Chapter 7: In Too Deep

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Callie sat on a table. Olivia sat on her lap waiting for the apple juice Rose went to get. She seemed more comfortable around Callie now. The woman got back and the small girl took a sip of the juice and then said: "Doctor"

"You can call me Callie sweetheart" Torres said.

"Callie, my head hurts"

"Your head?" Callie said.

"Yeah." Olivia said.

"And how did you hurt your head?" Callie asked, thinking maybe the girl could open up a little.

"I fell" Olivia said.

"You fell?" Callie said pretending she was surprised. "And how did you fall?"

"I was running and I fell" she explained.

"Where were you running to?" Rose asked.

"I don't know" Olivia said. She seemed to be telling the truth.

"Were you running from someone?" Rose asked and the girl's face changed. She looked scared and tried hiding her face on Callie.

"I want Amelia" Olivia cried.

"She'll be here soon" Callie said hugging and rocking the girl, feeling sorry for even bring it up.

"Look Liv. I can help. If you want to maybe you can tell us a bit about your mommy and your daddy and we'll help you" Rose said.

"My mom and dad are in heaven now" Olivia said and that broke Callie's heart.

"What about Sean and Cecilia?" Rose asked.

"I don't like them" Olivia said still crying a little.

"You don't?" Rose asked and the girl shook her head. "Why not?" Rose asked.

"I want Amelia" Olivia cried again.

"I'm here" Amelia said sitting next to them and the girl basically jumped to her. She hugged Olivia and asked what happened but the girl didn't say.

"We were just talking about her foster parents. "Right Liv?" Rose said. Amelia could see on Callie's face the girl said something.

"And what about them?" She asked.

"She doesn't like them" Callie said with a sad and worried face.

"She doesn't?" Amelia said pretending she was surprised. "Why not?" She asked Olivia but the girl just stared at her, her face wet and sticky from crying.

"You can tell me honey" Amelia said.

"They're bad" Olivia said. "They don't like me" she said.

"Of course they like you sweetie" Rose said as if what Olivia said was nothing.

"No they don't. They don't" Olivia began sobbing now.

"I think that's enough for now" Amelia said not wanting to upset the girl anymore and Rose nodded.

"It's okay Livy. It's alright" Amelia said rocking the girl. "Here" she said handing over the pacifier and the blanket to the child. She kept hugging Olivia, who soon fell asleep.

"So?" Callie asked Rose.

"I need to see her with them. I think that's the best option here." Rose said. "She clearly believes they don't like her and there a reason for that. She seems very afraid of them. So I think it's best if we see how they'll interact tomorrow and I can talk to the sister" she said.

"Okay" Amelia said staring at the sleeping child.

"As far as I can tell, from their files everything checks out and it's great" Rose said.

"That's good right?" Callie asked.

"Sometimes" Rose said.

There was a moment of silence.

"Well I need to lay down." Amelia said. "I'm not used to lifting weight" she smiled and they left. She got up and went back to the room. Callie followed her wheeling the IV.



Olivia slept for a long time. She had the shots 3 times and luckily didn't wake up once. Amelia watched tv and only left Olivia's side to go get dinner at the cafeteria but she made Dr. Edwards stay with the girl, who luckily stayed asleep.

It was a little over 1 am when Owen stopped by for rounds and found Amelia asleep in the couch.

"Wait outside please" he told the other doctors at the door and they all left.

"Amelia?" Owen said kneeing down next to her and she woke up.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "Don't you work at 7?"

"I called already. I'm off tomorrow" she said sitting up.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I'm not leaving her alone" she said.

"Amelia, she's not alone. We have people here to do that. I got Gloria to come stay with her." Owen said.

"Yeah. And I told her she could go home" Amelia said. The woman had stopped by not long before that.

"You can't let her get attached to you. She's just 4. She doesn't understand. Are you out of your mind?" He said.

"I might be. But I don't care. I'm not going anywhere until I know she's safe" Amelia said. Owen walked out. He knew that would be trouble.

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