Half Woman Half Animal...

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In the early morning - In the apartment

Charlotte moved from one side of the bed to the other, turned to the right, then to the left, stretched her legs, then curled them up again, put her arms on one side, then on the other, until finally leaving them under her head and finally looking at the ceiling. Until she got tired and started again the movements that she had already repeated a hundred times. She seemed not to find a suitable position to sleep and above all, her mind seemed not to want to rest. She was aware that, since Engfa had appeared in her life, the woman was no longer the same as before. It was like a fantasy story, Charlotte already had everything in her head. The story of a beautiful princess who, blinded by luxuries and money, was gradually burying her true being in layers and layers of ambition and unscrupulousness. One day she looked in the mirror and could see that she had changed, instead of her sculptural and marked body, she could see the body of an old woman, who used a cane and it was even difficult for her to straighten up because of her huge hump. Her beautiful eyes had wrinkles marked for years and her perfect nose had been replaced by one that was huge and had several warts on top. An ugly old woman, that was her ambition, money and lack of love had made her, an ugly old woman. Until one day, a defeated and wounded princess falls into her hands and she is in charge of putting her back on her feet, healing her and protecting her so that she can fight again. Little by little she falls in love with the other princess and with every sigh that she tears from her, with every caress that she dedicates to her, they appear and return traits of the young and beautiful Princess Charlotte, of that kind and kind princess that she wanted to be again, she was becoming her again thanks to the appearance of Princess Engfa in her life.

-Princess Engfa - Charlotte murmured with a grimace of laughter. The amount of things that girl provoked in her was infinite, from tenderness, to laughter, from jealousy to great passions, from the desire to send her to hell, to the desire to make love to her again and again and a thousand times more. But never, the raven haired woman never thought that all the feelings she had felt that night when she heard Engfa talking to her parents, or rather yelling at them, were going to affect her. She loved Engfa for every part of her difficult life she told herself, and with the same intensity that she loved her, she admired her and thanked her because the brunette was standing alive right now.

It is that the businesswoman found incredible, it was not possible, it was not fair, that at the age of five Charlotte's problems happened to be have the most expensive backpack or doll in the garden, while Engfa fought for a plate of food, or that at thirteen her greatest concern was that her breasts did not grow at the same rate as that of other girls, while Engfa endured the abuses in the different homes that received her - Fuck - she said without realizing that she had said it out loud.

- Can you stay still Austin? - Heidi reproached her - Between the size of your ass and your permanent movements you don't let me sleep- she complained moving away from the raven haired to curl up more on the dancer's back.

- I told you that you didn't need to sleep here - Charlotte defended herself. After all, the idea of waiting for Engfa on the sofa bed had been hers.

-And I told you that I'm going to do whatever I want - she answered in a bad way.

- Why don't you confess that you're worried about Engfa like Charlotte and I? - Apparently Tina couldn't sleep either.

-Because I'm not,- she lied.

-Come on, Heidi, you just look at the door since we went to bed- the dancer reminded her.

- Okay, okay, I'm worried, happy? - She attacked - It's five in the morning and our Weirdy doesn't arrive, of course I'm worried - she got out of bed to get her cigarettes, normally Charlotte and Tina reprimanded her for smoking inside, but this was a special situation.

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