Chapter 35: Check-Ups

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Friday came by really fast.

Amelia was scared about the meeting and also about Olivia's check-up. The girl had to do X-rays, a blood test, and also get her kindergarten shots, which Amy knew could turn out to be chaotic.
The check-up was at 8 so she woke Olivia up at 7:30 because she couldn't eat anything till her blood test. She got a jacket for the girl and headed out, taking Olivia in comfy pajamas to the hospital since she was very sleepy.
Olivia fell back asleep on the drive to the hospital holding her blanket and with her pacifier. Once they got there Amelia carried sleeping Liv inside.
"Hi" Alex said approaching them. "How is she?" He asked.
"She's doing good" Amelia said.
"Let's do the blood test first and then she can have breakfast and we'll do the rest" Alex said.
Amelia entered and sat on the chair, Olivia woke up.
"Hi" Alex said.
When the girl saw she was already in the hospital she hugged Amelia tight.
"It's okay honey. It's just a little blood test" Amelia told the girl.
"No" Olivia said. She wasn't crying but she was scared.
"It's just like the one I did, remember?" She said.
"It won't hurt. I promise" Alex said. Olivia sat up straight and she was very brave and let Alex do it just fine. She did say Au a couple times and rested her head on Amelia threatening to cry but she didn't.
Once done, Alex checked her fever, her bruises and everything else. When he was over he said Callie would take the girl for X-rays but before that she could have breakfast and she asked for cereal at the cafeteria, so Amelia took her.
At the cafeteria Amelia got Cheerios for the girl and sat down with her.
"Hi Olivia" Dr Stephanie Edwards said when she spot the girl.
"Hi" Olivia shyly said.
"How are you doing?" Dr Edwards asked.
"Good" Olivia said.
"Edwards!" A doctor called and Edwards smiled at the girl and ran away. She was working and busy. Amelia and Olivia laughed.
Olivia ate and then Amelia picked her up and went back to the peds floor to look for Alex.
"Amelia?" Callie asked as she spotted Amelia in the hallway. Olivia was hiding her face on Amelia's hair when Amy turned to see Callie.
"Hi" Amelia said.
"Alex just headed to surgery" Callie said. "Arizona will take over" she added. "She's waiting for us"
"Okay" Amelia said.
"Is she asleep?" Callie asked since Olivia didn't move to look at her.
"Oli." Amelia said trying to get the girl away from her neck but Olivia held her tight. She knew the girl was awake.
"Oh I see... She's shy again" Callie said and went to face Amelia's back. She lifted Amelia's hair and was able to see Olivia's face. "Hi" she said and the little girl smiled, Callie laughed.
"Let's go?" Amelia asked smiling and they walked there.
When they got to the X-ray room Callie went to get the girl.
"Remember this Livy?" Callie asked the child. "Is just a picture like last time okay?" She said putting her hand on the girl's side to pick her up. Olivia held Amelia tight. "It's okay munchkin. It won't hurt" Callie said but nothing.
"Amelia will wait right outside with me. She won't go anywhere" Arizona said and Olivia let go.
"There you go" Callie said smiling laying the girl down.
They did X-rays of her chest and she did great. Amelia waited outside and as soon as it was done Callie took Olivia back.
"She did super good" Callie said smiling handing the girl to Amelia.
"Let's go get your stitches out?" Arizona asked.
"Is that gonna hurt?" Olivia said almost crying.
"No. No honey. It just tickles a little" Callie said.
"Tickles?" Olivia said and Amelia said "yeah. It won't hurt"
"Can we go do that?" Callie asked smiling at Olivia.
"Okay" the girl said and rested her face on Amelia's shoulder and put her blanket on her face.

They went in and Amelia sat Olivia on the exam table but the girl wouldn't let go of her.
"Lay down. I'm going to be right here baby" Amelia said.
"No" Olivia started to cry. She was scared.
"Oh baby don't cry. It's won't hurt" Amelia said trying to wipe Olivia face but the girl kept trying to hid it on Amelia.
"Why don't you sit down here Amy and she can hug you and we can do her back first and when she sees it doesn't hurt she'll lay down and we'll do her tummy" Arizona said. "How about that? Is that okay?" She asked Olivia and the girl nodded.
Amelia sat on a chair and placed Olivia on her lap hugging her. She pulled the girl's shirt up and for Arizona's surprise her back only had one tiny purple spot. It had been healing perfectly.
"This looks very good Livy" Arizona said sitting on a chair in front of Amelia. She took the bandage off and said "it's perfect" when she saw the two perfect little lines.
"Alright. So Livy it's just gonna feel a little funny okay? I won't hurt" she said and Olivia hugged Amelia tighter. The kid was holding her tears, she was really scared it would hurt.
Arizona started and Olivia just flinched a couple times. She was done super fast. Arizona put a new bandage on and that was it.
"You did so good" Callie told the girl.
"Let's lay down now?" Amelia said standing up with Olivia in her arms.
"No. I wanna stay with you" the girl said tightening her hug.
"I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere" Amelia said sitting Olivia down. "Lay down baby. I'm right here" she said and Olivia laid down. Amelia pulled the girl's shirt up to show her stomach and kept running her thumb on the girl's cheek.
"It's gonna hurt" Olivia said looking at her tummy and almost crying.
"Look at me. Don't look over there. It won't hurt. Your back didn't hurt" Amelia said.
"But my tummy hurts already" Olivia said, letting her pacifier fall from her mouth, crying a little and scratching her eyes with the back of her hand.
"Well be very careful so it won't hurt okay?" Callie told the girl.
"Amy" Olivia cried opening her arms so Amelia would hug her. The woman did just that and said "you're gonna be okay. I'm right here". Amelia got the pacifier and put it on the girl's mouth. "I'm right here baby" she said kissing the girl's forehead.
Arizona started and Olivia silently cried through the entire thing. It didn't hurt but she was really nervous and scared so she was unable to hold her tears in. The three women kept telling her how good she was doing and that it was almost over.
"All done. Now just a little cream okay and a bandage, alright?" Callie said.
Olivia kept hugging Amelia till they were done and then Amelia picked the girl up and rocked her a little so she would stop crying.

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