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A month later

Charlotte's apartment - Saturday night

- So you don't go out with Connor today? - Tina questioned Heidi as they both arrived at the apartment with dinner ready to join Charlotte in a relaxed evening of friends.

Heidi shook her head and tried to calm her breaths when she saw Tina's huge smile for her response.

- We said that today was girls' night, didn't we? I want to be with my two best friends, chat about fashion, eat and watch movies - she assured her

-In addition, Connor is traveling,- she lied. Connor was not traveling, but Heidi herself had made it possible for the boy to understand that now Heidi was too busy to fulfill her girl friends duties, now Heidi was working on recomposing her relationship with Tina. Of course that was not what Heidi told her boyfriend, the excuses that came to the boy's ear were of different themes, from headaches to menstrual cycles, the fact is that something always got in the way of her. Since her confrontation with Keaton, she had been promised that she would never again be the cause of the dancer's tears and that, on the contrary, she would work hard for the Dancer to become the same walking happiness that she was before the tattoo artist appeared. But for all that she had to get her boyfriend off her shoulders, and in fact she did it, but with different lies that were running out for every day she passed away from the boy. At first she thought she was getting into a terrible mess, Connor was practically a call away from his mother, but on the first Friday night she felt Tina arrive at her bedroom with the excuse of not being able to fall asleep and then hugging her, she thought everything was worth it. And that night was not going to be an exception, she had dodged her boyfriend's invitation to some uninteresting social event and if she was lucky she would be able to have the dancer curled up in her arms again like almost every night that both of them were watching television, chatting or simply the great view offered by the window of the apartment.

- I love that plan Heidi - Tina told her sincerely while leaving a kiss on the cheek of the blushing woman.

-Do you have your key?- Heidi asked.

- We still have to get Drew's idiot ass out of the apartment - He spent almost every weekend fluttering around Charlotte and trying to make some of his mating methods, very embarrassing if you asked Heidi.

Tina raised in her hand the little golden key that hung from a huge duck keychain that Heidi had given her on occasion and put it in the lock and then pushed the door

- Charlotte! Girls' morning! We brought food! We brought your fav…- They didn't get to the room when they had to stop at the image of their friend lying on the white couch with Drew on top of her. Both of them still had their clothes on, but through the boy's hands he seemed to want to go for much more.

Heidi stepped forward and confronted the boy - What the fuck do you think you're fucking doing? - she asked

-What do you think I'm trying to do, Heidi?- the boy replied, standing up from the armchair very reluctantly.

Heidi looked at a blushing Charlotte who dodged the looks of her friends as she walked away from the boy adjusting her clothes.

- Really, Charlotte? Really? What is your damn problem? Do you think you're going to change Weirdy for this stupid ass Idiot? Really? - she asked.

- Hey! I'm not...! - Drew wanted to defend himself

- Leave Drew - Charlotte ordered.

The boy looked at her immediately - But Char, you and I were in the middle of something. If I remember correctly, you called me just for that- the boy's slobbery smile decomposed both Heidi and the dancer.

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