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Several hours later - In Los Angeles

- Sorry that we have appeared like this suddenly mom - After a difficult trip and with great exhaustion, Charlotte entered her parents' house in search of paternal relief. Alex was crying in her arms and a pouting Molly was holding on to her dress as if her little life depended on it. Seconds later, Michael walked through the door with Beth and Sophie asleep in his arms. The man hurried to leave them in different armchairs for fear that they would fall due to lack of strength

- Charlotte... daughter, I don't want to hear you ever apologize for something like that. That's why your father and I are here, so that you can turn to us for any inconvenience, also you know that I love having all my babies here - Isabella received her whole family with a little worry mixed with happiness for having her daughters and her granddaughters back in the huge and lonely house that only she and her husband occupied

"Do you know anything about Gloria?" the woman asked immediately.

Isabella had learned what happened from the call her daughter had made to her before getting on the plane to let her know that in a few hours they were going to be landing in Los Angeles and they were going to need their help to survive these days.

Charlotte shook her head in denial - Engfa went with Heidi and Tina to the hospital before Dad came to pick us up. I had a hard time convincing her to leave us but in the state that Heidi was, I couldn't allow Tina to deal with her alone - it was the only thing she was sure of.

-We only know what Heidi told us how she could of the call she received - between procedures, screams, cries and sobs Heidi had told everything she knew

"Apparently it's a heart attack, but we don't know well," she ended sadly as she nodded to her father's sign, letting her know that he was going to put the other two girls to bed.

- As soon as I finish feeding Alex, I'm going there... - A snort of Molly stopped her and made the raven haired look at the little brunette.

- What about my terrible granddaughter and her beautiful angry face? - Isabella anticipated her daughter and crouching as she could and with the time that her age left her she got at the level of her granddaughter while her daughter settled in a chair to breastfeed the youngest Waraha Austin.

Molly began to gesticulate and move her arms angrily in any direction. Charlotte turned her eyes and didn't avoid a smile for seeing her middle daughter like this. The brunette was not at all jealous of her sisters, except when it came to Charlotte's attention. Molly wanted the raven haired to be just for her and no one else.

- MA ALE! MOMMY ALE!! BEE ALE! ALL ALE, MOLLY NOTHING - oops someone was jealous

– I..Mommy! Wiwi! Wiwi! Nothing - she complained that the raven haired's lack of attention to her needs

– Me, Maaa! Miii! nothing and Ale everything - evidently someone had taken her favorite place on the legs of her raven haired mother and not to mention the face she put on when she saw her younger sister sucking her mother's chest, like Engfa, she bowed her head and remained silent looking at the floor.

Isabella looked at Charlotte with a smile. -is someone jealous of her sister? - The businesswoman nodded, caressing Molly's head with her hand

"Molly, baby, come with mommy" Charlotte demanded, receiving a soft no. And to top it off, the little treacherous girl threw herself into her grandmother's arms as if she were a potato bag, completing the rejection of her mother. Isabella curled her up in her arms, dedicating a smile to her daughter while Charlotte turned her eyes.

"She’s identical to Engfa," she said trying to get a sleeping Alex to let go of her food.

"With them, everything is a double effort," she said happily. If there was one thing she loved, it was to make her two brunettes happy.

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