Help me...

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Heidi closed her eyes as she felt like her partner accepted Drew's proposal and at the same time Engfa's arm slipped out of her grip. After counting six seconds in her mind, Heidi thought she was going to hear screams, security requests and was even preparing to jump to defend her Weirdy from any unfair accusation, but instead a warm hand on her back made her react.

- Heidi... - with her eyes Tina pointed to her forehead. Engfa had not advanced more than ten steps away from them three. The brunette had been left with her head bowed, with her arms tense on the side of her body and from the white of her knuckles you could guess that she was not calm at all.

Heidi looked to her right and found that Ariana was looking at the brunette with concern. The jeweler didn't seem angry, but rather captivated by the whole situation. If the context had been another, Heidi could have seen a weakness in the woman and take advantage of it to attack. But this was not the case. Ariana's weakness translated into affection for Engfa and anyone who shares the same affection for Weirdy deserves her respect. On her other side was Tina, her girlfriend. The dancer was clinging to her as if Heidi had all the solutions, as if Heidi had the spell to make the tattoo artist stop suffering.

- Is she okay? - The voice of a waiter who was passing by nearby, made both Ariana and Tina and Heidi focus on the brunette. The image was most devastating. Engfa was no longer standing firmly, on the contrary, the brunette had squatted on her feet and used her two elbows resting on her knees to give strength to her hands and that they served to hide her head.

- Heidi... - Tina didn't even have to say it. Heidi didn't take long to kneel next to Engfa

- Weirdy... Eng... - she didn't know what way to call her was going to make her react - Weirdy please, you're worrying me... - Heidi tried to get Engfa's head out of the cave that she herself had created in her arms but the brunette didn't give in, her breathing was difficult and Heidi could hear murmurs and feel small but strong shushes.

-I don't know what to do- Heidi said frustratedly to the other two who were already by her side.

- Engfa, dear... - Ariana tried to rub her back while Tina was just stiff next to her and cried non-stop. At least the dancer made sure that the eyes of any curious person went elsewhere.

-Weirdy... - Engfa's voice interrupted her

- Help me - the order was dry and very quiet, so much so that Heidi didn't believe what she heard until she raised her head to meet some surprised Tina and Ariana.

Heidi moved quickly until, without caring about her elegant dress, she sat in front of Engfa

- Weirdy... - she grabbed the hands that covered the brunette's face

- I want you to look at me Weirdy, okay? - she knew that if Engfa didn't loosen her arms she wouldn't be able to see her

- I'm going to help you, we're going to help you, right? - the statements of the other two were heard quickly - but I need you to look at me please - rarely like that night Heidi Jensen had been heard saying those two words so many times - Weirdy... please...

After a change in her breathing, Engfa raised her head enough for her eyes to look at Heidi

 - What do you need? - she didn't waste time

- I have... I have...I want to kill that guy,- she said, breathing between words. Heidi could see the rage in her eyes.

The businesswoman quickly looked at her girlfriend who had already stopped crying

 - Okay... eeeee... why did you stop? - At this point and while the voice of some hired singer was heard in the background, Heidi thought that she would have already witnessed the way the tattoo artist jumped from the jugular to the stupid Chardwick

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