The Pied piper of Hamelin...

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Same night - Engfa's apartment.

After she saw Engfa's parents leave, she got into her car and left it well parked.

She used the key that, thank God, she had never returned to the brunette and got into the apartment. She hadn't realized how much she missed that place until she went through the front door, everything was exactly the same, even Charlotte was surprised to see the armchair bed still armed, apparently Engfa was still sleeping there and if she had to be honest, she was a little terrified of the idea that the brunette thinking about having new roommates or maybe companions. At first she got distracted and tried to calm her nerves by going through her old apartment, she couldn't calm down at all until she entered the brunette's -forbidden- room.

A lot of photos that Engfa had hung on the wall caught her attention. Several of them were from a huge palace that Charlotte could easily recognize, she had been walking nearby several times so as not to do it, Buckingham Palace. The images of the palace were millions, and also apparently there were not only photos of its exterior, but also of its balconies and some other part of its interior. Several photos were monuments taken from different angles, others were of huge gardens with beautiful lakes, some had soldiers of those who are outside the palace of the Queen of England and who are forbidden to move, and there were also several shots of beautiful tulips of different colors and other flowers that were characteristic of the place. There were many photos and varied, the redhead didn't know the reason they were in Engfa's room until she found a huge sheet on Engfa's drawing table.

The background of the sheet was the front of the palace, but the center was occupied by a couple who were kissing and that Charlotte could not distinguish very well who it was, due to the number of annotations and studs that were in the drawing. The redhead deduced that the work was not completely finished and that, due to the amount of paper buns thrown in the room, it was a drawing that was costing the tattoo artist. For the first time, Charlotte wondered if this was the mysterious and urgent tattoo that Engfa had to do in London. She spent a lot of time inspecting every detail that the brunette had added to her drawing, she knew that Engfa was skilled, but she was even more surprised by what she saw on that sheet, the brunette really knew what she was doing.

When she returned to the living room, she went straight to her wallet and grabbed a piece of paper that she had folded into a perfect small square, took it to the armchair to have it next to her and left it on the bed while she became as comfortable as possible. She turned on the TV and tried to distract herself. After several hours, and listening to Honey BoBo's voice in the background, she realized that evidently her distraction tactic was not working. It was three in the morning and Charlotte was still sitting in Engfa's armchair watching TV. Well, actually, the TV was on but the businesswoman wasn't paying any attention to it, her mind was somewhere else. Her mind was on Engfa.

When she looked at the door for the millionth time to see if it magically opened and let see a brunette who returned to her side intact, she noticed again the folded paper she had left next to her. She grabbed it by stretching her arm and opened it with resignation. Nothing she had put in that role seemed important in this context.

From the moment Charlotte had walked out the door of Engfa's office in the tattoo studio, that day that the redhead practically imposed a date on the brunette, from that moment the businesswoman had begun to make a small list in her head with things, if you can say so, that she had to talk to the other girl on her date

Don't take it badly, Charlotte thought to enjoy the date, of course, but she was also going to take advantage of it a lot, she was willing and wanted to help Engfa, but she couldn't do it by walking blindly, she needed answers. All her life Charlotte played with clear and simple rules, -if your parents say no, it's not for now, but if you make an effort you may get it-, -If you want a horse, earn enough money, to buy you a stable-, -If you like a boy, seduce him until you drive him crazy-, -If Heidi gets drunk, don't let her talk, she could reveal things that compromise you-, -When you are with your competitors, don't show your true enthusiasm but the one they think you have-... There were millions of rules like this programmed in it, Charlotte needed them to live and she sensed that she needed them for Engfa as well. At that moment, the redhead thought that she was not going to let the date pass without ticking each of the topics that came to her mind, that for her was a -it should be done.-

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