Chapter 18: Open Your Eyes

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It was almost 10 p.m. when Callie was sitting on the couch almost asleep and Amelia was on her spot next to the bed holding Olivia's hand when she felt something moving under her hand.
Amelia froze as the little girl's fingers slightly moved under hers.
"Olivia?" She called for the girl. She was shaking. She got up and got close to Olivia's face but kept holding the girl's hand.
Callie realized what was going on and stood up and ran to the bed too.
"Olivia?" Amelia called again and Olivia moved her hand.
"Liv" Amelia said letting out a shaky breath as tears started streaming down her face.
"Hi. Livy. It's Amelia baby" Amelia said but the girl wouldn't open her eyes.
Callie just stood there smiling big as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Olivia" Amelia sang and ran her hand on Olivia's head. "Honey. It's Amelia. Open your eyes baby" Amelia said and Olivia's head slightly turned to the right where Amelia was standing.
"Hi" Amelia said. "Open your eyes. It's okay. I'm right here" she said.
Olivia was in pain and she was really scared. She didn't want to open her eyes because she felt really afraid of what and who she would see.
"Livy. It's Amelia." Amelia cried. "Please open your eyes" Amelia begged and Olivia started to open it.
"M...elia?" Olivia said barely able to talk.
"Yes. It's me baby" Amelia said putting her hand on the child's cheek.
"Hi" Amelia said as Olivia fully opened her eyes and stared at the woman.
Olivia moved a little trying to go hug Amelia but failed. She was in a lot of pain. She started crying.
"Au" she cried.
"It's okay. It's alright. Don't move. I'm right here" Amelia said putting her hand on the girl's chest and slightly rubbing in circles trying her best to calm the child down.
"Look who's here" Amelia said smiling and looked at Callie on the other side of the bed. Olivia looked at her.
"Hi" Olivia whispered.
"Hi princess" Callie said with tears in her eyes but a huge smile. "How are you feeling?" she asked and Olivia turned her head to Amelia again.
"Are they here?" Olivia asked and started crying again.
"No. You'll never see them again, okay? You're safe now" Amelia said and hugged the crying girl.
"Callie. Can you get Alex to check on her?" Amelia said, Callie nodded and went.
Amelia just stayed there running her hand on Olivia's forehead pushing her hair out of her face.
Callie found Alex basically in front of their door. He was on his way to check on the girl before his shift was over.
As he walked in Olivia started crying more and she grabbed Amelia's shirt.
"No! Amelia no" she cried.
"It's okay. He won't hurt you. It's alright" Amelia said trying to keep the girl down as Olivia fought to be picked up by Amelia.
"You need to lay down" Amelia said as she realized the girl's heart rate was going up.
"Alex just go. Get Arizona" Callie said and Alex left.
Amelia managed to calm the girl down a bit.
"It hurts bad" Olivia said touching her head.
"The doctor will make it go away soon okay?" Callie said and then Arizona walked in followed by Doctor DeLuca.
"Melia" Olivia silently cried, scared and she couldn't take her eyes off the guy.
Suddenly Arizona realized.
"Oh no. He's not staying. Right Dr. DeLuca?" Arizona said.
"What?" DeLuca asked confused.
"You're leaving, right?" Callie said and he understood.
"Oh yeah. I need to go do some stuff" he said confused and walked away.
"See? It's just us now" Arizona said walking close to the girl. "And no one here will hurt you, okay?" she said and Olivia nodded yes but didn't let go of Amelia.
"Alright. So I need to just check if you're alright. Is that okay?" Arizona asked and the small child just looked scared. "Amelia will be right here. Don't worry." She added.
"Tummy first, okay?" She said smiling and touched Olivia's hospital gown to lift it and the girl cried and stared at Amelia.
"It's okay. I'm just gonna look at it" Arizona said and Olivia just kept crying scared.
Arizona checked the girl and everything looked great. She gave Olivia some pain medicine and the girl fell asleep because of it. She was still holding Amelia's shirt so Amelia laid next to the child.
"I'm going to talk to Alex and I'll come back later. " Arizona said. Callie and Amelia nodded and she left.
"She's okay" Amelia breathed out. "She'll be okay"
Callie smiled and gave Olivia a kiss on the cheek.
"You're such a tough cookie" she said.
"She is" Amelia laughed. She was so proud of the girl and so relived she woke up and was okay.
Callie sat back on the couch and Amelia just stayed there laying next to Olivia. They watched tv and could finally breathe again.

Around 3am, Owen called Amelia.
"Amelia?" He said when the woman answered the phone.
"Hi" she said.
"She's back!" Owen said. He was smiling so big. He was just so happy.
"Yes. She's alright" Amelia said emotional.
"She's going to be okay" Owen said.
"Yeah. She's in a lot of pain so Arizona gave her some meds and she basically passed out" Amelia said.
"That might be better" Owen said referring to the girl being asleep.
"She's so strong" Amelia smiled.
"She is. Just like you" Owen said and Amelia smiled. "I'll stop by around 9 tomorrow, okay?" Owen said.
"She was a bit upset when Karev and DeLuca came here" Amelia said.
"I can try talking to her" Owen said. Amelia just stayed silent. She didn't know if it was a good idea.
"We can try. We'll explain to her that not all man are like Sean. That I'm not like him." Owen said.
"Sure. We can try. But let's not rush her" Amelia said.
"No. Of course" Owen agreed. "Alright then. Try to get some sleep. I'll see you soon" he said. Amelia said goodnight and hung up.

She just stared at the sleeping child next to her till she finally drifted to sleep.

Amelia and Callie knew that with the meds Olivia would sleep for a long time so both tried their best to sleep that night.
It was almost 5:30am when Olivia woke up from a nightmare. She screamed out and was crying. Amelia and Callie woke up with her scream.
"Shuuuu it's okay. You're safe" Amelia said hugging the little girl, who just kept crying. "It's okay Liv" Amelia said as the girl started to calm down.

It wasn't long till Arizona walked in. She said Olivia needed a blood test. The girl looked scared.
"I can do it." Callie said. "Would that be alright Olivia?" Callie asked and the little girl nodded.
"Alright then" Callie said smiling and got the things.
"Can I do it on this arm right here?" Callie said showing the girl the spot on her left arm and Olivia nodded.
"Alright" Callie said and cleaned the spot with alcohol.
"It's just a little pinch okay? And you can squeeze Amelia's hand. Alright?" Callie said.
"Okay" Olivia whispered and squeezed Amelia's hand.
"It's okay baby" Amelia said and kissed the girl's head. Both women could see Olivia was scared. Her bottom lip let them know.
"Do you want me to count?" Callie asked.
"No" Olivia whispered and started crying. She was just too scared.
"It's going to be really fast. I promise" Callie said and put the needle in.
"Au" Olivia said and held her breath.
"No. You gotta breathe honey" Callie said but nothing. "Breathe for me Olivia. Come on. It's almost done" Callie said and the girl took a deep breath and cried.
"Good job. You're almost done" Callie said.
Olivia kept squeezing Amelia's hand.
"All done" Callie said. "Look at you. You did so good." Callie smiled at the little girl and put a band-aid on the child's arm.
"My tummy hurts" Olivia said.
"I'll give you something to make it better" Arizona said getting the child's medication. She gave it to Olivia and just like always she was out in less than five minutes.

It was 8:30am when Callie told Amelia she had to go home because the baby sitter had to leave at 9. So she kissed Olivia, who was asleep, goodbye and left.
A little after that, around 8:50, Owen arrived.
"How is she?" Was the first thing he said when he walked in.
"She's alright" Amelia said. "She's scared but she'll be okay" she said smiling.
Owen sat on the couch and Amelia sat with him, leaving the girl asleep on the bed. They talked about Olivia and about some work related things.
When it was 9, Amelia gave Olivia her glucagon shot. Luckily they had controlled her sugar levels while she was in the coma, so now they just had to give her the shot twice a day as usual. Amelia gave it on the girl's leg and she didn't even move.

It was 9:20 when Olivia woke up. Her eyes wondered around the room looking for Amelia and she saw Owen. He eyes widened with fear.
"Hey. It's okay. It's Owen. Remember him? It's Dr. Hunt" Amelia said running to the bed and sitting next to the girl. "He won't hurt you. He's my friend" Amelia said and Owen got near the bed. Olivia just laid there holing Amelia's hand and squeezing it tight, trying not to look at him.
"Look" Amelia said and gave Owen a little kiss on the mouth. Olivia just picked at them. "He won't hurt you" Amelia said. "Okay?"
"Okay" Olivia whispered. She trusted Amelia and she knew that if Amelia did that was because they liked each other. She was 4 but she had heard that when you kissed someone it meant you really liked them.
"Can he stay with us here?" Amelia asked the girl.

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