Chapter 30: First Night Home

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Owen and Amelia sat together for a while. They talked a bit more about the girl and Owen told that Olivia could read well. Amelia didn't really believe him at first since the girl was so little and just 4 but he swore to her. They laughed and then he said she should ask Olivia to read her a book because it's adorable and then he said he should go home since he had to work the next day. So they said their goodbyes and Owen left.

Not too long after that Amelia was in the kitchen when Meredith and Maggie walked in.
"She's fast asleep" Meredith said and Amelia smiled.
"Good" Amelia said.
"Was it hard? She didn't want to sleep?" Maggie asked.
"No it was okay. She just wanted me there" Amelia said. "She's so afraid they'll come here to take her back"
"I would be too" Meredith said.

They stayed a while longer talking about Olivia and Zola, and about school, her shots, the nanny and things like that. Meredith said that Lynn, the nanny, would for sure look after Olivia too. Amelia said that she would look up some schools and Meredith suggested Zola's.
"I was thinking about a private school. Something small you know." Amelia said thinking about how much Olivia was scared and how she probably wouldn't like a big school.
"That's a good idea. I went to private schools too" Maggie said.
They talked about work and Amelia said she took 2 weeks off just to get Olivia settled. Then they went to watch some tv.
Later they decided to go bed, since Meredith and Maggie would work the next day.
They stopped at the girl's room and smiled when they say both kids fast asleep.
"See. She's fine" Meredith smiled at Amelia and they went to their room.
Amelia took a shower and went to check on Olivia again. She was still sleeping so Amelia headed to bed.

The next morning Amelia woke up with the noise of Maggie in the bathroom. It was 6:30.
As Amelia got out of the bed Meredith walked in.
"She's awake and asking for you" Meredith told her and ran out.
Amelia went to Olivia's bedroom and the girl was sitting on her bed looking super sleepy.
"Good morning" Amelia said smiling and sitting next to the girl.
Olivia laid her head on Amelia's lap.
"Why don't we go back to sleep huh?" Amelia asked the girl.
"You can't! Lynn is coming. You have to sit and talk to her" Meredith said.
"I'll have time" Amelia said pulling the girl to her lap and running her hand on Olivia's hair.
"First thing Amy" Meredith said helping Zola put leggings on.
"Go brush you teeth" she told Zola. They were doing everything super fast. Zola ran out of the room.
"First thing" Meredith told Amelia and left.
"Do you wanna go downstairs with me?" Amelia asked Olivia.
"Yeah" Olivia said sounding sleepy. Amelia laughed a little and got up.
"Do you want your bunny?" Amelia asked the girl.
"I do" Olivia mumbled. Amelia got the bunny and took the girl to the living room.
She put Olivia down on the couch and the girl just cuddled her bunny and put her blanket close to her face. She had her pacifier on.
"I'm gonna get breakfast. You can eat later" Amelia said placing a kiss on Olivia's head and the girl was almost out again so she just nodded yes.
Amelia went to the kitchen.


It's was 7:00 when Lynn arrived. Olivia was sleeping on the couch.
"She's adorable" Lynn said when Amelia took her to see the girl.
"I was wondering if you could watch her too. I'll add up to your payment of course" Amelia said.
"Oh sure. Of course i can" Lynn said.
"Meredith also said you know how to give shots, right?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah. I took care of a boy who had diabetes for 3 years" Lynn said. "Why?"
"She had hyperinsulinism. She needs 2 shots every day. One at 9 am and the other at 9pm." Amelia said. "I'll show you how to do everything"
"Alright" Lynn said smiling and Zola walked in and hugged her.
"Aunt Amy. I don't think she sleep good at night" Zola said.
"Why not Zola?" Amelia asked a bit worried.
"I woke up one time and she was crying" Zola said. "I asked if she wanted me to get you but she said no"
"And then you fell asleep?" Lynn asked.
"Yeah. And today when I woke up she was awake too" Zola said.
"Thank you for telling us zo" Lynn said and Zola ran upstairs.
"She's 4, right?" Lynn asked as both women stared at Olivia fast asleep on the couch. Amelia nodded.
"Probably a nightmare" Lynn said.
Amelia saw the perfect opportunity to explain to the nanny everything that happened to the girl so she went for it.
When she was done Lynn was crying. She felt so bad for the kid.
"I think you should let her sleep on your bed for a while" Lynn said. "You said she can't really walk around right now so maybe she tried to go find you but she couldn't" she said.
"Yeah. She probably did" Amelia said.
"I can see she's a tough girl" Lynn said. "And now she has a tough mom to protect her" she added and Amelia smiled.
"I have to go. Alex is outside" Meredith said. It was Alex day at the carpool.
"Bye" Maggie said and they ran out.
"Let me get the kids" Lynn said as she saw it was 7:34 and the kids should be in school at 7:40.
It wasn't long till she walked downstairs with Zola and Bailey all ready for school.
"Bye aunt Amy" Zola whispered and Amelia waved at her. Bailey waved too and smiled.
"I'll stop to get diapers for Ellis but I won't be long" Lynn said.
"Okay" Amelia said and they left.
She turned the tv on and lowered the volume all the way down so she wouldn't wake Olivia, and just sat there staring at tv and sometimes the girl.


Amelia watched some tv then decided to change her clothes so she went and did fast so Olivia wouldn't wake up while she was upstairs. She went back down and poured some cereal for the girl and went to wake her up. She thought that if she slept during the day everything that happened the night before would happen again.
"Hey. Oli. Wake up." She said running her hand on the girl's chest. Olivia opened her eyes.
"Hi" Amelia said smiling. "Good morning sleeping beauty"
"Morning" the girl mumbled. Amelia took Olivia's pacifier off.
"What did you say?" Amelia asked smiling.
"Morning" Olivia repeated with a little smile back.
Amelia kissed her cheek twice.
"Sit up. Time for breakfast" she said and the girl sat.
Amelia gave her the bowl and sat next to her, placing the girl pacifier on the stand. Olivia ate it all and gave the bowl back.
"Good job" Amelia said and kissed Olivia's head. She put the bowl on the stand next to the couch.
"Livy, can I ask you something?" Amelia said looking a little more serious and the girl nodded.
"Did you sleep well at night?" She asked. Olivia's head went down and she looked sad.
"What happened?" Amelia said pulling the girl up to her lap.
"I couldn't sleep" Olivia said as her eyes filled with tears.
"Why not?" Amelia asked.
"I was scared he was gonna come for me" the girl cried.
Amelia hugged her tight.
"He won't baby" she said. "He's in prison. He can't get out" Amelia said wiping Olivia's tears.
"Okay?" Amelia asked and the girl nodded.
"Look Oli. Whenever you're scared you just come to me okay? Nothing is gonna happen to you" Amelia said and hugged Olivia again. She kissed Olivia and said "I love you".

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