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Nine months later

Charlotte had been awake for almost two hours and with her almost three-month-old daughter in her arms. Engfa slept very peacefully next to her while she enjoyed her new offspring. She also had no intention of waking up her wife, she wanted to be selfish and enjoy her baby for a while by herself, if Engfa woke up she would manage that with a lot of faces and tickles the little one would forget about her raven haired mother and start having fun with the brunette. She also loved when Ellie stuck to her in that way, that way that reminded her of Engfa or Molly, that way she needed so much, as if she was short of breath if she wasn't in contact with her mother.

"That's because you're my third special girl" the businesswoman whispered, caressing her daughter's nose with her finger.

Ellie opened her eyes even bigger and looked straight at the raven haired. Charlotte read perfectly a huge amount of adoration reflected in those little eyes. Ellie looked at Charlotte as if the raven haired could give her the entire Universe

"I love you, love of my life," Charlotte whispered again.

"I love everything about you," she added. "I love your perfect eyes just like your mom's, I love your perfect hair, I love your perfect little hands." The little one had Charlotte's finger trapped in one of her limbs.

- I love your perfect and little butt- it was impossible not to scold Engfa when the businesswoman sent the brunette to change her daughter and moments later the girl was still naked and with her mother's tooth mark on her little butt.

- I love your perfect little feet with all your perfect little fingers - Charlotte kissed every part she named enjoying the sounds that her daughter made by the gesture

- But I love your perfect and beautiful wiwi more - She was definitely one of her special girls.

- You are going to give your mom and your sister Molly a great competition my little one - Clearly and as had announced the slug aunt Heidi, Ellie came loaded on those sides. The Weirdy gene had spread and now, according to Heidi, the Waraha Austin family had a new bearer of power, a "second mini Weirdy."

Charlotte kissed her little girl again and looked at the woman who was sleeping next to her. Previous smile for later with her free hand, rather with the nails of her free hand, caress the girl's naked back

"You know Ellie," she spoke almost silently to her daughter.

- Ther swirl that your mama has here - Charlotte stroked her wife's entire spine, from the neck to where the butt began and then stopped in a small swirl of little hairs that Engfa had in the curve of her back

- It's the same one that you have and that Molly has - Charlotte put her daughter upside down and stroked the little swirl

- You see? - she turned her little girl around again but this time she sat her facing her. Charlotte laughed when the baby's eyes went straight to her chest

- Are you hungry, my chubby baby?- In case she had any doubts, the girl threw several slaps in the direction of her source of supply. The businesswoman's smile was only growing and she didn't take long to give her daughter what she wanted.

Charlotte looked at the clock and sighed again, she had a few minutes left of her peace to end and the activities of the day overwhelmed the perfect moment. her gaze returned to her source of happiness that now tortured her chest without leaving any doubt of her hunger

"I'm so in love with you, my darling," she said drooling.

-I know I'm a little selfish in loving you just for me, but the rest of the time I have to compete with your sisters for your attention - and that wasn't the worst

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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