Chapter 27: Out

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The next day went out fine. No major things happened. Amelia talked to Olivia about Zola's room and the girl said she wanted to share. So she talked to Meredith and they agreed on a bunk bed. Owen stopped by before heading home and she talked to him about it and he went to the store with Meredith to buy one and then they set it up. Zola wanted the top one, which everyone was perfectly fine with.

While they did that, at the hospital Susan stopped by alone and played uno and watched a movie with Olivia, again not mentioning her parents or what happened. She said she was excited about going to England the next day but was sad she wouldn't see Olivia so often. They said their goodbyes and Amelia promised to let Olivia call her and FaceTime.
Callie also stopped by to see Olivia and was impressed at how much better she looked. The bruise on her face was slightly greenish now, which was good. She was physically healing just fine. Callie took the girl for a walk around the hospital while Amelia met Owen to talk about the room.
He showed her some pictures he took and she was sure Olivia would love it. They went to an on call room and started making out.
After that Amelia just hang out with Olivia. If the girl wasn't sleeping she was drawing or watching tv so it was an easy day.
At night Owen asked if he could stay over and Amelia said of course.
Alex checked Olivia and told them she would be discharged the next day if all her exams came back fine. Amelia explained to Olivia she would do some tests the next day to see if she could go home and the girl was excited but a little scared too. Owen promised she would be okay.
He held Olivia on his lap when Amelia gave the girl her shot on her leg and she did cry a little but soon stopped as Owen picked her up and walked around the room running his hand on her back. She fell asleep in his arms. He placed her on the bed and she slept the entire night.
Amelia and Owen laid together on the couch and they were so tired that they slept really fast too.

The next morning, at 7:45, Owen woke up and just stayed there not wanting to wake Amelia but she woke up shortly after he did. So he went to get them breakfast and Amelia went and took a quick shower. Meredith had brought some clothes for her so she could get out of the scrubs.
Owen got back with waffles and some fruit for them and for Olivia. They ate and when they were almost done Alex Karev walked in.
"Hey. Good morning you two" Karev said smiling at the couple.
"Good morning" Amelia said trying not to look too embarrassed.
"Well, we need a blood test, an urine sample, a chest X-Ray, and I'm ordering a head ct just for precaution" Alex said.
"Okay" Amelia said.
"If everything comes back fine She's heading home today and she'll need anti-tetanus shot, anti-inflammatory and a flu shot" he said.
"Oh Lord" Amelia said.
"She'll be fine" Alex said.
"the fact two out of three will go on her bum... Believe me she won't be fine" Amelia said.
"Did she eat anything yet?" Alex asked.
"No" Amelia said.
"Good. So we can do the blood test and the urine sample as soon as she wakes up.
"We were going to wake her up right now. Before its time for her shot." Owen said.
"Alright" Alex said. "I'll get everything." He said and left.
Amelia went to the bed and stroked Olivia's hair.
"Hey. Let's wake up" she said sweetly. "Olivia" she sang and the girl opened her eyes. "Hi" Amelia said smiling.
"Morning" Olivia whispered and he pacifier fell out on the bed.
"Owen's here" Amelia said.
"Your boyfriend?" Olivia smiled and Amelia laughed.
"Yeah" Amelia said.
"Hi" Owen said coming to the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked the child.
"Fine" Olivia said. In fact she did look better.
"Well baby, look. Remember the exams I told you would have to do today?" Amelia said and Olivia nodded looking a little scared.
"We talked to Alex and he said that if it comes back okay you can go home. So you gotta be brave okay? And do everything so we can go home" Amelia said.
Olivia was really scared. She didn't know exactly what exams Amelia was talking about. She was scared it was going to hurt or make her feel more pain after.
"It's okay to be scared Liv. We'll be right here with you" Amelia said and Alex got back.
"Good morning miss Olivia" Alex said and the girl stayed quiet.
"He'll do a blood test first okay?" Amelia said.
"Is that going to hurt me?" Olivia asked on the verge of tears.
"No. It's just like the one I did remember?" Amelia said and Olivia nodded yes.
"Alright so which arm kid?" Alex asked the girl and she lifted her left arm. Amelia gave Olivia her pacifier back. Alex went to the left side of the bed and did it. Olivia just said Au when she needle went in and held Amelia's hand tight. Every time she would make the smallest sound of pain Amelia would start saying she was okay and fine, and she would calm down.
Once done Amelia explained to her that she would have to pee on a cup. She had never done that. Amelia took her to the bathroom and after trying for a while she finally did it. Then Amelia put another diaper on the girl just for precaution.
"Alright. So she can have breakfast now and later we'll do the rest" Alex said and left.
Owen sat Olivia's bed and Amelia took Olivia there. He got her table and the girl ate breakfast.
At 9, Amelia gave her shot on the belly and she only cried a little. Luckily it didn't hurt much that time so only a couple tears escaped but she was fine.
Later she was taken for the chest X-ray and the head ct. She was fine with both but she was a little tense since Amelia couldn't go in with her. But she trusted Alex too so she was okay.
After all the exams were done Alex took her back to the room and said he would be back with results as soon as he had them and he left.
"A movie now?" Amelia asked and the girl nodded yes.
Olivia watched tv with Amelia and Owen till Alex got back.
"So?" Amelia asked Alex as soon as he walked thru the door. Olivia hid fast her pacifier embarrassed.
"She's good to go" Karev said smiling.
"We're going to your house?" Olivia asked excited.
"Yeah. Our house" Amelia laughed with tears in her eyes. It was over. She could finally take her daughter home.
They were all smiling excited and then Alex said.
"She can change and you can all get ready to go and I'll stop by for the .." He said and Amelia remembered. The shots.
"Alright. So let's change Livy?" Amelia asked the girl who nodded yes excited. Amelia went to the suitcase to get clothes for Olivia and Owen said.
"I actually got her something. Well Meredith helped but I think she'll like to wear it today" Owen said and grabbed a bag on the floor beside the couch and handed to Olivia.
"For me?" Olivia asked and Owen nodded. The girl opened the box and it was a purple dress with white bunnies and flowers on it.
"Bunny" Olivia said happily.
"It's to match your cast, see?" Owen said. "And you love bunnies so" he smiled.
"Thank you" Olivia said and went to hug him. Before she did that he picked her up.
"You deserve it princess" he said kissing her cheek.
"Thank you" Amelia mouthed to him and he just smiled at her.
"So let's put it on?" Amelia said getting the dress on the bed.
"Yeah" Olivia said. Owen took the girl to the bathroom and Amelia followed with the dress.
"I'll get your shoes" he told Olivia and walked out of the bathroom. Amelia helped the girl put it on then she combed Olivia's hair.
"Do you know how to braid?" Olivia asked.
"Yeah. Do you want a braid?" Amelia asked smiling and Olivia nodded.
"Two braids" Olivia said.
"Alright" Amelia said. She got hair ties from a cabinet in the bathroom and did two French braids on the girl.
"Come here so I can show you" Amelia said and picked Olivia up so she could reach the mirror.
"Wow it's good" the little girl said excited with a big smile. Olivia loved braids but no one ever did one on her. Susan always woke up late for school and Cecilia would barely even comb her hair. Susan was the one that always made pony tails on her but they usually made her head hurt so she didn't really like them.
"I have no clue what shoes she wants" Owen said stopping at the door with pink rain boots in one hand and sandals on the other.
"Boots" Olivia said smiling.
He handed the left boot to her.
"Where's the other one?" Olivia asked confused.
"Oh Liv. You can't take this off" Amelia said touching the cast.
"Am I gonna wear a different boot on the other side?" Olivia asked still a bit confused.
"I can buy you purple ones tomorrow huh?" Amelia said. "Would you like that?" She asked and Olivia nodded. "Alright let's put this on then" Amelia said and helped her put the boot on.
"All done?" Amelia asked.
"I'm cold" Olivia said.
"We'll get you a jacket. Come on" Amelia said and picked the girl up again.
She couldn't walk right yet because of her belly and ribs, it still had stitches and hurt so she couldn't use crutches.
"Wow Olivia you look so pretty" Owen told the girl when he saw her. "And I loved the pink boot" he smiled.
"Thank you" Olivia said.
Suddenly Alex walked in followed by Dr. Stephanie Edwards. He just looked at them and they knew.
"Alright so how about we take this IV off?" Alex asked Olivia who stayed quiet. Amelia sat on the chair and placed Olivia on her lap.
"What a beautiful dress Olivia!" Stephanie said but Olivia didn't say anything. She just looked scared.
"It's not going to hurt" Owen said.
Alex took it off fast and Olivia just said Au. He placed a hello kitty band-aid on it and said "I'll be right back" and walked out.
Amelia and Owen knew he had gone to get the shots.
"Olivia before we go home we need to make sure that you won't get sick when we're there" Amelia said and Olivia just sat there listening. "Alex is gonna have to give you some shots okay?" Amelia said.
Olivia didn't even say anything she just started crying.
Amelia hugged her and kept repeating she would be okay.
Alex walked back in.
"I'll do it really fast. I promise" Alex told the girl who just cried more when she saw he was there.
"Do you want to put her on the bed?" Alex asked.
"No!" Olivia screamed out crying and held Amelia tight. The kid was terrified.
"How about I hold you?" Owen asked putting his hand on Olivia's back. "Can I hold you?" He asked. "You can hold Amelia's hand" he said and Olivia let go of Amelia. He picked the crying girl up and sat on the couch. Amelia sat next to him and held Olivia's hand.
"Just a little shot on your arm now. It's okay. Calm down" Owen said and the girl calmed a bit down.
Alex did it and she just said Au.
"See? It didn't hurt?" Stephanie said putting a band-aid on Olivia's arm.
"Hold her tight and I'll do it fast" Alex mouthed and Owen nodded.
Owen wrapped his legs around Olivia's legs and the girl just knew what was about to happen. She started crying and screaming no, as Owen turned her around.
He held her tight but careful not to hurt her and Alex gave her the shots. She cried a lot with both of them. She sobbed and screamed. Once done Owen stood up with Olivia on his arms and started walking around rocking her as she rested her head on his shoulder and cried. Those shots did in fact hurt and they all knew that.
"It's all done" he kept saying. "You're going home now" he said.
Amelia gave the girl her blanket and her pacifier, thanked Alex and signed the papers.

Dr. Edwards helped her by pulling Olivia's bag and carrying her doll. Amelia put a jeans jacket on the child and they headed out.
When they got to Amelia's car they put the things on the trunk and Owen offered to drive them home.
"Thanks" Amelia said.
"Amy" Olivia said still crying and Amelia picked her up from Owen's arms.
"I have another surprise" Owen said opening the back door revealing a pink car seat.
"Is that too pink?" He asked them.
"No. That's perfect" Amelia said. "Isn't it Oli?" She asked Olivia and the girl just nodded yes still crying.
"Oh bunny. It's going to stop soon. It's okay" Amelia said running her hand on Olivia's back. "Let's go home" she said and put Olivia on the car seat. She buckled the girl up and sat next to her.
"Thank you dr Edwards" Amelia said smiling at Stephanie.
"See you sometime Liv" Stephanie said smiling and waving at the child.
"Bye" Olivia whispered. Amelia kissed her cheek and Owen got inside and drove.

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