's hard head bought? - she asked because of the doubts. As soon as her question ended she felt like the same nose she had held a few seconds ago, now it was breathing near her neck. She felt the touch of the same nose in her ear when the head shook from one side to the other

- Are you someone other than my girlfriend? - she had to keep discarding

- Oh God! - small, wet kisses began to arrive on her naked neck

– Because... because if you are, this is very bad, very bad - what was not bad at all was the moisture that was accumulating in her legs because of the insistent erection that harassed her

- Never... - Feeling Engfa's voice very close to her ear increased the heat of the room

-Never... but never... I would let someone else get into bed with you,- the brunette told her with her characteristic morning voice and then returned to her task of leaving marks on Charlotte's tanned skin.

- Baby... - Charlotte wanted to stop to tell her the usual warnings or precautions that circulated in her head such as -the door is open- -my parents are two rooms away- -our daughters can enter at any time- -Heidi smells sex two hundred kilometers away- -I don't want to give a bad impression on my in-laws- -sister Ana is going to put us in penance- and some other thing, but what Engfa's tongue was doing, accompanied by her lips, did not let her formulate any word

-Oh my God! - to the mouth now were added the hands of the brunette who, regardless of the barrier of her pajamas, explored Charlotte's tits as if the brunette still didn't know them enough.

- Love...-

- Shhh... - Charlotte opened her eyes immediately. This was new in Engfa. Never before had the brunette silenced Charlotte. What the hell! No one had ever silenced Charlotte before.

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