Chapter 32: Scared

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Later on the day the kids were watching a movie when Owen called.
"Hello?" Owen said when Amelia picked up.
"Hi" Amelia said.
"How is everything?" He asked.
"It's good" she said.
"Um I just wanted to know if you and Liv would be available tomorrow for lunch?" Owen said with a serious tone. Amelia laughed.
"Yes we would be available" Amelia said.
"Alright. I'll pick you up at 12:30" Owen said.
"Okay" Amelia said smiling.
Owen got paged. Amelia could hear it thru the phone.
"I gotta go" Owen said.
"Bye" Amelia said and they hung up.
"Who was that?" Olivia asked. She was sitting next to Amelia.
"It's was Owen." Amelia said smiling. "We'll have lunch with him tomorrow. Is that okay?" She added.
"Yeah" Olivia said with a sweet little smile.
They finished the movie, then Lynn put some shows on and they just sat there watching. Around 6:30 dinner was ready and everyone sat to eat. It went great. The kids were laughing and talking about the food and their day at school. Even Olivia was having fun. After dinner the three older kids sat to play a game and Amelia just watched them while Lynn tried to entertain Ellis.
The kids bedtime was 8:30 but Meredith had agreed to move Zola's bedtime to 9 or 9:30 so she could go to bed the same time as Olivia. At least till Olivia started school. So Lynn put Bailey and Ellis to bed and then went back down. Zola and Olivia were playing with their dolls.
"It's 8:58" Lynn told Amelia.
"Let me go get it" Amelia said standing up.
"Hey why don't I do everything and you just watch to see if it's write and all?" Lynn said.
"Alright" Amelia said and Lynn went. She got Olivia's shot and walked back.
"Oli. It's time for your shot, honey" Lynn said and the girl looked up but didn't move.
"It's okay baby. Come on" Amelia said and Walked to Olivia.
"She can stay there." Lynn said. "Why don't you hold Amelia's hand and I'll do it really quick?" Lynn said.
"Okay" Olivia said. She looked scared but she being brave.
"You can hold my hand too" Zola said.
Amelia sat next to Olivia and the girl grabbed her hand and Zola's.
Lynn prepared everything.
"Do you want to lay down?" Lynn asked and Olivia laid down on the floor. Lynn pushed Olivia's dress up and pulled her pants down. She rubbed alcohol and did it. Olivia squeezed Amelia's and Zola's hand very tight and just said Au. And it was done.
"All done" Lynn said putting a band-aid on it and pulling the girls pants back up.
"You didn't even cry" Zola smiled as Amelia helped the girl sit back up.
"Good job Oli" Amelia said and Olivia wrapped her arms around Amelia. She pulled the girl to her lap.
"Are you okay?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah" Olivia said. She just sounded a little sad. Amelia gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"So let's play a little bit more" Lynn said getting the doll Olivia was playing before and giving it to her. Amelia put her back down and got up.
"Was that good?" Lynn asked.
"Perfect" Amelia smiled. "I think she likes you already" she added and the nanny smiled.
The girls played some more and then it was time for bed. Lynn took Zola for a shower and Amelia took Olivia. After brushing their teeth and showering they went to bed.
Again Olivia didn't want to wear her pajamas.
"Let's pick something else than" Amelia said taking the girl to the closet.
"I want Owen's dress" Olivia said.
"The dress is dirty baby" Amelia said. "And you have other clothes"
"I don't want anything than" Olivia said sad.
"Oh I have an idea!" Amelia said. She put the girl back on the bed and ran to her bedroom. She got one of her pajamas shirts and ran back.
"Here. You can use mine" Amelia said and started putting on Oli. "It will probably look like a dress on you" she added and finished dressing the girl.
"There you go. Is that better?" Amelia asked and Olivia said yes.
"Alright. So how about a story?" She asked Olivia and suddenly Zola walked in with Lynn.
"I brought her meds" Lynn said and went to give to Oli.
"Do you want a story Zola? I'm about to read one to Liv" Amelia said.
"Yeah!" Zola said.
"Sit here with us Zo" Amelia said and Zola sat on Olivia's bed. Amelia handed Olivia her paci and the girl was already hugging her blanket. She read their story and they got very sleepy. She helped Zola up on her bed. She kissed both girl good night and left.
Lynn and Amelia talked and Amelia told her she could go home and she would watch the kids. So Lynn went. Amelia headed back up and stopped to check on the girls. Both were sleeping so she showered. After getting ready for bed she felt something telling her to go check Olivia again. And when she got there the girl was awake and crying. She walked to the bed and Olivia opened her arms. Amelia picked her up.
"Did you have a bad dream?" Amelia asked and the girl said "yeah" crying.
Amelia went walked to her bedroom.
"You can sleep with me here tonight, okay?" Amelia told the girl who just kept crying.
She put Olivia down on her bed.
"What happened?" She asked and took oli's paci out.
"I got scared when I woke up and I ... I tried to go get you but I couldn't do it" Olivia cried.
"Oh honey" Amelia said and hugged the girl. "You couldn't do it because your tummy is hurt. Remember I explained to you that you stitches on and that we had to be careful?" Amelia said and Olivia nodded. "You're not meant to be walking around right now" Amelia said.
"I just wanted you" Olivia cried.
"Oh honey. It's alright" Amelia said kissing oli's forehead. "Let's lay down" she said and they laid down and cuddled.
"I'm sorry for not sleeping in my room" Olivia said sound very sad.
"It's okay. You can stay here with me. I don't mind" Amelia said striking oli's hair. The girl , put her pacifier on her mouth, snuggled her blanket and as Amelia stroke her hair she fell asleep. It wasn't long till Amelia fell asleep too. She was happy to have the girl next to her but she was worried too.

Luckily that night there was no more nightmares.


The next morning Meredith and Maggie got home at 6:20. Everyone was still sleeping. Meredith stopped to check on Zola and she froze when she saw the bottom bunk empty. She ran to Amelia's room and there she couch finally breathe again when she saw Amelia and Olivia fast asleep hugging each other on the bed.
She walked out and Maggie was standing there.
"What happened?" Maggie whispered.
"Olivia is with Amelia" Meredith said.
"Did you think someone took her or what?" Maggie asked.
"Yeah" Meredith said making a face.
Maggie smiled and they walked to their room. Both showered and put clean clothes on. It had been a hard day at work.

Later Amelia woke up with the alarm clock. It was 6:40 and the kids should get ready for school.
"Go back to sleep Livi. It's early" Amelia said when the little girl opened her eyes. "I'll be right back" she said and went out of the room.
On her way to Zola's bedroom she found Meredith.
"Bad dream?" Meredith asked referring to Olivia.
"Yeah." Amelia said.
"Go get Bailey and I'll get Zola" Amelia said and went to wake Zola up.
After the kids were ready for school Meredith gave them breakfast and then drove them to their school. Amelia stayed watching Ellis who had woken up. When Meredith got back the baby was sleeping again so she went to bed and Amelia went back to her bedroom. She found Olivia sleeping so she laid back down next to the girl. And fell asleep too.

At 8:30 Amelia woke up with an alarm clock on her phone that she had set up to let her know it was almost time for Liv's shot. She woke the girl up and gave her shot. Olivia cried a little but Amelia just hugged her and she stopped shortly after. Olivia hid her pacifier on Amelia's nightstand.
"You're not gonna use that now?" Amelia asked her.
"Just to sleep, okay?" Olivia said.
"Okay" Amelia said smiling. She felt proud that Olivia didn't need her paci all the time anymore. She knew the blanket though was another story.
She took Olivia down for breakfast. Then she helped Olivia shower. Once again Olivia wanted to wear the dress Owen gave her and this time Amelia let her. She dressed the girl and then let her coloring on her bedroom while she went to shower.
Once done they went downstairs and just watched tv and played.
At 12:20 Owen rang the bell.
Maggie went to answer.
"Hi" Owen said.
"Come on in. They're in the playroom" Maggie said sounding tired. Owen walked in and went to the playroom.
"Owen!" Olivia said excited.
"Good morning princess" Owen said and went to hug the girl but ended up picking her up.
"You're wearing this dress again?" He asked her.
"She refuses to wear anything else" Amelia said smiling.
"I think we should go get new ones then" he said smiling. "How about we stop by the mall? We could have lunch there too" he said and Olivia rested her head on his shoulder.
"Are you tired?" Amelia asked and Olivia nodded yes.
"Should we go then? Before she sleeps" Owen said smiling.
"Let me just get bailey's stroller" Amelia said.
"No. I'm not a baby" Olivia said looking at Amelia.
"I know honey. It's just so you can be comfy when we walk around the mall" Amelia said.
"But I don't want a baby stroller" Olivia said a little upset.
"It's not a baby stroller. Let me go get it so you can see" Amelia said and went to get the thing.
Owen just stood there with Olivia. Amelia got back with a black lightweight jet stroller for older children.
"See. Do you think you can use this one?" Amelia said and Olivia nodded yes.
"Alright" Amelia smiled. "So let's go?" She said.
"My blanky!" Olivia said and Amelia got the blanket on the table at the playroom and gave it to the girl, and they left.

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