The Alley...

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Wednesday afternoon – Charlotte's office

- Charlotte! Are you ready? - Heidi suddenly entered her best friend’s office, as usual. A certain nervousness in the woman made it known that this was not just any day.

- What's going on? - she stopped in her tracks when she saw Charlotte's personal Doctor drawing blood from her friend.

-Miss Austin didn't feel well and asked me to call the doctor,- replied an attentive Chompu.

Heidi frowned and approached worried her friend - Is there a problem? Did you have another dizziness, Cha? Did you have lunch? Tina told me to make sure you eat - she asked.

Charlotte turned her eyes, it was strange to see Heidi worried about someone, but when she was it was really creepy.

-It's just routine. I haven't felt very well these days and the Doctor thinks it may be something I'm eating and it's not doing me good - she said

- And stop being so worried do you want? You creep me out - 

- Done! - the Doctor finished the extraction and made sure to keep all his belongings

-Don't worry, Miss Jensen, what Miss Austin has told me, I'm sure it's a simple indigestion coupled with a possible picture of stress and nerves,- he said.

-But we use these analyses for a daily check-up,- he added.

-Results will be by Friday,- he added, grabbing his neat briefcase.

- Thank you very much Doctor - Charlotte told him - Chompu is going to guide you - the man nodded and followed the woman to the door.

- Hey Cha, if you want I can talk to George's secretary and ask her to send us the meeting...

- Don't even think about Heidi! - Charlotte was ready

-You know that since we arrived in New York I have my eyes on that business, I'm not going to miss the opportunity,- she said as she grabbed her wallet. While Charlotte was dressed in an impeccable black dress, with her hair clinging to a high messy but elegant ponytail, Heidi had her hair loose and combined it with a serious business woman's outfit.

- I was just asking to fulfill the duty of a friend and because Tina forces me - she pretended to be carefree

- I was reviewing the figures with James - apparently someone had made a new friend

- And he was surprised by my numbers - and admirer

- Although he thinks we can squeeze it on the cost side a little more - Charlotte smiled at this, the Big Ones had no way out.

- All right. I leave that in your hands - she told her as she opened the door of her office to let her friend in.

-Chompu, you know where I'm going to be, go get the champagne - she told her secretary.

- And let Tina know that I'm going to look for her at the dance studio - tonight it's a celebration, it seems

- Of course, ladies. Good luck - the secretary said goodbye to them with a smile.

Later – Tiffany & Grande Co

- This way, please - Lisa, George Grande's secretary, took them to the man's office

-Mr. Grande will be with you in a few seconds,- she informed 

-Can I bring you something?- she asked.

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