Chapter 4: Susan Calls

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Owen and Stephanie found Amelia at the playroom getting a toy for Olivia. She let the girl down so she could pick a toy from a big box and the girl chose a little purple bear.

"Nice choice" Owen said and Olivia hugged Amelia's legs scared.

"It's okay. He's my friend" Amelia said picking the girl up who hid her face again.

"We need to talk" Owen said signing in a way of letting her know it couldn't be around the girl.

There was a nurse in the room so Amelia walked to her.

"Gloria?" Amelia said.

"Hi Dr. Shepherd." Gloria said.

"Hi. This is Olivia" Amelia smiled. "I have to talk to dr Hunt really quick so can you keep an eye on her for me?" Amelia asked.

"Of course I can" Gloria said and went to get the girl from Amelia's arms.

"No" Olivia started crying and hugged Amelia tighter.

Amelia put her down on the floor but she wouldn't let go.

"Look. Liv look" Amelia said. "I'll be right back"

"I don't want you to go" Olivia cried. Amelia's heart mealted as she looked at the bottom lip of the child.

"I'll be right outside. I promise okay?" Amelia said. "You can play with my friend Gloria for a little while and I'll be right back" she smiled at the child.

"Come on she'll be back" Gloria said standing out a hand so the girl could take it.

"Look can you hold this for me and make sure it's safe?" Amelia asked putting her 'work tag' on the girl's shirt. "I need this to work here so I'll come back for it I promise" Amelia said.

"Okay" Olivia said taking Gloria's hand.

Amelia smiled and walked out with Owen and Stephanie while Olivia sat on the floor and started playing uno with Gloria.




"So what happened?" Amelia asked Owen.

"Susan called." He said.

"And..?" Edwards asked.

"She said she didn't get the shot this morning" he told them.

"Did they forget or..?" Stephanie asked.

"Her mother told her Olivia started fighting them off and her dad lost his patient and spanked the girl." He said.

"What?" Amelia asked in shock.

"She said Olivia ran and hid under her bed and they tried to get her out but they couldn't so they simply gave up" he said.

"How can such a sweet little girl be stuck with this type of parents?" Edwards asked.

"And how did she fell? Did she really tripped?" Amelia asked curious and worried.

"Susan doesn't know. Her mother said she tripped and fell but she doesn't believe her" Owen said. "She said her parents are not the nicest parents if I knew what she meant"

"Do they hit them and stuff like that?" Dr. Edwards said.

"As far as she told me yes" Owen said and both woman looked angry.

"Do we call social services?" Stephanie asked.

"I already did. They come talk to Olivia first but there's not much we can do." He said.

"I'm gonna go back okay?" Amelia said a bit upset about not being able to do anything and started walking towards the door. She felt like she wanted to kill those people. How could they hurt that little girl?

"Amelia." Owen said and she turned around. "I don't think this will change anything. Them talking to her." He said.

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked a bit confused.

"I told think she'll talk" he said. "Perhaps you could try too" he added and she just nodded and left. She just felt so bad.

She entered the room and the machine started beeping. Olivia sugar was at 66.

"Owen!" Amelia called for him and he walked in as she ran to the girl who was sitting on Gloria's lap with a book, her blanket and the bear in hands looking very sleepy.

Owen grabbed an injection and when Olivia saw she started crying.

"No. No shots. I don't wanna a shot" the little girl cried opening out her arms so Amelia could pick her up.

Amelia put her hand on the girl cheek and said "he'll do it really fast. I promise" she said.

"No no" Liv cried.

"Amy" Owen said. He knew they had to do it fast. "Will you hold her Gloria?" Owen asked and Gloria nodded already tightening her arms around the girl who started screaming and fighting to be let go. Gloria put Olivia's legs between hers and crossed hers. She held the girl's arms and Liv just cried more.

"It okay. It's gonna be okay" Amelia said putting the girls shirt up.

Olivia screamed and cried when Owen gave her the shot. Sometimes it hurts more than others. And sometimes it doesn't hurt at all but that time it did and Olivia just kept crying.

"Come here" Amelia said as soon as Owen put a band-aid on the girl. Amelia picked her up. She put Liv's blanket on her shoulder and held Olivia's head on her shoulder over the blanket and slightly rocked her. "It's okay. It's all done" she said as the girl cried.

"No more" Olivia cried tightening her grip on Amelia's lab coat.

Amelia wished she could promise the child that.

"Let's walk again. Come on" Amelia said and left the room holding the girl with one arms and wheeling the IV with the other.


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