Chapter 43: First Day Of School

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Amelia woke up with the alarm clock. She got Olivia's school uniform, took to her bedroom and woke the girl.
"Oli. Wake up" she said. "Wake up sleeping beauty. Time for school" she said and the girl moved a little then opened her eyes. "Good morning" Amelia said.
"Morning" Olivia said yawning.
Amelia kissed her nose and said "let's get ready" and picked the girl up.
Amelia helped the girl shower, get dressed and then did her hair.
"Con you do my braids mommy?" Olivia asked. The girl sounded excited.
"Sure" Amelia said and did the two French braids which she already knew was her daughter's favorite hairdo.

"You look so pretty Oli" Amelia said excited staring at the little girl, who looked adorable on her white shirt, grey dress and purple boot.
Amelia put Olivia on the bed and went to get dressed. Olivia put her pacifier back on her mouth and played for a while with her little stitch.
"Let's go have breakfast?" Amelia asked the kid coming out of the closet trying her hair in a ponytail.
"Yeah" Olivia said and Amelia picked her up.
"Why this? We'll eat now honey" Amelia said touching the pacifier. Olivia hid her face on her mother's neck.
"Alright. Let's go" Amelia said knowing the kid was nervous and maybe that would help.
"You have a uniform?" Zola said as Amelia placed Olivia down at the stool on the island to have breakfast.
"Yeah" Olivia said.
"Why does she need uniform mom?" Zola asked Meredith. "I don't use uniform"
"She's going to another school honey" Meredith said. "Now eat you cereal" she added.
The kids ate breakfast and then Amelia got Olivia's coat and headed off.
The car ride to the school was fine. Olivia was almost falling asleep but Amelia kept telling her to stay awake and to look at something outside so she wouldn't sleep.
When they got to the school the kid was still very sleepy.
"Are you ready pumpkin?" Amelia said getting Olivia out of the car. The little girl hid her face on Amelia's neck and didn't say a word.
Amelia headed to the school's entrance and saw Miss Jay. The teacher smiled at her and walked to greet them.
"Look who's here" Amelia said and Olivia looked at the teacher and touched the side of her face on Amelia's.
"Hey Miss Olivia." Miss Jay said.
"Say hi" Amy said tickling the girl but Olivia hid her face again and started crying and her pacifier fell on the floor.
"Oh Oli. It's okay." Miss Jay said.
"You were so excited to come baby" Amelia said.
"I wanna stay with you mommy" the girl cried.
"Your mom is going to be here at the school Olivia" Miss Jay said going down to pick the girl's pacifier and handing it to Amelia, who held it with her finger.
"I'll see you soon for your medicine baby" Amelia told the girl who just kept crying.
Suddenly the bell rang.
"Olivia look." Amelia said putting Olivia down on the floor and the girl looked at her. "You were so excited to come. What happened?" Amelia said.
"I don't want to anymore" Olivia cried.
"Look I promise I'm not leaving the school okay? We'll do just like the other day. I'll go talk to Mister Heely and you play with Miss Jay for a while. Huh?" Amelia said.
"I don't want you to leave me mommy. You can't" Olivia cried.
Amelia then realized the girl was scared she wouldn't be back to get her.
"I'm not leaving Oli. I promise you I'm not leaving. I'll be back to take you home, okay?" Amelia said and Olivia was calming a bit down. "And I'll see you for you medicine in just a little while" she added and hugged the girl.
"We have to go to class now. Can I take you?" Miss Jay asked and Olivia kept hugging Amelia.
"Can you go with Miss Jay? I'll see you soon. I promise" Amelia said and Olivia let go of the hug and nodded yes.
Miss Jay picked her up and she laid her head on the woman's shoulder.
"I'll see you soon" Amelia said handing the girl's bag to the teacher.
And then Miss Jay took Olivia inside.
Amelia took Olivia's crutches to her classroom, without letting the girl see her, and then went to talk to the nurse and explained to the woman everything about Olivia's condition. She also said the girl could only get the injections on her belly or leg. After talking to the nurse she went to the principal's office hall and just waited there till it was 9.
Olivia was excited and relieved to see Amelia at her classroom door to get her. She liked her classmates and loved doing the work Miss Jay gave her but she was a little upset because she wanted Amelia.
"Come on Miss Olivia." Miss Jay said smiling and Olivia got out of her seat and slowly walked to the door using her crutches. She was still getting the hang of it but it wasn't hurting too bad anymore, just a little bit sometimes.
"Hi" Amelia smiled and the little girl smiled at her.
"Let me get that" Amelia said getting the crutches and picking Olivia up. "Are you alright?" She asked.
"Uhum" Olivia said sounding a little down.
"Alright. Let's go" Amelia said.
"See you soon Olivia" miss Jay said and Amelia walked to go see the nurse.
"Hi. You must be Olivia" the nurse, Jenn , said smiling at the little girl. The nurse had pretty long dark hair and looked around Amelia's age.
"Hi" Olivia said.
"Can we do it on your tummy today?" Nurse Jenn asked and Olivia nodded. "Alright then. Mom can you sit her here for me?" She said tapping the exam table and Amelia took Olivia there.
"Can you lay down now Olivia?" Jenn asked and Olivia laid down. "Alright. We'll do it quick, okay?" Jenn said and Oli nodded.
The nurse pulled Olivia's dress up and the little girl called for mommy.
"You're okay Oli" the nurse said before Amelia could say anything and Amy just held the girl's hand.
The nurse did it and Olivia started crying a little. She put a Band-Aid on the girl and pulled Oli's dress down and Olivia sat up and opened her arms to Amelia. But before Amy could pick her up Jenn did.
"It's all done. You did such a good job Olivia" Jenn said walking around the room with the girl who rested her head on the nurse's shoulder. The nurse did that till she calmed down.
"I want mommy" Olivia said. She had stopped crying so the nurse gave her to Amelia.
"Let's go back to class?" Amelia said.
"No" Olivia said hugging Amelia tighter.
"You were having fun honey. What happened?" Amelia said. "You know I'll be back just like now"
"I don't wanna" Olivia started crying again.
"Oh Oli" Amelia said.
"Hey why don't you take her home today and tomorrow she can try to stay a little longer?" Nurse Jenn suggested.
"Could I do that?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah. I did it with my kids. They hated school at first but it worked. Look It's 9 now so tomorrow she can maybe stay till 10:30 and you can come later as the days go. It will give her time to adjust"
"That's actually a good idea" Amelia said. "Isn't it Oli?" She asked the kid.
"I want to go home now" Olivia said. She wasn't crying anymore but she sounded upset.
"Okay" Amelia said.
"But I'll see you tomorrow, right Olivia?" Nurse Jenn said but Olivia didn't answer so Amelia turned around so the girl could look at the nurse.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Jenn asked smiling begging for a yes.
"Yes" Olivia said sounding sad and hid her face.
"Okay" the nurse said smiling.
"Said bye Mrs Jenn" Amelia told Olivia.
"Bye" Olivia said and the left.

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