Chapter 44: A Quick Stop At The Hospital

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Amelia buckled the girl and drove to the hospital. When she got there Olivia was fast asleep. She picked the girl up and went in to talk to Doctor Bailey.
"Amy?" Owen called her as he saw her walking to Bailey's office. She turned around.
"Is everything okay? Why isn't she at school?" He asked her.
"It's alright. It was just a little too much for her. We're gonna do it slow. And I need to talk to Bailey" Amelia said.
"She didn't want to stay?" Owen asked.
"No. She cried a little but then calmed down. The teacher took her to class but after her shot she didn't want to go back" Amy said. "So the nurse suggested to go slow and to pick her up every day a little later so she can get used to it" she added.
"But didn't she went to school before?" Owen asked.
"She did" Amelia said.
"Shouldn't she be used to it?" He asked.
"She's scared I won't go back to get her" Amy said.
"Oh" Owen said.
Suddenly Olivia woke up.
"No hospital" she mumbled hugging Amelia tighter as she saw some doctor and nurses passing by.
"Look who's here" Amy told her and she turned to see.
Owen gave her a big smiled and opened her arms.
"Hi" Olivia said shy.
"Come here" Owen smiled signing 'come' with his hands and the girl went to his arms.
"Do you want to get a treat with me at cafeteria?" Owen asked Olivia.
"Can I mommy?" The girl asked her mom.
"Sure. I'll talk to Bailey and then I'll meet you guys there" Amelia said.
"Okay" Owen said.
"I'll be right back" Amelia told them and left.
"Let's go?" Owen said tickling Olivia, who nodded and giggled.
At the cafeteria Owen bought Olivia a chocolate muffin and sat with her to eat.
"Is that good Oli?" He asked the girl who had chocolate all over her mouth.
"Uhum" she said with her mouth full and nodding yes.
"Look who's here" Callie said running to the girl and hugging and kissing her. "So much chocolate" Callie smiled and sat next to Olivia.
"Hi" Olivia said after she swallowed her food.
"How was school?" Callie asked.
"I don't know" Olivia said taking another note of her muffin.
"Did you go?" Callie asked and Olivia nodded yes.
"So did you like it?" The woman asked and Owen just stared at the child waiting to hear what she would say.
"Not really" Olivia said honestly.
"Why not?" Owen asked her.
"Because I missed Amy" the girl said looking down.
"Oh. That's okay. Sofia misses me too" Callie said.
Olivia climbed on Owen's lap and hugged him.
"Zola goes to school too and you see her everyday, don't you?" Owen said and Olivia nodded yes.
"Meredith and Lynn pick her up." Owen said. "And Amelia and Lynn will go pick you up too. They won't leave you there" he explained to the child and Callie understood what had happened.
"Yes Olivia. School is just a fun place you go to learn things and play while your mommy has to work" Callie said. "But you'll go home every day. You don't have to worry about that"
"But what if she forgets?" Olivia asked.
"She won't forget you there princess" Owen said.
"But Susan did one time" Olivia said.
"But Amelia is not Susan. Huh? Amelia is your mom" Callie said serious. "Right?"
"Right" Olivia agreed.
"You'll be with her every day. Don't worry" Callie said smiling and Olivia gave her a sweet smile. "Now how about that muffin!? It looks so good." Callie said. "I bet it takes delicious" she said grabbing it.
"No no. Mine" Olivia said getting it off of Callie's hand and taking a little bite out of it.
Callie made a sad face.
"You can have one bite" Olivia said handing the muffin to the woman.
"Thank you" Callie said and took a bite of it. "It tastes amazing" she sang and the little girl laughed.
"Can I get a bite too?" Amelia said coming behind Owen.
"Yes, sure" Olivia said smiling and Amelia went behind the girl and took a bite.
"That is indeed amazing" Amelia smiled.
Suddenly Owen and Callie got paged.
"Oh trauma coming" Callie said.
"We gotta go but we'll see you sometime soon, okay Livy?" Owen said.
"Okay" Olivia said.
"Bye Amy" Owen said standing up.
"Bye" Amelia said.
"Bye guys" the girl said smiling and they smiled back at her and left.
"So let's go home?" Amelia asked sitting next to the child. Olivia nodded yes and took another bite of her muffin. Amelia just sat there smiling at her daughter.
At home Amelia put a movie on and they watched and played till lunch time. Lynn was there watching Ellis and Amelia told her everything that happened at the school.
"You know that's normal" Lynn told Amy. "It's normal being scared you won't come back. Especially after everything she's been through. But she'll be alright. And that nurse's advice is good. Just go slow and she'll get there"
After talking to Lynn about it Amelia played with the kids while Lynn cooked lunch. Then they ate lunch and played all afternoon. Since Olivia didn't stay till the end of the school day, Lynn printed some homework she found online for the girl to do while Zola worked on hers. The kids sat at the dining room and were done pretty fast and then went on with the playing around the house.
Dinner went great. Lynn put the kids to bed and Zola and Olivia stayed a little later downstairs with Amelia. At 9, Amy gave the girl her injection and she cried a little so Amy gave her blanket and her paci and rocked her sitting on the couch and the little girl fell asleep in her arms. She put Zola to bed and took Olivia to her bedroom. She showered quickly and then went to sleep too.

In the morning she woke up and did the very same thing she had done the day before and then woke Olivia.
"Time to wake up" she told the girl while kissing her forehead between words. Olivia smiled and her pacifier fell off.
"Hi mommy" Olivia said when she opened her eyes, and Amelia kept going with the kissing.
"Let's get ready for school?" Amelia asked the girl.
"Yeah" Olivia said sleepy and sat up on the bed ready to face it all.
"Alright" Amelia smiled and got the girl ready.
They had breakfast and headed out.
In the car Amelia explained to Olivia how the day would go.
"I'll be at home waiting and anything your teacher will call me, okay?" Amelia said.
"Who's gonna give my shot?" Olivia asked worried.
"Jenn will do it and Miss Tessa will be with you. You'll be okay don't worry. And anything they'll call" Amelia said.
Olivia just sat there silent thinking about it all. She was scared but she remembered what Owen and Callie told her and she had to believe in that.
"Okay?" Amelia said.
"Yeah" Olivia said.
"When will you pick me up?" Olivia asked sounding a little afraid.
"10:30" Amelia said.
"Okay" Olivia said and Amelia parked the car.
"Ready?" Amelia asked the girl.
"Yeah" Olivia said managing a small smile.
Amelia smiled back feeling proud of how brave the girl was being.
She took Olivia inside to her classroom and Miss Tessa was surprised to see them there.
"You came!" She said smiling and giving Olivia a hug right after Amelia put her down on the floor.
"Let's go in?" Tessa asked the girl.
"10:30 mommy" Olivia said and hugged Amelia's leg.
"I'll see you soon" Amelia said giving the girl a kiss on the cheek.
"See you soon mommy" Olivia said and the teacher picked her up and took her to her seat. Tessa went back to the door, and Amelia explained Nurse Jenn's idea, then she got the girl's crutches and Amelia left.
Amelia was nervous too. She wanted to be at the school just in case but she had to promise herself she wouldn't stay because Olivia had to learn, or things would get hard once she went back to work.
And that was what she went to talk about with Doctor Bailey.

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