We Can't Leave Her...

464 19 2

Inside the convent

- Where are we going? Why aren't we following Waraha? - Charlotte asked as she and sister Ana walked through the long corridors of the place. If it had been for her, she would have already run after the brunette, but the nun who accompanied her was going at a very calm pace. The gift and the famous blue box had never ceased to be in Charlotte's arms.

Sister Ana looked at her and smiled at her 

- Calm daughter - she calmed her down

 - We're on it, Engfa must have already arrived at the place I'm taking you - she clarified.

- What exactly is this place? A convent or a children's home? - asked the tall woman desperate for answers.

- Well, they both work perfectly. Taking care of children is a part of the charity work we do from the convent. - the sister explained to her.

- Take care? What do you mean by that? Are they only here for a while? - The businesswoman wanted to get into the subject.

"Well, the majority has a family, although because the parents cannot take care of them permanently, we stay with them for a while until that situation changes," she explained. 

" Meanwhile, every weekend each child returns to their family. Then we take care of their education and care during the week, like a kind of home school - Charlotte was  impressed by the latter - There are others who, although they have family,they do not see them so often and others who are orphans and live with us - she added - As is the case with most of the boys you saw today and as was the case with Engfa - Before this information Charlotte stopped in her tracks.

-Waraha is... it's... I mean, doesn't she have parents? - she asked surprised.

Sister Ana looked at Charlotte cautiously and shook her head at this question - I think it's better that we keep walking - she took the woman’s arm to gave her a little push.

Charlotte just looked at her and kept walking next to her, she had understood that the woman didn't want to touch on that subject, but that didn't stop her from finding out other things - So... Engfa lived here? - The interrogation was back.

The woman, without leaving her smile, nodded - From the age of 14 or so - she commented 

- She ran away several times - she remembered - but in the end she always came back, and my sister and I, we were able to convince her to stay - she said at the end.

- Is your sister a nun too? - It had nothing to do with the initial interrogation but she wanted to get rid of the doubt.

Surprisingly, Sister Ana laughed - Sorry, it's just that... Jane is not a nun... not at all - she explained as they approached a wooden door - Here - she pointed to the entrance

The nun opened the door and let Charlotte through. The businesswoman didn't advance much further, she stared at the huge room in front of her and which was full of single beds next to each other separated by a small space. Just when her eyesight reached the back of the room, Charlotte could see the brunette sitting on the last bed caressing the back of some kid who was stuck between the bedding, Charlotte could not distinguish whether it was a baby or a girl. Around Engfa and the little body, there was another nun and a nurse.

-Beth - the sister gave Charlotte a hand to make her understand.

- What? - although the raven haired was more lost than ever.

- The girl who is in bed with Engfa - pointed to the back of the room - her name is Beth, she is four years old and she is Engfa's weakness - she explained with great tranquility - Since they saw each other they understood each other perfectly - she added.

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