155 Years

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Hello my lovelies! It has been a while! You know the spiel by now; school, work, family, existential crisis, etc. However, I have found a small chunk of time to fill a few requests that have been gathering dust in my inbox for an embarrassing amount of time! This particular request comes from a_floof for something with TJ and they left the rest up to my imagination, never a good idea TBH. I've never written for him before so please don't hate me if this is super OOC. Hope you enjoy and as always leave a comment letting me know what you think and feel free to come by my inbox for a chat!

TJ woke up just like he did every morning, early. He woke up with the sun. This was a habit he hadn't seen sense to break from his time before Valhalla. Something immediately felt off. One nostril was so stuffed that TJ could barely breath through it while snot flowed freely from the other nostril. There was what he could only assume was a sinus headache creating pressure behind his eyes and a general feeling of blah had settled into his bones.

He rolled over in bed and groaned, looking at the calendar on his bedside table and looked the calendar on the night stand. July 18th. He'd been mentally preparing for this day since July 18th of the year prior and every year before that for the last 155 years. July 18th was the day everything changed. It was the day he died.

TJ rubbed his face and got out of bed, he couldn't stand to look at the calendar any longer. He stopped at the bureau that he knew would contain the same blue uniform that he'd put on too many times to count. He methodically put on the uniform. He adjusted the buckle on his belt, shouldered his bayonet, and walked out of his room to the breakfast area. TJ wiped his nose on the sleeve of his jacket, something that his mother would have chided him for. TJ hated thinking about his mother. Not because he hadn't loved her, but the opposite. He missed her and his brothers too much to even speak of. So he didn't.

TJ was one of the first to arrive a breakfast. He filled a plate with a waffle , eggs, and sausage. He sat down and waited for his friends.

TJ was still pushing his eggs around the plate when more people started filtering in to the dining room. He just didn't have much of an appetite today. He couldn't really Bring himself to care.

Mallory arrived a few minutes later.

"Alright, TJ?"

"Never better." TJ answered, the nasal quality of his own voice surprised him.

Mallory almost looked like she might say something else, but decided against it and ate her breakfast.

Magnus and Alex were the next to arrive at the table, walking up a few seconds after each other as if that might help mask the fact that they'd both slept in Magnus' room again.

TJ ate a few bites of the cold waffle as the rest of his friends talked, joked, and argued.

TJ tried to smile and react when someone said something funny, but he just couldn't get into the conversation. He just wanted to be back in his room. He waited a few more minutes to avoid questions about why he was leaving early and did just that.

He had made it halfway back to his room when someone stopped him.

"TJ! Wait up man!" Magnus called behind him.

TJ stopped and waited for Magnus to catch up with him.

"Hey I just-um-are you okay? Something seems off today." Magnus looked TJ in the eye.

"Yeah man, I'm fine. Just tired." TJ sighed. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't really the truth either. TJ still felt gross and tired, but he also wasn't sure how to explain the significance of today.

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