Twinkle Lights and Gallstones

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Hello my loves! This started as a request from FanficFrantic101. I don't know what it is anymore. Someone please take these characters away from me. Comment, slide into my inbox, all that. 

Thalia shoveled the last bite of tiramisu into her mouth and sat back, groaning.

"You really do have a complex, don't you?" Reyna huffed, smiling.

"Not sure what you mean." Thalia huffed, trying to decide how much of a turn-off it would be to unbutton her pants. First the bread sticks, then the lobster ravioli, then Reyna's leftover stuffed shells, and then the tiramisu; she should've caved and worn a dress. 

"You only ordered the tiramisu because the waiter bet you that you couldn't eat it." Reyna used her finger to scoop up a smear of chocolate sauce that Thalia had missed. Thalia didn't miss the way she let her finger linger at her lip for a moment.

"Someone had to prove him wrong!" Thalia insisted as she unbuttoned her pants, screw fourth date etiquette.

"No, it's one of your redeeming qualities. Along with eating more food than Jason Grace and Percy Jackson in a single sitting." Reyna looked genuinely impressed, albeit a little bemused.

Thalia laughed and, before she could contain it, belched loudly. Then they were both laughing, Thalia only mildly embarrassed. 

"Are you ready to get out of here, or can you move after eating all of that?" Reyna smirked.

"Carry me?" Thalia groaned, rubbing her stomach. "I'm gonna explode."

"Oh no. You got yourself into this, you can get yourself out." Reyna held up her hands in surrender, sliding out of the booth.

"You're a cruel, cruel woman." Thalia laughed as she made a show of scooting herself out of the other side of the booth, and took a moment to put on her coat before slipping her hand into Reyna's. 

Reyna stiffened for a moment, but didn't say anything or pull away, so Thalia figured hand holding was officially ago. 

"What should we do now?" Thalia asked as they walked up the stairs beside the restaurant and onto the main street, lightly swinging her hand in Reyna's.

"Hmm, let's see what we can find around the city." Reyna shrugged.

"Sounds good to me." Thalia nodded.

grrrgeuel prttfttt

"Oh my gods, what was that?" Reyna looked around, a laugh on her voice.

"Oh gods, I think it was me!" Thalia laughed, grabbing her stomach. Oh no, she thought; this wouldn't end well.

"Okay, remind me to keep the windows down on the ride back." Reyna made a show of plugging her nose.

"Whatever, it's not-oh, oh no- it is. It is that bad. Evasive maneuvers praetor!" She pulled Reyna behind her as she ran away from the smell and down a small alley way. 

Running, apparently, was a bad idea. Thalia stopped short and hunched over, trying to ride out the horrible cramp in her stomach. 

"You're out of shape, hunter." Reyna observed with a smirk, circling back to meet Thalia where she'd left her.

"Y-yeah." Thalia said breathlessly. She straightened and fixed her jacket, which had started to fall down her shoulders. The pain in her stomach was definitely there now, dull and constant. She was going to regret eating all of that food.

"Woah, Thalia, look at this place. It's beautiful." Reyna gasped, her voice coming from further ahead than she'd been a moment ago.

"What?" Thalia looked around, her jaw dropping. This was like something out of a romance novel. The alleyway was strung with twinkle lights that lent a soft golden glow to the early winter evening light. The sounds of the city were distant, almost like they'd found there own personal corner of New York.

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