Frazel Part 2

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Frank was having a dream. Demigods have dreams a lot, and they usually mean something bad is about to happen. In this dream, Frank was a seal and he was in a circus. The ringmaster was encouraging him to flop through a ring of fire. Frank just stared at the guy in the top hat and tried to say:

"Dude, you must be crazy if you think I'm jumping through that." His voice only came out as a series of barks.



Frank wondered who was calling him. He wished they would stop, he was trying to tell the ringmaster why he couldn't jump through the flaming hoop, the yelling was distracting.


Frank's eyes flew open and he looked around wildly and immediately looked at his hands to make sure they weren't flippers. When he was finally reassured that he wasn't a seal, he looked around and realized that he was in his apartment in New Rome. Frank looked up and found Hazel standing a few inches from him, looking worried.

"You started talking about seals and circuses. I thought I might need to wake you up since you sounded so agitated. Besides, I need to check your temperature again."

Hazel picked up the thermometer and put it under Frank's tongue. The metal felt cold against his tongue and his mouth tastes like pennies. Frank was busy thinking about seals when the thermometer beeped and he jumped.

"Well, it's down to 99.2 now. I guess that means the fever reducers are helping."

Frank nodded in agreement. He was still really tired though. Hazel noticed his eyes starting to droop.

"You can go back to sleep now if you want. I'll be right here if you need me." Hazel kissed Frank on the forehead and he soon drifted back to sleep.  Frank dozed for a few more hours.  He only woke up after a particularly vivid dream where he was on fire and Frank was half convinced he was still dreaming when his eyes popped open.  He was still on the couch and Hazel came over to check on him.

She placed her hand on Frank's forehead.  

"Frank, you are absolutely too hot."

Frank gave a half-hearted smirk.

"I'm glad you can still make jokes while bedridden."

Frank knew what Hazel meant though.  It felt as if someone had locked him in the world's hottest sauna.  Forget sweating bullets, he was sweating grenades.  Frank knew his fever must be getting high because he actually laughed out loud at his own bad joke.

Hazel handed him two pills.  

"Here, this should help bring down your fever."

Frank swallowed the pills wincing slightly, his throat felt like someone had taken an electric sander to it. 

"Are you hungry?" 

Frank shook his head with a look of disgust on his face.  The mere thought of food was making his stomach squirm right now.

Hazel gave him a sympathetic look and made to return to her chair and her book.  Frank whimpered and she looked back to find his best puppy dog eyes.


Franks eyes lit up and he looked like an excited puppy.  Hazel walked back to the couch and sat down next to Frank.  She noticed how he was shivering and pulled the thick afghan off of the chair beside her and spread it over the both of them.  Frank watched as Hazel read for a while until he got sleepy again.  He slept through the night this time.  

The next few days were spent on the couch with a series of 80s romcoms (what else?), soup, tissues, and lots of cuddles.  Frank managed to keep his shape shifting to a minimum while he was ill as well, only shifting into a goose briefly after a particularly bad sneeze attack.

I know it's short but don't hate me.  Finals are over you guys!!  One panic attack and a few breakdowns later, I have finished my first year of college.  Oh snap!  As always tell me what you think.  I love hearing from you guys.  ALSO THIS FIC HAS 104 READS!!!! OHMYGODS!!!!!! Thank you for liking what I write and supporting me you guys.  You honestly don't know what this means to me.

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