Just for Today

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Hello my loves! Oof, she's back! This prompt comes from Hermionegranger2019 for some ReynaxRachel (what even is their ship name? Reychel?) I love this pairing and I hope you love the fic! As always, let me know what you think in the comments and send any prompts (for this book or my Bad Things Happen Bingo book) by my inbox! Read on my lovelies!

P.S. My entire inbox got deleted, so I'm going by memory on this prompt and a few others. I'm so sorry if this isn't actually what you wanted! If this ain't it, message me and I can write you a new fic!

Rachel Elizabeth Dare had come to understand many things about Reyna Avilla Ramirez Arellano over the course of their relationship, such as her need to be the little spoon At All Times, her love of fuzzy socks because her feet were always freezing, her affinity for cheesy love stories, and the fact that she was a horrible actress when it came to those closest to her -- which actually came in handy when she was hurt or sick. So, when Rachel came home to see Reyna slumped over on their couch, looking half asleep at 10 a.m., she knew something was up.

"Hey" Rachel greeted.

"Hey" Reyna sounded terribly congested as she sat up, seeming to see Rachel for the first time despite staring straight at her while she put her coat on the hook.

"I thought you were going to kickboxing with Annabeth today."

"I am. The class doesn't start until 10." Reyna sniffled, pushing the heels of her hands into her eyes as she tried to relieve some of the mounting pressure.

"Babe, it's 10:15."

"Aw crap!" Reyna huffed, coughing lightly.

"You feel okay?"

"Fine. Why?"

"You sound super congested and look like you could sleep for six years." Rachel surveyed her girlfriend. Reyna was ashen, making her red cheeks and nose stand out even more, and the way she was hunched in on herself told Rachel that she was cold, which definitely meant a fever since Reyna normally ran hot.

"Maybe I'm a little tired, but you know I always get congested when the seasons change." Reyna tried to explain away her symptoms. In truth, she did feel pretty gross, but it was just sinus drainage. She'd manage.

"Mhmm." Rachel hummed as she stepped over to Reyna and put a hand to her forehead. "And do you always run a fever?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Reyna coughed dejectedly and tried to downplay how badly she needed to clear her airway.

"Your going to suffocate. Quit holding your breath." Rachel tried not to smirk, this definitely wasn't funny. Not needing the power of the Oracle to know how this would end, Rachel sat down on the couch and waited.

"Dod't know what you're talking aboudt." Reyna huffed painfully.

Rachel waited a moment more for Reyna to huff for breath, and felt somewhat triumphant when her breath hitched and she coughed harshly, gasping for breath.

"Honey, I think you should stay home today. You're sick." Rachel cooed sympathetically, joining Reyna on the couch.

"I'b fide." Reyna argued, sounding more dejected and stuffed up by the minute, leaning heavily on Rachel once she'd gotten comfortable.

"I know you are, but just take the day off, for me. I'll feel better knowing you're here and not out there getting yourself into trouble."

Reyna thought for a moment, closing her eyes and letting herself fall further into the couch so her head was in Rachel's lap. Rachel, knowing what Reyna was after, pulled Reyna's hair out of her signature braid and slowly pushed her fingers through it, making Reyna hum in delight.

"Alrighdt, but judt for today. Only becaused I dnow how you worry." Reyna sniffled, not opening her eyes.

The two were quiet for a moment, save for a few sniffles and small coughs from Reyna. Rachel almost thought that Reyna had fallen asleep again until she started shivering. Rachel tried to maneuver herself out from under Reyna as quietly and quickly as possible, not wanting to make her any more uncomfortable.

"Mmmm" Reyna moaned when she could no longer feel Rachel's warmth. "Come back" She cried softly.

"I'll  be right back, love." Rachel whispered, walking over to the trunk with all of the thick blankets and afghans. She pulled out an especially soft one that her Nana Cynthia had made when she was born. Tiptoeing back over to the couch, Rachel lay it over Reyna's shivering form. Reyna jumped at the sudden cold sensation of the blanket, but her breathing quickly evened out and deepened.

Rachel felt Reyna's forehead, a real thermometer would be better, but how many millennials do you know with a thermometer in their houses? So, hand-to-forehead contact was as good as it was going to get. Reyna's forehead was warm, but not alarmingly so. Ibuprofen, soup, and tea would suffice. Seeing that Reyna was sleeping soundly for the moment, Rachel went to the kitchen to figure out what they had for demigods with a head cold.

Reyna woke up alone, which is not the way she preferred. There was a wet spot on the couch cushion where she'd apparently drooled. Reyna hated not being able to breathe properly, it was such a nuisance. She sat up and -- woah, headrush -- looked around for Rachel. The smell of something warm hit Reyna's nose. She got up, pulling the blanket up around her shoulders and letting it puddle behind her, and padded to the kitchen, where she was met with a ball of frizzy, bright red hair, and the acidic smell of something that had been burning.

"Rachel?" Reyna asked, coughing to try and clear away the rasp in her voice.

"Hey, honey. I'm making you soup and some tea." Rachel turned to face Reyna and smiled.

"What's burning?"

"Your soup." Rachel smiled sheepishly. I managed to save most of it though!"

Reyna smiled softly and waded through the layers of blanket to go stand beside Rachel, putting her head on the shorter girl's shoulder. Reflexively, Rachel lay her head on Reyna's and moved her hand up to feel of Reyna's forehead. Still warm.

"You're still warm, how do you feel?" Rachel maneuvered around to bear hug Reyna.

"Just a little achy and stuffy."

"Alright, let's get some food into you and I'll get you some Tylenol." Rachel pushed up onto her toes slightly to kiss the tip of Reyna's nose. Reyna smiled softly.

Rachel poured two mugs of tea with honey and laddled out two bowls of tomato soup. She and Reyna carried their meals back to the couch and sat down, immediately tangled in each other's laps.

"Do you want to watch Love, Actually?" Reyna smiled softly asked, sneezing into her sleeve.

Rachel smirked and detangled herself from Reyna long enough to turn out the living room lights and find her laptop that already had the movie queued up.

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