Chapter 16: Foster Mother

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Rose walked in to find Amelia with her eyes closed and her head resting on her hand. That same hand still holding Olivia's.

"Dr. Shepherd?" Rose James said and Amelia jumped awake. She had drifted to sleep a couple minutes before the woman walked in.

"What?" She said as she sat up.

"You wanted to talk to me" Rose said. "And I'm assuming it's about Olivia" she added.

"Yes." Amelia said. "I want to adopt her... I can do that right?" Amelia said unsure of how she should talk to the woman.

"You can. Of course you can." Rose said smiling. "But to be honest I think fostering is a better option here" she said.

"No. I don't want someone to just be able to take her away from me, alright? I want her to be my daughter" Amelia said a bit upset with what Rose said.

"It would be temporary. You can file to be her foster parent. You're a doctor, I'm sure everything will check out and she'll need a foster home. And the thing with filing for adoption right now is that it can take weeks, maybe months, depending on all the legal paper work and everything." Rose said.

"Months?" Amelia said in shook.

"Yes. That's why I'm telling you this. I think it's best if you file to foster. That usually takes 24 hours to a week, you'll probably take her with you from the hospital, and right after you get her you can file for the adoption. She'll be already with you" Rose said.

"But can someone take her away? If I'm just fostering her" Amelia asked.

"I'm not going to lie to Dr Shepherd. They can. But it's very very unlikely they will. Especially after this" Rose said.

"Okay. I'll do that then." Amelia said. "What do I need?" She asked.

Rose explained to her everything she had to do and promised she would try to make things go as fast as possible for them.

By 8:30pm that night Amelia had filed.




Meryl took Susan to a hotel and promised to take the girl to see Olivia first thing in the morning.




It was almost 10pm when Owen bursted in Olivia's room. Amelia was sleeping on the couch and jumped awake.

"They've got them" Owen said, talking about Susan's parents.

"They did?" Amelia asked smiling as her eyes filled with tears.

Owen ran to her and kissed her.

They stopped and just stared at each other's eyes for a while when suddenly Amelia said: "I did it"

"You did what?" Owen asked confused.

"I filed" Amelia said.

"Adoption?" Owen asked.

"Foster parent" Amelia said.

"She's going to have an awesome mom" Owen said and kissed her again.

Amelia felt relieved that he seemed supportive now. She wasn't sure where he fit in that whole thing since she wasn't even sure what they were. But she really liked him and she was happy he didn't have anything against the child.

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