Chapter 17: Okay

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...Suddenly Meryl walked out of the room in panic.

"Doctor! Help! She's choking I think. There's something wrong" Meryl said in panic.

Alex was the first one to run through the door and was followed by Amelia, Meredith, Callie, Richard and Rose.

"What's going on?" Susan asked desperately crying and just standing in the corner scared.

Alex ran to check the girl and breathed out relived.

"There's nothing wrong. She just doesn't need this tube anymore" Alex said smiling getting ready to take the tube out and all the doctors could also breathe again.

"So she's okay?" Meryl asked.

"She's more than okay." Callie said with a huge smile on her face.

"This is good. This is very good" Alex said smiling and looking at Amelia.

"We should go now Susan. I don't know if my heart can um.." Meryl said smiling. She got so scared the girl would die and her granddaughter would watch. "She's gonna be okay" she added and Susan nodded yes.

"Can I come back tomorrow Doctor Shepherd?" Susan asked Amelia.

"Of course" Amelia said serious. She was still in shook.

"So let's go honey" Meryl said walking to the door.

"Wait!" Susan said. "Do you think she can hear me now?" She asked Alex.

"We can't be sure" Alex said.

Susan walked closer to the bed and said "I love you Olie and I always will.", smiled and walked to her grandmother.

"Susan" Amelia said. She knew the teen really loved Olivia.

"Yes?" Susan stood in front of her waiting for her to talk.

"I'm fostering her" Amelia said.

Susan jumped and hugged Amelia.

No one knew what to do or say. They just stood there smiling.

"Thank you" Susan said letting go of the hug and finally breaking everyone's silence. "I was so scared for her" She said. "I begged grandma to do something" she said and Amelia smiled.

"You promise me you'll take good care of her, right?" Susan said.

"Never doubt that" Amelia smiled at the teen.

"She loves you already" Susan said smiling and Amelia gave her a small smile.

"Well, we gotta go now Susie" Meryl said.

"Okay" Susan agreed with her grandmother. "Goodbye and thank you again" Susan said and they left.

"Aww that was cute" Callie said.

"She's gonna be okay." Amelia said, with such confident, waking to the bed and touching Olivia's feet. "You'll be okay, Livy" she told the girl.

"I think we should um..." Richard said signing Amelia so everyone could understand they should leave both alone.

Everyone walked out.


Amelia got close to Olivia's face.

"Liv. It's me Amelia. Um Doctor Shepherd" she said suddenly feeling stupid for doing that. "Im a neurosurgeon" she let out a breathy little laugh. "...and I know you probably can't hear me but um... I just want you to know that I'm here" she said. "I'm here and I'll be right here when you wake up. And I'll take you home with me. Okay? I'd love to be your mom if you want me to" Amelia said. "But you gotta wake up, alright? You gotta fight, pumpkin. You gotta fight and wake up okay?" Amelia said. She wiped a couple years that fell and placed a kiss on the little girl's forehead.

"I love you" she whispered in Olivia's ear. And took her place on the chair next to the bed, and kept holding Olivia's hand.




Amelia had been sitting next to Olivia's bed and watching tv when Owen walked in around 4:14pm.

"Hi. I just heard the news" He said. "She's breathing on her own" he smiled, really happy.

"Yeah" Amelia said smiling.

"And you got it" Owen said. "She's your kid now. You have a kid" he laughed.

"I do" Amelia said. Owen walked to her and she stood up.

He hugged her.

"You're gonna be an amazing mom" he said.

"Thank you" she said and they kissed.

"And what about us?" Owen asked getting out of their embrace. "This doesn't change anything, right?" He said.

"Not for me, no. Does it change for you?" She was a bit scared of what he would say.

"Just that we might have a couple dates at the park" he smiled and she smiled back. They kissed again.

"Are you going home now?" Amelia asked when they let go of each other's lips.

"Yeah. Do you want me to stay?" Owen asked.

"No. It's okay." Amelia said.

"Its not a problem. I'd like that" Owen said thinking she just didn't want to bother him.

"I know it's just... A guy hurt her. And we don't know how she's gonna be like when she wakes up." Amelia said. "She'll be scared Owen and I don't want to make it worse because a man is here. You know?" she said.

"Of course" Owen said. "But keep me updated, okay?" He said.

"I will" Amelia said.

"And if you need anything just call" Owen said and Amelia nodded.

"Bye" Owen said.

"Bye" Amelia said and he left.

Amelia went to the bathroom really quick and when she got back Callie was sitting on the couch. And she wasn't wearing scrubs.

"Heading home?" Amelia asked her.

"No. I was wondering if I could stay" Callie said. "Here."

"Of course" Amelia said.

"I just thought both of us could use some sleep so ... Maybe we can take turns in case she wakes up" Callie said.

"Yeah" Amelia smiled and took her place on the chair.

They stayed there watching tv. Callie showered and then Amelia did. Callie went out to grab dinner for them and they sat and started watching tv again while eating.

After they were done, Amelia asked if Callie wanted to watch a movie.

It was almost 10 p.m. when Callie was sitting on the couch almost asleep and Amelia was on her spot next to the bed holding Olivia's hand when she felt something moving under her hand.

Amelia froze.

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