Chapter 22: How About Forever

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..."I live in this really big house with Meredith and Maggie" Amelia said and the girl looked at the ladies, who were smiling. "Well, I was wondering that since you need a place to go now that you could go home with me" she said and the girl kept staring at her. "What do you think?" She asked the child.
"To your house?" Olivia asked hopeful.
"Yes" Amelia said smiling. She could see on Olivia's face that she wanted to go.
"For how long?" Olivia asked holding her tears.
"How about forever?" Amelia said smiling with tears in her eyes too.
"Really?" Olivia asked almost unable to finish the word as a sob escaped her. She started crying really bad because she was so happy and relieved.
"Oh honey" Amelia said hugging the girl.
"Thank you" Olivia said trying to force herself to stop crying.
"Oh Liv. You don't have to thank me. I love you" Amelia said unable to keep her tears in. Olivia snuggled up to her and continued sniffing. She couldn't stop crying.
Amelia looked at Meredith and Maggie and both had some tears falling too.

Amelia smiled at them and they smiled back.
"Well, I think we should go" Meredith said wiping her face, wanting to give them space to talk.
"We'll see you soon, right Olivia?" Maggie asked.
"Okay" Olivia said still crying a little. They couldn't help but smile at the child's reaction. Meredith wasn't sure about it in the beginning but she knew how Zola made her feel and she knew that Olivia had that same power over Amelia. And once that happened there was nothing anyone else could do to keep the two apart.
"So... see you later" Maggie said and Amelia smiled and they left.
"Do you really want to go?" Amelia asked Olivia.
"Yeah" Olivia said.
"Are for sure?" Amelia asked.

She really wanted to be 100% sure that it was what Olivia also wanted.
Olivia nodded yes rapidly still crying a little and said "I love you too" making Amelia's heart melt.
Amelia gave her a kiss on the cheek and started to rock her slightly. Olivia put her pacifier back on her mouth and snuggled her blanket and Amelia, and soon fell asleep.
Amelia was really happy about how it all went.


A nurse walked in and gave Olivia her medicine and the child stayed asleep the whole time. Once the nurse left Amelia put Olivia back on the bed and laid on the couch. She was exhausted. She had not slept well in a long time and she couldn't wait to finally sleep on her bed and take the girl home with her.
About 40 minutes after Olivia had fallen asleep, she woke up, her pacifier had fallen.
The light in the room made her head hurt really bad. She tried hard not to cry. She saw Amelia on the couch and called for her but Amelia stayed asleep. She was in pain and she was scared. She couldn't hold it anymore and she started to cry but without making a sound. She just laid there still and tried to breathe slow and stop crying but it wasn't helping.
"Olivia?" Amelia woke up and said as she noticed the girl was awake.
"It hurts" Olivia said silently crying.
"Oh honey. Why didn't you wake me up?" Amelia asked going to the bed worried.
"I tried to" Olivia said.
"Where does it hurt Liv?" Amelia asked.
"Here" Olivia cried putting her hand on her cheek bone, on the right side. She had a purple bruise there that was fading already. She had that on her face, 3 on her arms and some on her stomach and right leg. It had all been checked but Amelia thought maybe they missed something.
"I'll ask them to check it okay?" Amelia said.
"It hurts too much" Olivia cried in pain. Amelia could see the girl was telling her the truth. It wasn't a fake child's cry.
"Can you hold me Amy?" Olivia asked crying.
"Sure" Amelia said. "Let me just tell a nurse to get a doctor to check on you." She said and walked out. She went quickly to the nurse station and told a nurse to page ortho and then she went back in.
"Come here" Amelia said and picked Olivia up. She sat on the couch with the girl on her arms.

"How about I tell you a story?" Amelia asked and Olivia stayed quiet.
"Alright." Amelia said. "Once upon a time there was a princess named Olivia..." Amelia started and Olivia took her blanket to her face. "She lived in a farm with a bunch of animals. And do you know what she loved the most in there?" Amelia asked Olivia.
"I don't want a story. My head hurts" Olivia cried.
"Okay. So how about we try-" Amelia said.
"I'm here" Callie said cutting her off. "So what happened?" She asked the girl smiling.
"Her head is hurting and she said its on her cheek. Since there's a bruise I was wondering if you could take a look just to make sure" Amelia explained.
"Why didn't you do it?" Callie asked.
"I didn't want to um..." Amelia said and Callie knew the rest of the sentence. Amelia didn't want to hurt Olivia because she would have to touch the cheek to see if there were broken bones or something else.
"Alright. I'll check. Of course" Callie said. "Let's lay back in bed Oli" Callie said smiling at the girl and Amelia took the girl back to the bed.
"Alright so just hold Amelia's hand and I'll take a look at that super fast" Callie said. Amelia held Her hand.
Callie touched the girl's right cheek and Olivia pulled away already crying.
"It's okay. Stay still" Callie told her.
"No. It hurts" Olivia cried.
"It's almost done" Amelia lied.
"Amelia" Callie said and Amelia held Olivia's head. Callie examined it and they let go. The girl cried and peed. Luckily she had a diaper on.
"Olivia, if you cry it's going to hurt more Honey. Try to calm down baby don't cry" Amelia said and Olivia swallowed her cries.
"Come here" Amelia said as soon as she noticed what Olivia did and picked the girl up.

She felt bad when she realized that Olivia's foster parents probably were strict about the crying. She also felt Olivia's diaper was wet.
"You can cry. It's okay to cry. But you need to calm down" Amelia said.
"I'm tired" Olivia said.
"I know" Amelia said. "Let me change your diaper and then we'll sit down there, okay?" she said and put the girl back on the bed. She changed her diaper and picked her up again and took her to the couch. "Here. Your bear" Amelia said handing the bear to the girl in her arms. Olivia looked very sleepy.
"Do you want a story now?" Amelia asked.
"No" Olivia said.
"Okay so you sleep and I'll be right here okay?" She said and the girl closed her eyes.
"I'll put this medicine here Olivia that will make you feel a lot better okay?" Callie said injecting some medicine in the IV. Olivia started to feel heavy, the second the medicine went in.
"I don't feel good" Olivia said and looked at Callie scared.
"It's okay. It's just the medicine" Amelia told her.
"It's almost done" Callie said. "You'll be a little sleepy" she said and then it was over. "There you go. Now just rest and it will stop hurting soon" Callie said smiling but the girl just looked upset.
"I'm sorry" Callie said feeling bad.
"It's fine" Olivia said snuggling Amelia.
"Here" Callie said handing Olivia her pacifier and her blanket. The girl put it on and closed her eyes.
"It's not broken. Just bruised as you can see it here." Callie said showing on the girl's face. "It should be alright in a couple of days" she added.
"Thank you" Amelia said.
"You're welcome" Callie said. "And I'm sorry it hurt this time Olivia" she told the girl.
"She's out" Amelia said.
"That's good" Callie said. "I thought she would fight us off" she added.
"She's just so tired" Amelia said.
"She's been through the a lot" Callie said and Amelia smiled at the girl.
"Well I should go. I'll see you later" Callie said and left.
Amelia just sat there holding Olivia for a long time and then decided to try to get some sleep so she put the girl back on the bed but instead of laying on the couch she laid on the bed with Olivia.
She was really tired.


Around 10, Olivia woke up again and she was feeling a bit better. Her head wasn't hurting so much anymore, so she just stayed there laying next to Amelia who was asleep. She knew the woman was tired. It didn't take long for Olivia to fall asleep again.
It was almost midnight when Owen went to see them. They were both asleep. He sat on the couch and a little after Amelia woke up.
"What are you doing here?" Amelia asked him.
"I just came to check on her" Owen said standing up.
"On her or?" Amelia joked and he smiled.
"Both of you" he said smiling and kissing her.
"Melia?" Olivia mumbled and they stopped kissing.
"I'm right here" Amelia said smiling. "And look who's here too" she told the girl.
"Hi" Owen said.
"Hi" Olivia whispered tired.
"You should go back to sleep honey. It's very late" Amelia said.
"Okay" Olivia said. "Will you stay here with me?" She asked.
"Of course I will" Amelia said smiling and touching her pointer finger on the girl's nose making her laugh.
"Will you stay too?" Olivia shyly asked Owen.
"Um.. I..." Owen tried looking at Amelia.
"If you want to" Amelia said.
"Please" Olivia said.
Both adults were smiling.
"Well, how can you say no to that face now?" Amelia said and Owen laughed.
"Of course I'll stay" Owen said and the little girl smiled.
"Can you pick me up?" Olivia asked Amelia.
"Can I?" Owen asked and Olivia nodded yes.
Owen picked Olivia up and said on the couch placing her on his lap. She rested her head on his chest and snuggled her blanket.
"Try to sleep now baby. It's late" Amelia said, sitting next to them, and the little girl closed her eyes.
Owen looked at Amelia to find her smiling at him. He felt good. He knew how luck Olivia was to have Amelia as her mother now. He knew it would be hard but he was happy for them. He wasn't sure what Amelia and him were but he liked her and he also liked the girl.
They sat there till Olivia was out again. Then Owen put her back on the bed. He covered her up and placed a little kiss on her forehead.
"I think she likes you" Amelia said smiling at Owen, who smiled back. "Well I know I do" Amelia said and kissed him.
"We should sleep too" Owen said as soon as they stopped kissing.
"I have to say I'm a little exhausted" Amelia said.
"You haven't been sleeping too well?" He asked.
"Yeah. I just worry to much I guess" Amelia said.
"She's gonna be alright" Owen said.
"I know it's just..." Amelia said.
"Second guessing?" Owen asked.
"No." Amelia said serious. "I just worry I'll end up hurting her too. I don't know" Amelia said.
"Worrying is not gonna help" Owen said. He knew what she meant.
He knew it was just because the girl had been through a lot and Amelia was afraid of her life and her problems would hurt the child. Owen knew she had been through a lot and she was still dealing with Derek's death and that was one of the reason he didn't think adopting a child so out of the sudden was a good idea. But now he could he how much they loved each other. He knew that no matter what happened Olivia was Amelia's daughter, and Amelia loved her enough to always put her first.
"You two are gonna be fine" he said.
Amelia laid on the couch and basically passed out.
Owen fell asleep next to her shortly after.

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