Chapter 1: Out Of The Blue

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**** Amelia is pretty much the main character here but I'll tell stories and involve other characters too. ****

Chapter 1:

It was a beautiful Sunday. Just around 12pm. Amelia Shepherd was sitting in the living room watching a movie with Meredith Grey while Zola and Bailey played on the floor. Ellis was asleep on her room.

"Daddy" said Bailey as soon as he got to Meredith.

Both women froze. It still hurt whenever the kids asked about Derek.

"Dad's in heaven Bailey" Zola said to her little brother.

"With angels?" Bailey asked Meredith and Amelia's eyes got full.

"Yes baby." Meredith told her son and picked him up.

Suddenly Amelia's pager went off.

"Oh not today" Amelia said and checked her pager.

"Are you kidding me? A consult" she said standing up. She couldn't believe the hospital had two neuros that day and none were available.

"You're not on call. right?" Meredith asked surprised.

"Nop" Amelia said putting her shoes on and the pager went off again.

"911" she read out loud.

"Good luck" Meredith said.

"Thanks. I'll see you later" Amelia said and left.


"What do we have here?" Amelia asked Owen Hunt as she entered the trauma room. Her heart aching a bit as she saw the small girl on the bed.

"4 year-old Olivia Hayes . She just got here. I paged you as soon as they called. She wasn't breathing on her own but we fixed it. She has a Trauma to the head you need to check. She's unconscious since she got here." Owen said.

Amelia moved close to the bed and her heart sank. The girl was really pale but she was adorable. She checked the girl's reflexes and it was fine. Checked her pupils and it was fine too.

"Okay. I need a head, chest and abdomen CT for yesterday!" Amelia said and Stephanie took the girl.

"What happened to her?" Amelia said.

"Said to have tripped and ended up falling backwards into a coffee table." Owen said.

"Oh" Amelia said with a face of pain.

"She has hyperinsulinism. We have put a dexcon sensor in and gave her glucagon" Owen said and Amelia nodded. "She takes two shots everyday but her sugar was really low when she got here" he said looking worried.

"You think they forgot her medicine?" Amelia asked as they both stared at the couple waiting for news outside.

"Most likely" Owen said and Amelia took a deep breath. She couldn't believe how parents could do that. The girl could have died because of it and she maybe fell because of that.

"I'm gonna go check on her" Amelia said and left.


She got to the ct room and sat on the chair beside Stephanie's. They started talking about another patient but Amelia couldn't stop her mind of thinking about the small child and said out of nowhere: "poor little thing"

"Yeah" Stephanie said with a sad face.

"I just can't believe her parents forgot something like that" Amelia said upset at them.

"They're not her parents" Stephanie said.

"What?" Amelia asked confused.

"Dr. Hunt said they're fostering her. Her parents died when she was a baby." She said.

And Amelia shook her head no. 'Poor girl', she thought.

Suddenly they heard a scream and crying came shortly after.

They ran into the room and the little girl was desperately crying.

"Hey hey. Calm down. It's okay Olivia" said Amelia trying to make the child lay back down but the girl kept crying and trying to push her off.

"Do you want me to get Suzan?" Stephanie said. Susan was her foster parents biological daughter who was 16 and loved the little girl.

"No" and the little girl screamed out and kept crying. She didn't want to see any of them and she didn't know what was going on. She was just really scared.

"We gotta sedate her" Amelia said. She didn't know how bad her head injury was and the way the girl was moving and trying to get out of bed could make it even worse.

Stephanie grabbed the injection and Amelia fought hard to hold the girl down. Stephanie injected it on the young girl's leg and she screamed and cried in pain and fear.

"Shuu shuuu it's okay" Amelia said running her hand on the girl's cheeks. "Look at me" she said and the girl looked at her still crying but getting sleepy as Stephanie slowly pushed the medicine in.

"You're doing a good job." Amelia smiled at the girl and Olivia closed her eyes.

"Done" Stephanie said and Amelia held her for a little while just petting her a bit before letting go and walking back to the other room.

They did the test and luckily there was nothing wrong with Olivia's abdomen or her chest but she had a minor concussion. Amelia and Stephanie went back to the room Olivia was and placed her back on a bed and started wheeling her out.

"Get a nurse to get her settle in a room and I'll talk to Hunt. She'll need observation for at least 48 hours since she lost consciousness. And I don't know exactly what they're doing with her sugar." Amelia said and they walked out and turned to different directions. Amelia couldn't ignore the deep compassion she was feeling for the young child.

"Don't leave her side" Amelia said turning around. Stephanie turned and nodded. And Amelia left.


*** hyperinsulinism is not really a crazy condition as I'll use in this story okay. I kind of used the name and the concept of it but that's all, everything else I made up. So The thing is that Olivia needs to keep her sugar levels between 80 and 110. She can eat all she wants and that's not a problem as long as she takes two shots of glucose a day just to make sure her sugar levels are up. One at 9 am and the other at 10 pm. The real danger is it getting too low.

A dexcom sensor is used to tell the level of sugar in the blood. (This IS a real thing)

So yeah :) Oh and Olivia's middle names is Luna =)

Thanks for reading it. And the next chapter will be out soon!

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