Chapter 19: Owen

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"Can he stay with us here?" Amelia asked the girl and Olivia nodded yes still looking a little scared.
"Alright" Amelia said and laid next to the girl while Owen took a place on the chair next to the bed.
Suddenly nurse Gloria walked in.
"Hi" she said. "Dr. Shepherd, Susan is here to see Olivia" she said smiling.
"No" Olivia cried.
"You don't want to see your sister?" Amelia asked a bit confused. She knew Olivia liked Susan.
"No" Olivia said crying even more.
"Honey, she didn't do anything" Amelia said sitting up on the bed and looking down at the girl.
"She didn't" Olivia said. "She just let him hurt me" she said and started sobbing. Amelia hugged her.
"Can you pick me up?" Olivia asked between sobs.
"Oh baby. You're hurt honey. I can't pick you up right now" Amelia said feeling really bad. That was all she wanted to do since Olivia got back to the hospital and the fact that Olivia wanted and she couldn't was killing her.
"Yes you can! Pick me up" she sobbed and tried to turn to Amelia's side but cried even worse with the pain.
"Don't baby. It's gonna hurt. I can't pick you up right now. But i will soon, okay? And I'm right here. I'm right here next to you" Amelia said and Olivia just cried.
"I'll talk to Susan" Owen said and left the room.
"Let me give you something for the pain sweetie" Nurse Gloria said getting Olivia's pain meds.
She gave Olivia more painkillers and the girl fell asleep. Amelia sat on the chair and took Olivia's hand.
"I'll pick you up soon" she promised and kissed the girl's hand.

Susan was waiting with her grandmother when Owen walked to them.
"Hi. Dr. Hunt" Susan said. "They told me she woke up" she said smiling.
"She did" Owen smiled.
"Can I see her?" Susan asked excited.
"Can we sit down really quick Susan?" Owen said and they sat.
"What's wrong?" Susan asked.
"Olivia is really scared right now. And she's in pain. And I know that you want to see her but she only wants Amelia there right now" he said.
"But did you tell her I'm here?" Susan asked.
"I did" Owen said.
"She doesn't want to see me?" Susan asked hurt.
"Susan. Olivia loves you. You know that. But right now she needs a little time." He said. "She's scared and we need to make sure she's calm so she can get better" he explained. "Do you understand?" He asked.
"Yes" Susan said and nodded. She was sad but understood.
"Amelia is going to talk to her and as soon as she feels better I'll call you" he said.
"Okay" Susan said. "Let's go then grandma" she said a bit upset and they left.
Owen could see the teen was hurt. But he had to do what was best for Olivia.
Owen went back to Olivia's room and found the girl asleep and Amelia watching tv.

The day went on and if Olivia wasn't sleeping she was crying and hugging Amelia, who managed to always make the sobs go away but never to stop the tears from falling.
Meredith stopped by and they talked about what would happen when Olivia went home and Meredith offered Zola's bedroom to be shared with the girl. Amelia thanked but said she wanted Olivia on her room when they first get there. Meredith also asked if she had told the child about being her foster parent and Amelia said "I'll wait till she's not on so many pain meds anymore and I can hold her"
Meredith agreed it was a better idea, since they knew Olivia would probably cry.
She stayed for a while and then went home.
Alex and Maggie checked on Olivia a couple times but only when she was sleeping.
Around 9pm, right after Amelia gave Olivia her shot, Callie arrived.
"She's sleeping?" Callie asked entering the room.
"Yeah" Owen said. "She's been in and out all day"
"Mostly sleeping though" Amelia said.
"And how was she with you here?" Callie asked Owen.
"Not loving it but not hating it" Amelia said.
"That's good" Callie laughed. "Well I need an X-ray of that little leg." Callie said and gave Olivia a kiss on the forehead.
"Do you mind if I go?" Amelia asked.
"No. Of course not" she said. Callie got a nurse to help and they wheeled Olivia's bed to the X-ray room.
"Olivia." Amelia said trying to wake up the girl. Since they had to move her to the x-ray table, Amelia didn't want the girl to wake up in pain.

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