Chapter 46: It's Official

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Back at home Amelia let Olivia working on her homework with Zola on the dinner table and sat in the living room with Meredith and Maggie. She told them how it all went at school and both women were happy for the girl. That was a big improvement. Olivia going to school was definitely something to be happy about.
They were talking when suddenly the phone rang, Meredith went to answer.
"Hello?" She said.
"Hi. This is Judge Richardson, may I talk to miss Shepherd please?" He said.
"Of course sir" Meredith said and handed the phone to Amelia. "It's the judge" she told the woman.
Amelia basically grabbed the phone and ran outside the house.
"Hello" she said.
"Hi Miss Shepherd, I am just calling to let you know that the adoption papers are here waiting for you to sign them" The Judge said.
"Are you serious Sir?" Amelia asked. She couldn't believe it was really happening.
"I am" the judge said. "All you have to do now is come sign it in my office and that's it" he said.
"Can I go now?" Amelia asked excited.
"Of course" he said. "I'll schedule you to 30 minutes" he added.
"Thank you so much" Amelia said.
"It's my pleasure" he said.
"I'll be there soon then" Amelia said.
"Okay. Bye Miss Shepherd" he said.
"Bye" she said and hung up.

She was speechless.
She stood at the porch for a moment. She couldn't believe it was true now. The girl was hers. Olivia was her daughter. She started crying because she was so happy.
After calming a bit down, She walked back inside.
"What happened?" Meredith asked scared when she saw Amelia was crying but Amelia didn't answer. She walked past the living room and went straight to the dining room.
She went behind Olivia and picked her up.
"Mommy?" The girl said hugging her mom but confused about what was happening.
"I love you baby" Amelia said crying.
"Mommy why are you crying?" Olivia asked sounding sad.
"Because I'm happy" Amelia said walking to the living room carrying the girl.
"Amelia what happened?" Maggie asked.
"She's my daughter. She's officially my daughter" Amelia said sitting on the couch. Olivia just looked confused.
"The adoption went through?" Meredith asked.
"Yes." Amelia breathed out and kept hugging the girl.

"You're my daughter now Oli. Forever" the woman told the girl.
"Forever ?" Olivia asked letting go of the hug and staring at Amelia's eyes.
"Forever and ever. No one can take you away from me now." Amelia said.
"I love you mommy" Olivia said and hugged the woman again.
Amelia looked at Meredith and Maggie and they were both crying.
The two women couldn't be happier for her and the girl.

They knew Olivia's place was with Amelia.
"We need to stop crying and celebrate!" Maggie said wiping her face.
"How about pizza tonight?" Meredith said laughing and doing the same.
"Yeah!" Olivia said excited.
"Alright" Meredith said. "Amy, you go sign it all and Oli can stay here with us. So when you come back you can stop by and get pizza. We can have a movie night with the kids with pizza and all. How about that Olivia?" Meredith said.
"Yes!" Olivia said all excited. "Can we do that mommy?" She asked Amelia. The girl's eyes were sparkling.
"Of course we can" Amelia said. "Go finish your homework and I'll go see the judge alright?" She added.
"Okay" Olivia said and Amelia took her back to the dining room table.
At the judge's office Amelia signed everything. She thanked the judge a million times. Once she was done she went to the car. She sat there for a moment staring at the papers in her hands.
That was it.
That meant everything.
Olivia was safe. She had a family.
She had a mommy.

Amelia sat there for a while and then decided to call Owen.

She was so happy.

She had to tell him.
"Amy?" Owen said.
"Hi" she said.
"Is everything okay?" He asked a bit worried.
"It's perfect" she said smiling and then laughed.
"What's going on Amy?" He asked confused.
"I just left the judge's office" Amelia said.
"And..?" Owen asked worried.
"She's mine" Amelia said and let a deep breath out. "She's officially my daughter" she said and started crying.
"She sure is" Owen said smiling while Amelia broke down in the car. He tried hard to keep his tears in as he also got emotional.
He could hear the woman crying and he knew it was from a mix of happiness and relieve.
"Well, you better go celebrate" he told her.
"We are having a pizza night. Would you like to come over?" She asked.
"No. No. Go enjoy your daughter" he said. "We can go out the day after tomorrow. The three of us. What do you think?" He asked. "Perhaps to the park again?" He said.
"Sure. I'm sure Oli will love that" Amelia said.
"Alright then" he said. "Now go see your daughter" he smiled.
"Bye" she said.
"Bye" he said and they hung up.
Amelia put the papers in the passenger's seat, wiped her tears and drove to get the pizza.
When she got home the kids were watching a movie with the grown-ups in the living room.
"The pizza is here" Amelia sang walking in the room.
She placed the two boxes of pizza in the dining room table and put the adoption papers in the kitchen counter. Maggie went to help and they took everything to the living room to eat while watching the movie.
"How did it go?" Meredith asked.
"Perfect" Amelia smiled and then smiled at Olivia who was laughing with Zola at a funny face Maggie was doing while cutting the pizza for them.
She could see the happiness on the child's face and she couldn't be happier herself.
They watched the movie and ate pizza and that night was filled with laughter.

Once the movie was done it was about 8 and Meredith went to put the kids to bed leaving only Maggie, Amelia and Olivia watching tv in the living room.
"Mommy?" Olivia said and Amelia looked at her. They were sitting next to each other in the couch.
"Yes honey" Amelia said.
"Can you call Susan today?" Olivia asked. She hated that family but she liked Susan still. And she did miss her a little bit.
"How about if we call her tomorrow? It's too late at night now honey" Amelia told the girl.
"Do you promise you'll call?" Olivia asked.
"First thing in the morning" Amelia said.
"But it's gonna be too early mommy" the girl said.
"Her time is different than ours" Amelia said.
"What? It is?" Olivia asked confused.
"Yes" Amelia laughed and pulled the girl to her lap.
"How about if you take a shower now? You stinky baby" Amelia said smelling Olivia's neck and making a face.
"I don't stink" Olivia said.
"You're right you don't" Amelia said and gave a kiss on the child's cheek. "But you need to shower" she added. "Let's go" she said and got up and took the giggling girl upstairs.
Amelia helped the girl shower and get dressed. She put comfy Minnie Mouse long sleeves and pants pajamas and Amelia combed her hair.
"Now brush your teeth while I shower" Amelia said placing the girl in front of the sink.
She showered really fast and got ready for bed too. When they were done it was 9 which meant Olivia needed her shot.
"Where did Jenn do this morning honey?" Amelia asked.
"My leg" Olivia said a little scared. Amelia saw it was red when the girl took a shower but both legs were.
"So let's do your tummy?" Amelia asked and the girl nodded laying down on the bed.
Amelia got everything ready and did it. Olivia just flinched and said Au but no tears.
"You were so brave baby" Amelia said pulling the girl to her lap.
"It just hurt a little" Olivia said signing 'a little' with her hand.
Amelia smiled and kissed the girl cheek.
"Get under the covers. Come on" Amelia said pulling the covers so the girl could get under. Olivia did that and Amelia tucked her in.
"I'm going downstairs really quick and I'll be right back. I need to show you something" Amelia said.
"Okay" Olivia said.
So Amelia went to the kitchen and got the adoption papers she had left on the counter and went back to her bedroom. She found Olivia snuggling her blanket and with her pacifier on.
"Are you okay?" She asked the girl and Olivia nodded.
"Alright. So look" Amelia said sitting on the bed. "I went to sign these papers today at the judge's office" she said and Olivia just stared at her and said "adoption paper"
"Yeah. Adoption papers" Amelia said. "Do you know what that means?" She asked taking Olivia's paci off so she could talk properly.
"That I'll stay with you forever?" Olivia said unsure.
"That's right" Amelia said. "These papers mean that you are now officially my daughter" Amelia said.
Olivia climbed on Amelia's lap.
"No one can take me away" Olivia said hugging Amy.
"No one" Amelia said with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you for adoptioning me mommy" Olivia said wrong and Amelia laughed.
"You're welcome Oli" Amy said hugging the girl tighter. "I love you pumpkin" Amy said.
"I love you too mommy. Sooooo much" the girl said and gave her new mother a kiss on the cheek.
Amelia replied with a kiss attack on the girl who giggled happy.
"Let's sleep now?" Amy asked and Olivia nodded yes.
They laid down on the bed and Amelia gave Olivia her paci back.
"Can you hug me?" The little girl asked.
"Of course I can" Amelia said and hugged the child who closed her eyes and fell asleep shortly.
Amelia stayed awake for a while longer. She stared at her baby sleeping and at the papers in the nightstand and she couldn't believe that in such a short time she had a daughter that loved her to death and didn't need anything else but her by her side. She was happy. Her baby was happy and all because of her.
She wished her brother could have met Olivia. She felt a little sad because she wondered what he would have told her about it all. She was about to cry because of Derek when Olivia hugged her tighter. She kissed the little girl and pushed her tears away. She had to allow herself to be happy now. She had a good reason to be.

She closed her eyes and it didn't take long for her to sleep.
That was for sure a great day.

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