Chapter 60: And There She Was

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The girl couldn't help but wish Owen was her dad. She really wanted a good dad and she felt like Owen was it.

She took a deep breath and...

"Owen, can I tell you a secret?" She asked.

"Of course, princess" he said and then looked at Amelia a little confused.

"I want you to be my dad" she said with tears in her eyes.

"What?" Owen said in shock.

"I want you to be my dad even if you're not with mommy. Like disorse parents" she said mispronouncing it.

Owen looked at Amelia not knowing exactly what to say.

As Amelia stared at his eyes she knew he wanted that too. She knew he loved that little girl with all his heart.

"He can be your dad" Amelia said smiling as tears filled her eyes.

"Yes, I can" Owen said smiling with teary eyes too.

"Really?" Olivia asked.

"Really" Owen said and the girl hugged him.

"Can I call you dad now?" Olivia asked shyly.

"Of course you can" Owen said and smiled at Olivia and then looked up to find Amelia smiling at him.

"We ordered pizza" Maggie said as the three women walked back in the room.

"What happened?" Callie asked when she realized how much they were smiling.

"Oh nothing. We're just happy she's home" Owen said. "Right Oli?"

"Right dad" the girl said smiling with pride.

"Dad huh?" Meredith said smiling and they all laughed.

Everyone was happy Olivia was home and safe.


They pizza didn't take long to get there and they ate pizza and ice cream to celebrate.

At 9, Amelia left Olivia with Owen and went to prepare her shot.

"Oli. You need your shot now, okay?" Amelia said and Olivia hugged Owen tight and started crying.

"No. Mommy. No. I don't want to" she cried.

"It's alright. I'll do it superfast" Amelia said.

"No. No" Olivia cried.

Amelia knew that Cecilia had given Olivia her shots and she knew where they probably went.

"We won't do it on your bum, baby. You can chose where you want. Come on. it's okay" Amelia said.

"I don't want to" Olivia cried.

"Do you want it on your tummy?" Amelia asked and Olivia thought a little and then nodded yes.

"Okay. I'll do it really fast" Amelia said and lifted the girl's shirt up as Owen held her. She did it and Olivia cried. Once done she handed it to Owen and picked Olivia up and walked around running her hand on the girl's back, who didn't take long to calm down. Then she sat back on the couch and watched tv with the little girl in her arms.


Around 10:30 Olivia was almost asleep so Amelia decided to take her to bed.

"Goodnight Oli" Maggie said.

"Night" Olivia said almost a whisper.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Callie said giving the girl a kiss on the cheek and walking to the door. It was late and she had to go home.

"Bye" Olivia said and Amelia took her upstairs as Owen followed them.

As her mother walked inside her bedroom Olivia said  "Mommy, can I sleep on your bed tonight?"

"Of course you can" Amelia said and took Olivia to her bed.
She laid the girl down and suddenly Owen walked in.

"I thought you might want this" Owen said holding Olivia's blanket.

"Blanky!" The girl said as her eyes widened and filled with tears.

Owen sat on the bed and handed it to the girl.

"Thank you daddy" Olivia said shyly.

"You're welcome, princess" Owen said smiling.

"Let me just change my clothes" Amy said and went inside the bathroom quickly.

"Daddy, can you lay down with me?" Olivia asked.

"Sure" Owen said and laid down next to the girl. He covered her up and she snuggled her blanket close to her face. He ran his hand on her hair and thanked God for having the girl back.

Suddenly Amelia walked out wearing pajamas. She smiled at the sight of the two together.
"Do I get some space in this bed too?" Amelia asked lying down on the other side of Olivia.

Olivia opened her eyes and turned to face her mother.

"Mommy, can he stay tonight?" Olivia asked.

"Sure" Amelia said smiling at Olivia and then at Owen.
She threw her arm over Olivia and Owen held her hand.

"Mommy?" Olivia said again.

"Yes?" Amelia said.

"Can I have my paci toninght?" Olivia asked.

"Of course you can" Amelia said. She opened the drawer on her nightstand and took the pacifier out. "Here" she said and handed it to Olivia, who put it on her mouth and closed her eyes again.

Amelia held Owen's hand again and closed her eyes.

"Mommy?" Olivia said one more time.

"Yes honey?" Amelia smiled. She could hear that forever.

"I love you" Olivia said.

Amelia stared at the girl's eyes and smiled.

"I love you too Olivia" Amelia said pushing hair away from the girl's face.

"I love you too daddy" Olivia said and closed her eyes again.

"I love you too princess" Owen said.

And there Olivia was.

Laying between Amelia and Owen.

Between her parents.

With her family.

And she was safe.

She was finally safe.

THE END... for now.


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