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12 years later - Charlotte Waraha Austin's office

- No, mom... Mom... mom... Can you... Mother... Mom... Isabella! - Charlotte had run out of patience. She had been listening to her mother's high-pitched voice for almost half an hour reviewing each of the things that bothered her husband's wife, Charlotte's father. The raven haired knew that her parents' relationship was perfect and was full of love, but very occasionally, she also knew that the two older ones had stages in which she was bothered even the smallest and most stupid thing of each. And that was exactly what Charlotte had been listening to for a long time and what a few days before her birthday she wasn't going to take anymore

- Can you let me talk once and for all? - she waited for her mother to brag and finish with her comments of "you have the same character as your father"

-I don't care if you come earlier or on a plane mother. Anyway, I won't be able to pick you up... I'm not taking anyone's side, mom! It's just that... - Charlotte took a deep breath trying to calm down, she had had some terrible days and didn't want her mother to pay the consequences, and she felt too much guilt for poor Chompu. The secretary was always the first to see her in the morning and she was always the first to receive her revenge.

- Listen mom - Charlotte had managed to calm down a little

- Come whenever you want, you and dad can do whatever you want, but try to arrive for the celebration, right? - Charlotte could feel her mother breathing with one of the techniques that yoga had taught her to call for peace

– The girls miss their grandparents and I miss my parents, we haven't seen each other since the last vacation and I feel that this birthday I'm going to need to you much more – For Charlotte it was a special date

- Yes, mom, I'm fine, just... What are those screams? - she asked for the doubts, but she had already recognized her father's angry voice through the phone

- Why are you screaming... - Charlotte had to move the earphone away from her ear so as not to be drilled by the non-sweet melody that formed Michael's thick voice along with her mother's irritating voice

"My God," was all she said before hanging up the phone. She didn't plan to stay and listen anymore.

- Ugh - Charlotte took off her glasses and looked for a long time at the painted wall in front of her. A whole work of art that her wife had made for her

-Shit... - Charlotte looked away from the drawing and grabbed her head with her two hands darkening her vision. She couldn't stand the idea of not having her wife with her.

- CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? CAN YOU DAMN IT BELIEVE IT?- Once again without any education, Heidi stamped the door of Charlotte's office to enter complaining as she usually did.

Charlotte rested her back on her comfortable chair and looked at her friend with little interest, her head was somewhere else sincerely. Heidi walked in front of her desk smoking as if it were an old wood train.

- Do I have a stupid face? Do I look like I don't give a fuck about anything? Do I have a face that they can just pass me up like that? WELL, NO! I don't have it - she answered herself.

- But it seems to be that my mother idiot along with my wife's cheeky thinks that yes, because if not, I DON'T HAVE ANOTHER DAMN EXPLANATION - Call the firefighters that Heidi was going to set someone on fire at any time.

Charlotte decided to talk right at that moment.

- I miss Engfa, Heidi - Much of her partner's problem she hadn't heard seems - I can't take it anymore - she confessed - And there are still many days left, I don't know what I'm going to do - she added worried

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