Oh Oh...

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In some aesthetic mall in Los Angeles

- Can you believe it? Can you believe it? - Charlotte repeated the same question over and over again trying to get the attention of one of the women who were next to her

- Can you believe it? - she repeated this time with a mocking tone. The businesswoman had her entire head wallpapered in aluminum and had been placed under several red light bulbs that emitted heat. Engfa's girlfriend had a magazine in her hands whose pages were suffering the fury of a Austin because Charlotte passed them from one side to the other without caring about their content and much less if her hand was left with a loose page. Isabella was by her side with People magazine in her hands and had her head in the same condition as her daughter, the woman seemed not to pay attention to Charlotte's complaints and on the contrary she had been very excited reading the news of the birth of Kim and Kanye's daughter. On the other side of Charlotte was Heidi. The latter was the other woman who accompanied her in the same row of heat lamps, but, unlike the Austin women, Heidi only had a few strands of hair wrapped in aluminum and was not enjoying any gossip, but in one of her hands she had the contract of purchase and sale of the part they planned to take over Tiffany & Grande Co and in another a yellow highlighter with which she highlighted the most interesting parts of what she read. Apparently she was reviewing the writing point by point so that nothing was overlooked.

- AAAAAAAAAAAAA! - Charlotte drowned a scream of fury in the magazine she had in her hands that didn't move a hair at all to the two people next to her, but she did it with the dancer in front of her and who was letting her nails be sculpted by a young woman who was concentrated trying to leave Tina's nails in the latest fashion without her task being affected by what the rest of the women who were in the salon talked about, which was practically impossible.

- CHARLOTTE... - Tina tried but Charlotte interrupted her by taking her head out of the magazine.

- It's just that I can't believe it myself! - She said - My girlfriend, the woman I love, the woman with whom I'm going to have a child...

- Praise the Lord! - For a second Isabella stopped looking at the magazine to make a prayer to the sky.

- ...the woman who makes love to me in an incredible way... - Charlotte continued

- Praise the Weirdiconda! - this time it was Heidi who left the contract to raise a prayer for Engfa's member

- ...the woman who makes me the happiest being on this planet, manages to make me hate her with three stupid words...’She's  my friend’ -She's my friend- she ended up mocking the way her girlfriend referred to Ariana Grande

- Charlotte... - Tina reproached her - You don't hate Eng- she reminded her as if Charlotte didn't know it.

- No, I don't hate her - she proved her right - I love her with everything I thought I could never get to love someone - she said.

-But I'm desperate. Engfa Waraha drives me crazy... AAAAAAAAA! - she drowned another scream in the magazine.

- Don't listen to her Tina- Heidi got in 

- Charlotte is only jealous because someone wants to take her Weirdy and fill her with diamonds - she said - Which I wouldn't do, I like it like that in the rough, with all its monstrous size shining - she added.

- Heidi... - Charlotte had made a roll with her magazine - First of all that I'm not jealous and second you don't have to like something that you haven't seen and that doesn't belong to you, okay? - Her voice didn't tremble.

Heidi let out a dry and short laugh as she turned the contract page - Please Cha, don't keep lying that no matter how much you lie your nose won't be bigger than your girlfriend's dick - the young woman who filed Tina's files pified a little to the circular shape that was giving the nail of the big toe

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