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A couple of weeks later - In New York

- She's in her office - Heidi didn't even need to ask Nudee about Engfa, as soon as the assistant saw her walk through the door, she told her where the brunette was. For the young woman it wasn't even worth taking the look out of her cell phone, it was directly enough to point out. The fact is that the presence of Heidi, Tina and of course Charlotte and the three little girls who came with them had become a constant in the tattoo studio, not to mention that now the color list "Rainbow" of the brunette had increased to a considerable number of people.

Heidi didn't stop to ask if the brunette was busy or not, Heidi already knew that she was rainbow-colored for the brunette and knew perfectly well that that meant a free pass at any time. Nor was what made her stop the sepulchral silence that almost never existed in the studio. She raised her face and took a panoramic look, all the tattoo stations were empty. Heidi went back on her steps murmuring at the bottom every time she had to jump some inflatable that was lying on the floor or a Barbie that had been left behind there, and stopped at Nudee’s desk.

- What the fuck is going on here? Did someone throw a bomb?- It was this last question that made Nudee augh and the one that made the young woman delay in answering to update the twitter account @ThebigWeirdyconda

After she showed Heidi her brilliant tweet, a replica of Heidi's joke, they both laughed and the young woman answered

- you know that Engfa starts her classes next Monday right? - Heidi nodded, the night before Charlotte had been in charge of showing Engfa how proud she was for that and the rest of the humans had to listen to it

- Don't even remind me, thank goodness the girls were visiting the convent - she wish she had decided to accept Sister Ana's invitation to do a spiritual retreat that same night

Nudee nodded - I understand you, this morning we lived the same thing here when Charlotte suddenly appeared and locked herself in Engfa's office - Heidi turned her eyes.

Of course she had seen the raven haired leave in a more than deplorable state the office.

-It goes without saying that before she was in charge of kicking the girl Engfa was working on - a jealous girlfriend was equal to fewer clients.

Heidi turned her eyes again - is that why they left? - she pointed out the vacant positions of the rest of the tattoo artists

I knew that Keaton idiot was afraid of orgasms, not once did I hear Tina...-

-They didn't leave because of that,- Nudee interrupted her.

-Engfa fired them- she reported as if she were counting a joke.

For the third time in the morning, Heidi turned her eyes again - Again? And now why? - it was like the twenty-fourth time she threw them out.

- Because it's impossible for the boys to let go of the fact that Sia is going back to school - Nudee said and Heidi began to understand

-They weren't going to stop until Engfa died of shame- she added.

Heidi laughed - What did they do to her? Please tell me that they didn't get over my backpack joke - Heidi had taken care of giving a beautiful Sponge Bob backpack to the brunette. When Engfa managed to give it to her daughter, Heidi took it out and told her that it was for her weirdy-conda. Engfa's color was from an instant fuxia that grew to one more when Heidi took out one of the condoms she had put in the backpack and told her that it was for the "recess"  and that it would not be bad for her when she had to use it with one of the cheerleaders of the institute.

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