Chapter 13: ORs

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Amelia searched for Olivia on the computer and got the address. She looked for a phone there but there wasn't any so she ran out again.


Susan was sitting at the waiting room crying. She just couldn't stop.

Suddenly Amelia ran to the nursing station close by. She grabbed the phone and dialed 911, and then she saw Susan. She walked to the girl who was looking down at the floor.

"Susan?" She asked worried. The girl looked up and just bursted into tears.

"What happened?" Amelia asked demanding an answer.

"It's Olivia. I tried to stop them. I tried" Susan cried.

Amelia just ran. She ran to the surgery board and saw the child's name there and the OR she was in. She ran to watch. Luckily there was no other doctors watching the surgery.

She walked in and froze, tears streamed down her face as she saw the little girl on the table. As soon as Callie saw her she said "Amelia. You need to leave". Callie knew what could happen and she for sure didn't want Amelia to see that but Amelia just kept staring down at the child on the operating table.

"Amelia!" She said again and Amelia pressed the button to talk.

"What happened to her?" She asked in shock.

"Amelia. You have to go" Alex said.

"I'm not going anywhere. What happened to her?" Amelia said angry.

"They beat her" Maggie said. "Now please just get out"

"I'm NOT going anywhere" Amelia said. And suddenly Olivia coded. Amelia got really close to the glass and just cried.

Luckily Maggie got Olivia back.

"Amelia please" Alex said. "You just can't stay here" she said and suddenly Owen walked in. He had heard about Olivia from Nurse Gloria.

"You need to come with me" Owen said grabbing her arm. She pulled away and said "don't" angrily and walked out.

She stood in the hall waiting for Owen to say something. She just couldn't believe that was happening. She should have done more.

"The police is after them" Owen told her and she stayed quiet.

"Amelia. We couldn't have known" he said.

"Yes we could. And we did. Didn't we? And we did nothing. We just let them take her. YOU let them take her" she said and started crying. Owen hugged her.

"You did! We did" She sobbed in his arms.

"She's gonna be okay" he told her, as he ran his hands on her back.

"She has to be" Amelia cried.

"They'll take good care of her" he said. Amelia let go of him and without saying another word she walked back in and sat in a chair.

"Amelia" Callie said.

"I have to. Please" Amelia said. "Just forget I'm here" she said wiping her face and they just kept working on the child.




It took 6 hours for Olivia to be out of surgery. She coded twice and she slipped into a coma. They took her to post op and Amelia sat on a chair on the left side of the bed, she grabbed the girl's hand and didn't plan on letting go of it any time soon.

Callie walked in.

"She's going to be okay" Callie said placing her hand on the child's left leg. Amelia just kept staring at the little girl.

"Amelia, we didn't know" Callie said. "We didn't know they were capable of this" she said looking at the girl.

Olivia was swollen and bruised. She was wearing a hospital gown. She had 2 cuts on her back because of getting hit with the belt, one needed 3 stitches, a boot on her right leg because of the fractured bone Callie had worked on. Also 2 broken ribs and a concussion.

"He almost beat her to death Torres" Amelia said finally looking at Callie. "They could have killed her. They might have" she said.

"No Amelia. She's not going anywhere. Okay? She's going to be fine... we have to believe that." Callie said.

"She has to be. Because I can't...if she..." Amelia said on the verge of tears.

"She's not going anywhere" Callie said kneeing down and taking Amelia's hand on her.

Amelia took a deep breath.

"I had a He died right after birth. He would have been 4 too" she said. That was the first time she mentioned him to someone there.

Callie just stared at her, waiting for her to go on.

"I can't lose another child" she said and tears started falling.

Callie's eyes were full. She knew how much Amelia loved that little girl.

"You're not going to" Callie stood up and hugged Amelia who just cried.

Suddenly Callie got paged.

"I have to go. Anything page me okay?" Callie said and Amelia nodded.

"Callie." Amelia said and Torres said yes. "Please don't tell anyone about.."

"I won't" Callie said knowing she meant her son. "Anything please page me" she said and she walked out.


It wasn't long till Owen Hunt walked in.

"Amelia" he said and she took her eyes off Olivia and looked at him. Her eyes were very red from crying.

Owen walked closer to her.

"She's in a coma Owen" Amelia said and her eyes filled with tears.

"She'll be okay. She's tough" he said.

"She's just a child. She's 4 years old and those people... They just" Amelia said looking away from him.

"The police are looking for them. They're gonna pay for this" he said.

"What's gonna happen to her now?" Amelia asked looking at him again.

"April called Social services. They're sending someone, and they'll contact her case worker. She'll get sent to another family or a home for girls" he told her.

"I wanna take her home" Amelia said.

"What?" Owen asked confused.

"I'll take her home. I'll adopt her" Amelia said finally realizing what she had really felt since the first time she saw Olivia. That was her daughter.

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