Chapter Turdy-Seven

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Chapter 37•

Liam's POV

Everything in the bus is normal.. you know the others playing paper planes and the others are playing games using their phones... pretty normal to us, cause like everyday we're in that mood -___- ...

"Liam, how much longer? =3=" Louis asked "Maybe in ten minutes.. just wait Loueh" I said... yeah whining like a baby again -___- .... Louis William Tomlinson, the oldest member but the childish one -___- ...  "WE'RE HERE!!!" Louis shouted and looked at the window... Yeah so many fans..."Come on guys.. we're gonna go in the hotel now" Paul said.. Yeah... getting mobbed again.. Then I saw Louis slowly getting out of the bus ._. "Lou! Put your shoes on!!" I shouted Hayzzz "Nope!" Louis said then got out of the bus with some guards surrounded him.. -__-"

And then we all got out of the bus one by one...And then went in the hotel...

Many fans wanted a picture with us, but security stopped us... So we just ignore them and took pictures...I think the hotel we're in is Floridays Resort Orlando...Nice name..So we went to the floor where our rooms will be... While we're in the elevator..Paul announced the partners.."Okay let's see what we got here....Oh yeah...Liam and Louis.." Paul said "YEAHHHHH!!" Louis shouted and gave me a high five.. A hard one...Ouch..

"Zayn and Niall" Paul said.. then suddenly Niall gave Zayn a hug.. whut O.o... "I love you bro" Niall said "I love you too Bro" Zayn said...What just happened?? O.o


"Brianna and Harry..."


A Minute Later...

"WHATT!!!!" Both of them screamed ._... Oh god... "Okay guys just calm d-" "WHY THE HELL SHOULD I CALM DOWN??" Brianna shouted... Okay ._.

Niall's POV

Okay....Hayzzz's because of you -___- "ILL NEVER STAY TOO FAR FROM THE SIDEWALK!!!" Louis sang... "Shut up!! Stop reading my mind!!" I said to Louis...And he just gave a derp face =3=


Finally, that sound from the elevator =3= And then, the door finally opened "Okay guys...Louis and Liam, Zayn and Niall... the other guards will lead you to your rooms.. I'll take care of Brianna and Harry" Paul said and we all split up and head to our hotel room..Hehehehehe i wonder what will happen to Harry and Brianna?? 

The world may never know :P

Harry's POV

I do am staying with the girl that I like, but I still don't want to stay with her for a week...Yes, a week..and it's a pretty long time...Well actually I don't actually 100% like her...Maybe just 80%? I don't know "Hey Harry! where are you going??" Paul shouted... huh?? "Where the hell are you going??" Brianna asked...I just realize I already walked passed the room that we will stay in .. owh ._. I guess I think too much..

So I walked back and enter our room...."Okay guys.. I'm gonna leave you right here...Just wait for your luggages" Paul said leaving and closing the door...Okay.... I dropped my backpack to the ground and jumped on the bed..."What the" Brianna said "I'm so tired" I said..And Brianna just opened all the curtains.. "I'm gonna go take a shower, and go swimming after" I said getting up of the bed...

*knock knock*'s already here...I opened the door and let in all the bellboys...As they put down all our luggages I gave them all some tips as they leave and closed the door... I grabbed my towel from my bag and headed to the bathroom "Are you gonna go swimming? Cause me and the lads are.." I asked Brianna..."I'll think about it" "Suit yourself" I said and closed the bathroom door... 

I took off all of my clothes and opened the shower...shit....the water's cold....

5 mins later

I dried my body up and put the towel around me...Shit I forgot my clothes...Shit what to do...Theres a girl here... >_< And I can't just ask her to hand me my bag...that'll be rude...Maybe....maybe I'll just go out ._. Okay... 1.....2....3! I opened the door quickly and closed it from behind...I looked at Brianna she's just uh....jawdropped...

"For goodness sake Harry!! Put your clothes on!" Brianna shouted...and errr covering her face with a pillow as well..."Okay okay" I'll just go get my clothes and head down.." I said... so I went to my bag and get my clothes and headed back to the bathroom to put it in...Hayzzz... That's just embarrassing ._. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I screamed while putting on my clothes...Hayzzz

Well...we'll never bring back time though...I opened the door and closed it back...I grab my snapback and my Raybans and put it on... I grab my towel and opened the door.."You Sure you're not gonna come?" I asked her.."Maybe later.." she answered...Okay then... So I just closed the door and headed to their rooms to pick them up... I knocked Louis and Liams door room...and they finally opened it...then we went to Niall and Zayn's to pick them up too...So we headed now to the swimming pool...

Brianna's POV

Am I gonna go? ._.



Maybe yes... just gonna go swimming for a little time and head back here quickly...I grabbed my towel and head to the bathroom to take a shower...


Sorry late update...Theres a project in I need to do it first...Sorry :/


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