Oh Hel No!

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Hello my loves! I realize that I have requests sitting in my inbox right now, but I have been thinking about this prompt for FOREVER! I really hope you enjoy this! Please let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to shoot me any prompt or idea that you might think up! 

P.S. Minor Ship of The Dead spoilers ahead!

Magnus Chase was not the best with a sword, he would be the first to admit that. No, scratch that, his sword would be the first to admit that.

"C'mon Senor! You're losing and the opponent in an inanimate object!"

Magnus wiped sweat from his forehead and pushed his blond bangs back. He was going to have to get Alex to cut it shorter next time he decided to play beauty shop with Magnus' hair. He sat down on the bench next to the sparring dummy he was somehow currently losing a sword fight to. Jack wasn't being much help though, he was dead weight in Magnus' hands that continuously yelled what move to make next.

"I'm trying Jack. I haven't maimed myself yet, that's an improvement."

"Managing not to maim yourself won't help next time you're up against a bunch of Canadians. I can't always do the fighting for you. Every bit of energy I use up-"

"I know, I know. It gets transferred to me when you go back to pendant form."

"Exactly, so the sooner you learn to fight for yourself without the my help, the better. You won't do any good for anybody if you're passed out for two days straight."

"I know Jack. I really am trying here. Also, why would a Canadian want to fight me? Why would I want to fight a Canadian?"

"All in good time Senor, all in good time." The sword replied ominously.

"Plus, if you die that significantly reduces my chance of making a good second impression on Riptide."

"I really don't think you're the type of sword that could handle long distance Jack."

"We could make it work. It would start slow at first. It would be hard, but we could spend summers together and go to her parents for the holidays, and after seeing the nine worlds we would settle down and start a family of little daggers- I should write this down!"

Jack returned to pendant for around Magnus' neck, sparring practice forgotten. Magnus was glad that he had been the one to do most of the fighting today, if Jack had been helping as much as usual, Magnus probably would have passed out before he made it back to his hotel room. Seeing as Jack had offered virtually no help today, Magnus only had his own fatigue to contend with. He left the sword fighting arena, other einharjar were starting to file in for a relaxing midday battle to the death, and made his way back to floor 19.

Magnus stepped off the elevator and onto floor 19. Knowing there wasn't much to do until dinner and the nightly battle to the death, Magnus went to spend the remainder of the afternoon in his hotel room. Magnus kicked off his shoes and lay down on the bed. Maybe a quick nap before certain death.

Magnus woke up to someone pounding on his door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Magnus yelled back, still a little out of it from his nap.

Magnus slipped his shoes on and opened the door, nearly making Alex Fierro topple into the room on top of him, as he was still knocking on the door.

"It's time for dinner. TJ said I wasn't allowed to let you miss it."

"How sweet." Magnus rolled his eyes.

"Come on you two. Quit flirting." Mallory Keen smirked.

"Shut up" Alex and Magnus said in unison.

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