The Real Date...

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Engfa continued to love her until Charlotte reached her fourth orgasm of the night. The brunette had made sure that she had gone through it all and that there was no centimeter left of her skin without claiming as her own. But now, in a time of rest, the brunette was surprised by what Charlotte was telling her.

-Never, never?- she asked incredulously, looking at the redhead that rested on her chest.

Charlotte still agitated and with her eyes closed, she shook her head to look

- Never more than a... never more than an orgasm? - she asked the complete question and had the same answer again - Are you…-

- Engfa... - Charlotte didn't want to hear the same question anymore

-Kiss me, please,- she asked.

They melted into a hug of burning skin, intertwined thighs, thirsty mouths and with closed eyes and hands without shame. Charlotte slid her own hand between her bodies and surprised the brunette by holding her limb.

Engfa arched and moaned as if she had been mortally wounded. Her penis grew in Charlotte's hand, while the kiss deepened and Engfa's fingers separated the lips of the vagina to rummage through it. They didn't find satiety, there was no end.

-I want to put you inside me-  the redhead told Engfa.

Engfa smiled showing her dimples - You can do whatever you want with me - she said.

With a lot of effort she stood from the armchair and looked for another condom, thanking Chompu for having been prepared for that night. She went back to Engfa and placed the condom under her attentive and intense gaze. When she settled down, she felt nervous again about the size of the girl.

-Help me,- she said softly to the brunette and she did not hesitate to follow her indication. She helped her settle down and slide on her hard and hot penis until Charlotte's body swallowed it completely, Charlotte's face went from pain to pleasure in thousandths of seconds. Little by little Charlotte was swaying over Engfa and was finding the right sway.

For her part, Engfa didn't do anything, she limited herself to admiring the woman who was on her. With her huge breasts standing out, it reminded Engfa more than ever of the drawing she had made on the wall of the office. Her Charlotte. Her love. Her authoritarian and sweet hairless woman, redhead and with gorgeous eyes. Her princess. She had never been in Engfa's plans, but she only had to open a door to find her. In truth, the brunette had never sought to fall in love, but Charlotte provoked her a kind of passion that she had never felt, not even with her drawings.

Without a doubt, her life had changed and she could no longer think of it without Charlotte. The feeling that came out of Engfa, the love she felt for the woman who was moving tastyly over her. The brunette stood up to be in front of her. Charlotte settled down and received her in her new position.

-Look at me, please,- the brunette asked Charlotte.

For a few moments they contemplated each other in silence.

-You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my entire life,- she said, being honest.

- You are the best thing that has happened to me in my life. You made me be born again, to recover that Charlotte that I lost and I wanted her to come back so much - she confessed.

The pleasure surprised them with their lips together and they both moaned in each other's mouth until they disarmed themselves on the sofa. They stood still while they caught their breath. To the brunette's discomfort, Charlotte took her out of her and came down from the armchair and then walked to the wall painted by Engfa. The brunette stood up on her elbows to contemplate the redhead

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