Feeling Off Pt. 2

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Hello my lovelies!  Here is pt. 2!  I hope you like it as much as the first!  

The first thing Nico noticed when he woke up was how hot he felt. He pulled his blanket off and decided to also take off his shirt. Nico also noticed that he felt itchy, kind of like when one has a nearly healed sunburn. He opened his eyes and saw just enough light coming through the window to show that it was just after dawn. Nico reached down to scratch his stomach. He tried to roll over and go back to sleep, he was still so tired, it was as if he hadn't slept at all.

However, after tossing and turning for a considerable amount of time and being unable to find a comfortable position, Nico decided he was awake for the day. He rolled off of the bed and went to the bathroom.

Nico turned on the light, looked in the mirror and yelped. His face, neck, and upper body were covered in tiny red bumps that resembled bug bites. They certainly felt like bug bites. Nico scratched the back of his neck and realized how cold he was suddenly. He decided to ask Will about this later and crawled back into bed and pulled his blanket off of the floor and up to his nose. Maybe this was some sort of allergic reaction? However, his life did not seem to be in any immediate danger, so he tried to go back to sleep.

Nico woke again a few hours later when he heard his cabin door open and shut, still feeling itchy and the headache from the day before had returned. The all over ache also seemed to have made a repeat appearance.

"Morning Sunshine!" Will said quietly. It must be pretty late if Will had come to wake him. Will crept toward Nico's bunk and sat down. He pulled the blanket down from around Nico's ears and let out a little gasp.

"What in Zeus' name? Nico, what happened?"

Nico rolled over and looked at Will.

"I was hoping you could tell me. I'm really itchy, I'm achy, and my body can't decide if I'm in Antarctica or the Sahara Desert."

Will put a hand to Nico's forehead.

"Well, you have a fever. Sit up for me?"

"But I'm cold."

"I'll be quick. I promise."

Nico sat up and Will did a quick examination of the rash covering his arms.

"Nico, when was the last time you were vaccinated for, well, anything?"

Nico thought for a moment.

"Any vaccinations would have been before Bianca and I were put in the Lotus Hotel, so maybe 1935?"

Will looked appalled.

"You missed so many vaccinations! Polio, Smallpox, Measles, Varicella! If they were going to freeze you in time for seventy years, the least they could have done was keep your shot records updated!"

"What's Varicella?"

"It's more commonly known as chickenpox. Most people get it when they're young. The younger you are when you get it, the faster the recovery. It's also a common vaccine now, but it wasn't developed until 1995, when you were in the Lotus Hotel."

"What can you give me for it?"

"That's the bad part. I can treat some of the symptoms, but this just has to run it's course. The good news is that once you get it, the chances of getting it again are slim."

"That doesn't really give me peace of mind. What am I supposed to do until it runs it's course."

"Well, until the blisters scab over you'll be highly contagious, so you won't be doing much of anything that requires you to go outside."

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