Chapter 47: Brave Cookie

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The next morning Olivia was excited to call Susan. They talked about how England was and Olivia was thrilled to tell the teen that Amelia adopted her. Susan was very happy for her. She knew that Olivia was truly happy there. They talked for a while till Amelia finished getting dressed and then said their goodbyes and Olivia got ready for school. They had breakfast and headed out.
"You'll come soon right?" Olivia asked Amelia as the woman unbuckled her.
"Yes I will" Amy said and took the girl inside the school.
Olivia was happy to see her friend Hayley. She hugged Amelia and said "see you soon mommy. Love you" and Amelia said "see you soon pumpkin" and the girl walked inside her classroom with her pink crutches. Amelia couldn't help but smile at the way Olivia still couldn't use it properly but she managed to walk.
"Good morning Miss Olivia" Tessa said when the girl walked pass her.
"Good morning" Olivia smiled and went to her seat. Miss jay waved at Amelia, so Amelia smiled and left.
She stopped at the principal's office to give him some papers he needed since Olivia was adopted now and then she went back home.

The day went on great for both mother and daughter.
Amelia just hung out at home, cleaned her bedroom and did some laundry while at school Olivia had fun and all. The only part that sucked was her shot. She got it on her tummy and she cried a little bit. Miss Jay managed to calm her down and soon the kid was playing around again. At lunch time she got a little upset because she missed Amelia but Hayley distracted her. Only when they went back to class that she felt sad again and started crying.

Miss Jay saw the girl was crying and hiding her face shy.
"Hey" Tessa said kneeing down next to Olivia's table. "What's wrong?" She asked and Olivia jumped to her. She picked the girl up and excused herself from the class. She placed Olivia on a bench in the hallway.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" She asked the child.
"I want my mommy" Olivia cried.
"She'll be here soon. It's almost time" Tessa said and hugged the girl.
"Why don't we go back and play a little so the time goes faster huh? Your mom will be here soon" the teacher said wiping the girl's face.
"Okay?" She asked and the little girl nodded yes.
"Let's get you some water" the teacher said and took the girl to a drinking water fountain in the hallway before they went back to class.

The kids played for a while and just like Miss Jay said the time went by fast and Amelia was soon there.
"Mommy!" The girl said when she saw Amelia. Miss Jay was carrying her out.
Amelia walked a bit faster to them as soon as the little girl started crying.
"What happened?" Amelia asked Olivia but she just threw herself to her and cried.
"Oh honey" Amelia said.
"She missed you a lot today" Miss Jay said.
"It's okay baby I'm here" Amelia said "I came like I said I would, didn't I?" She added running her hand on Olivia's back to help her calm down.
"She cried a little bit after lunch but I talked to her and she was playing in no time." Tessa said. "It's a little hard sometimes in the beginning but she's improving. And it's natural for her to miss you" the teacher said.
"I know." Amelia said. "And she knows that too, right Oli? Didn't we talk about it? If you miss me you just have to remember that I'll be back. I adopted you baby. Remember that no one will take you from me now. And I won't leave you here at school forever" Amelia said smiling.
"I know but it was taking so long and I got scared" Olivia said.
"But I'm here huh?" Amelia said. "You have to remember that I'll come"
"I'm sorry" Olivia said resting her head on Amy's shoulder.
"It's okay baby" Amelia said and kissed the girl. "Let's go home?" She asked and Olivia said yes.
"I'll see you tomorrow Oli?" Tessa asked and the girl nodded yes.
"Alright. Bye" the teacher said smiling and the little girl waved at her and they left.
At home Amelia helped the girl shower and then sat with her to help with homework. Not that Olivia actually needed help really, the girl was super smart, but Amelia just thought that was what parents do and she wanted to do it too. They had a lot of fun doing homework together.

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