Nap Time!...

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In the garden

Charlotte had been watching her girlfriend play with her two daughters for almost an hour from one of the deckchairs that surrounded the pool.

-My God, they never get tired,- murmured the woman to herself. It is that although she enjoyed the laughter of her three favorite girls, it was impossible for her to prevent her body from wanting Engfa with such ferocity, her body was boiling and it was not exactly because of the sun. Charlotte didn't know if it was because of her hormones, or why the fuck, but she needed Engfa Waraha right now. She couldn't take it anymore and most likely she had little time left for the house to fill up with people again. She looked at her expensive watch and decided to take action.

- NAP TIME! - she announced and got up from the deckchair to grab two towels and go meet her daughters.

- NOOOOOOOOOOOO! - Engfa and Beth complained. In an oversight and due to the reception of the bad news, the brunette let go of Molly and the little girl sank immediately until the tattoo artist rescued her in the seconds.

- NOOOO! WHALE! GRRRRAAA! - Molly reacted later as soon as her head came to the surface. spitting a little water and with a huge smile showing her dimples, which showed that it didn't bother her at all to sink into the water and endured it quite well, She protested the end of the fun. Apparently the little brunette had been fascinated by the giant inflatable whale.

Charlotte looked at the two brunettes and the little raven haired with a raised eyebrow. She immediately brought her hands to her waist to highlight her point with her posture.

- I can do that too, dook! - Beth announced from the water showing the two brunettes how she moved her eyebrows just like Charlotte.

- Look, Beth - Charlotte corrected her 

- Looook - highlighted the mistake

Engfa and Molly frowned so identically that Charlotte couldn't help but snort. Both brunettes wanted to raise a single eyebrow but they always failed.

Beth immediately looked at Charlotte and the air of superiority made her laugh again. Charlotte was sure she was going to lose this battle.

- They can't do it - the little girl sneered, raising her eyebrow - Did you see them, Mommy? They can't do it - she laughed a little more

-Of course not, honey, only the black haired girls can,- she said wickedly.

Beth looked at the two brunettes - WE HAVE THE POWER! - splashed water from her whale towards the other two.

Engfa protected Molly with her own body

 - Molly hold your breath - Engfa told her, protecting her from the water that splashed Beth. Charlotte laughed again when she saw how the little brunette's cheeks inflated to retain the air as Engfa had taught her.

Seconds later the tattoo artist and the little girl disappeared underwater and Charlotte could see how her girlfriend was carrying Molly under the water towards the inflatable whale. Someone was going to pay for their air of superiority with a good dip. Beth ended up in the water as long as the other two took to turn it over.

The woman shook her head, it seemed that she was going to be one more hour under the sun and by that height the house was going to fill up again, she was going to have to resign. She sighed and looked at her brunette. The journey under the water had caused Engfa's boxers to get off a little, and that allowed Charlotte to see a little of her girl's butt. The businesswoman was able to perfectly distinguish two skin colors as a result of the sun and that brought to her mind the memories of the first night they spent together. Engfa had been impressed with the difference of their colors, Charlotte couldn't wait to see the brunette's reaction this time.

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