Tiffany & Grande Co...

530 31 7

A week later

Engfa had been standing in front of the glass door of an elegant business for more than half an hour. That afternoon, she had done two tattoos, a fierce red and orange dragon on a boy's back and a beautiful and delicate flower on a young girl's leg, she had helped Pez improve her outline, she had talked on the phone with Charlotte, she had had had to spend a long time in the bathroom because of the things that Charlotte had told her on the phone and had finally discussed again with Wesley about his little commitment to work.

After that she just grabbed her wallet and left the studio without saying anything to anyone. She arrived at the place where she was standing now and bowing her head he stared at the sign at the entrance -Tiffany & Grande Co.- And she stayed there for a long time.

- Excuse me... - A Redhead woman with a perfect ponytail made backwards, with a very small waist and dressed in an impeccable black suit approached her. According to Engfa's calculations, she should be between 25 or 30 years old.

Engfa looked at her immediately making her neck resent

- Excuse me, I...I was just looking... please don't call the police - what she least wanted was to end up locked up and have to call Charlotte to take her out.

- Don't be alarmed, miss - the woman calmed her down

-My name is Ariana and I work here,- she explained.

- I was inside inspecting the premises, checking that everything is in order and when I got to the window I saw you looking at the sign at the entrance - she pointed to the letters carved on the stone at the entrance

- At first I thought you were one of those tourists who are impressed or who just want a photo with a famous brand but... - the woman looked at her watch

-You've been here for almost forty minutes,- she said.

Engfa nervously scraped her neck - I... I'm sorry... it's just that...

- Maybe I can help her with something - the woman couldn't help but feel intrigued by the brunette.

Engfa stared at the woman with her unmistakable pose, the lady's gaze didn't lie, she really wanted to help

- Do you... do you... have a tattoo? - for Engfa it was important to know.

The woman looked at her confused but funny.

- I don't want to imagine what my father would say if I had one - obviously that was a no to the answer.

Engfa frowned - Does your…your father not like them? - she asked accustomed to this type of reaction.

The woman shook her head - Getting a tattoo for him is like amputating a part of the skin. He always told my sister and me. Skin is the first barrier that human beings have against bacteria, you have to take care of it more than any other organ- she imitated her father's voice

- But now that I see you... - she looked at Engfa's tattooed arms

-And I see you very healthy... I guess that throws my father's theory into the trash can,- she said convinced.

Engfa bowed her head, regretting not wearing a long-sleeved shirt that day. She always does it when she is not in the studio, but when she left her house in the morning she never thought that now she was going to be standing in front of one of the most famous jewelry stores in the world.

Ariana noticed the brunette's discomfort and approached her

-Here between us, I would love to get a tattoo,- she confessed in a murmur.

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