Chapter 49: At The Movies

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"So what are we watching?" Amelia asked Owen as he parked the car.
"Pan" he said
"Peter pan?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah. It's a new Peter Pan movie. I thought she might like it" he said
"Oli. Do you like Peter Pan honey?" Amelia asked the girl.
"I don't know any Peter" Olivia answered sleepy from the backseat and they laughed.
"It's a movie baby. Peter Pan" Amelia said.
"I don't know that one" the little girl said taking her blanket to her face. She looked tired.
"I don't know if she'll make it through the film" Owen said looking at her through the mirror.
Amelia looked back at Olivia and the kid did look sleepy.
They parked the car and headed out.
"Come here" Owen said and picked Olivia up. She rested her head on his shoulder and they walked inside.
"Look at that Olivia" Amelia said excited pointing to a big Disney Princesses poster. The little girl looked at it and smiled.
"Do you want to take a picture there?" Owen asked.
"Yeah" the little girl said so he took her there. He placed her down on the floor in front of the poster.
"You stay mommy" Olivia said and Amelia picked the girl up and Owen took the picture.
"Do you want to see?" Amelia asked the girl.
"Yeah" Olivia said and Owen handed her the phone. Amelia smiled at the first picture of her and her daughter.
"Can we take one too?" Olivia asked Owen.
"You want to take one with me?" Owen asked the child who nodded yes. "Alright" he said and picked her up.
Amelia took the shot and showed it to them.
"Should we go buy the tickets then?" Amelia asked.
"Sure" Owen said and they went to buy it. Then they went to get popcorn.
"Do you want Coke or juice?" Amelia asked Olivia.
"I can have Coke?" The girl asked in disbelief.
"Yes. Remember I said we could get soda here?" Amelia said.
"Then I want Coke yes! Coke!" Olivia said excited.
"Alright. Coke and popcorn?" Owen asked.
"Yes" Olivia said excited.
Amelia ordered a large popcorn, two medium cokes and a small one for Olie.
"All ready?" Amelia asked smiling at the girl who nodded yes so they went in.

Inside the movie theater Olivia sat between them and held the popcorn bowl. The movie went great even though at some parts Olivia closed her eyes and held Amelia's arm really tight because it was a little scary. Amelia always managed to calm her down and she would be just fine.
"So did you like it?" Owen asked Olivia as they walked out to the car. The girl was being held by his right arm and he had his left one around Amelia.
"Not so much" Olivia said.
"Was it scary?" Amelia asked.
"A little bit" the little girl said.
"I think you should pick next time Amy" Owen said and Amelia laughed.
When they got back home it was almost 9 and Olivia had fallen asleep and Amelia was really tired.
Owen looked at the sleeping girl in the backseat and went to get out of the car and Amelia said "you don't have too"
"You're almost asleep too" he told her and got out. He took Olivia to her bedroom.
"Can you do her shot for me? I need to go to the bathroom" Amelia said and Owen said "sure"
He got everything and gave Olivia the shot and she stayed fast asleep. She didn't even move. So Owen took her boot out and tucked her in.
"Do you want to stay?" Amelia asked him from the door.
"Are you sure?" He asked looking at Olivia.
"Yes" Amelia said.
"Okay" he said and they walked to her bedroom.
They got close to the bed and started to make out.
"Wait wait" Amelia said and locked the door. "Just in case... You know... There are kids here" she said and they laughed and started to make out on the bed.
When Amelia woke up the next morning she didn't have any clothes on and she was laying her head on Owen's chest. She woke up with someone knocking on the door.
"Oh no who is that?" Amelia mumbled sitting up on the bed holding the covers on her chest.
Suddenly Owen woke up.
"Aunt Amy! Olie is asking for you" Zola yelled out from the other side of the door.
"I'll be right out" Amelia said jumping off the bed fast and getting her clothes from the floor.
"What's wrong?" Owen asked worried since the woman was hurrying.
"Olivia is asking for me. What time is it?" She said.
Owen looked at his phone on the nightstand "8:45" he said.
She finished getting dressed and went for the door.
"Wait!" Owen said making a face of 'hey I'm naked too'
"Hurry up" Amelia said and he started getting dressed.
"Amelia she's fine" he said putting his shirt on.
"Are you done?" She asked him.
"Yes" he said and grabbed her by the hip and kissed her.
"I love you" he said when their lips parted.
Amelia smiled.
"Let's go" she said and opened the door laughing at him.
"Owen?" Olivia said surprised he was still there. Zola was carrying the girl in front of the door.
"Hi" Owen said embarrassed. Suddenly Lynn appeared in the hallway.
"Good morning" the nanny said holding a smile.
"Hi" Amelia said embarrassed.
"Mommy?" Olivia said.
"Yes?" Amelia said looking at the girl again.
"Good morning" Olivia smiled.
"Good morning bunny" Amelia said smiling.
"She just woke up and was asking for you" Zola said putting Olivia down on the floor. "You're heavy" she told the girl.
"Thank you for bringing her Zola" Amelia said.
"Olivia how about if I help you shower while your mommy showers too? So when you're done you guys can have breakfast together huh?" Lynn said walking to the girl.
"Okay" Olivia said and the nanny picked her up.
"Are you staying for breakfast Owen?" The little girl asked.
"Um... Sure" he said smiling at Amelia, who smiled back still slightly embarrassed.
Lynn took the girl to the bathroom and Amelia headed to the other one. She showered quick and while she got dressed Owen showered too.
Lynn helped Olivia get dressed and put a short and a t-shirt on her so she could be comfy and play around all day. Then she took the kids downstairs to the playroom.
"Stay here playing and I'll be right back" she said and walked upstairs.
"Make sure you change your sheets if Olivia will sleep there" Lynn told Amelia as they walked pass each other in the hallway. Amelia blushed immediately. Owen laughed.
"I will" Amelia said and they walked downstairs.
Amelia ran to her girl and picked her up.
"Shot and then breakfast?" Amelia asked the girl.
"But I just woke up" Olivia said sounding sad.
"You slept in today" Amelia said.
"Okay then" Olivia said and rested her head on her mother's shoulder.
Amelia took the girl to the living room and Owen sat with her on the couch. They did it and no tears or trying to run away. She was getting braver and braver every day. Then they went to the kitchen to have breakfast.
"Can we go to the movies again today?" Olivia asked smiling.
"Oh not today honey." Amelia said.
"But we promise that we'll take you soon. Okay?" Owen said.
"Okay" Olivia smiled. "But no scary movies" she added serious.
"No scary ones" Owen said.
The rest of the day went fine. They watched tv while the kids played and around 11 Owen went home.
"I wanna see you soon" Olivia said when Owen hugged her goodbye.
"You will love. I promise" he said and kissed her forehead.
"Bye" he said.
"Bye" Olivia said and went back to play Candyland with Zola.
Amelia walked with him to the door.
"I really liked this" Owen said.
"This what?" Amelia asked confused.
"This. Waking up to this" he said. Amelia blushed a little.
"I liked it too" she said and they kissed.

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