Chapter 20: Good And Bad

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The next morning Amelia woke up around 6a.m. to find Owen on the bed with Olivia.
She went to the bathroom and when she walked out he was awake.
"Good morning" he said getting off the bed.
"Did she ask you to?" Amelia asked him intrigued but smiling.
"Yeah. You were sleeping" he said.
"Did you give that to her?" Amelia asked smiling at the girl who had her new pacifier on.
"Yeah" Owen said.
"That's very nice of you. Thanks" Amelia said smiling and sat on the couch. Owen walked to it and sat next to her.
"So when are you telling her?" He asked.
"If she's a bit better... Probably today" Amelia said and he smiled.
"And about the adoption have you sent anything?" He asked.
"Not yet. I want to talk to her first. What if she doesn't want to stay with me? I don't want to force her" Amelia said.
"Amelia she loves you. There's no doubt about that" he said smiling.
"I love her too" Amelia said and got up. "I need a hug from this one" she said and laid on the bed where Owen had slept.
"I'll get breakfast for us than" Owen said.
"Okay" Amelia whispered and he walked out.
30 minutes later he walked back in with bags and found Olivia awake.
"Good morning" he said to the little girl who just smiled. "I've got some food" he said. Amelia got out of the bed and adjusted the bed so Olivia would be slightly sitting. The three of them ate waffles and drank orange juice. Once done Owen said he had to work. He said goodbye and started walking to the door.
"Can I get a hug?" Owen asked Olivia who nodded and said "but not too tight".
"Of course princess" he told her and gave her a hug.
"Will you come back to see me?" She asked him.
"I promise I'll stop by" he said smiling.
"Okay" Olivia said with a little shy smile.
"Bye" he smiled and left.
Amelia got Olivia's tray away and sat next to her.
"So what do you wanna do now?" She asked.
"I don't know" Olivia said.
"Are you feeling any pain?" She asked.
"A little bit" Olivia said sounding sad.
"Oh honey. It's gonna go away soon. Okay?" Amelia said and Olivia nodded.
"So what about some drawing? Do you want to do that?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah" Olivia said and put her pacifier on again.
"Alright" Amelia smiled, got out of the bed, and got a bunch of papers and crayons for the girl.
"There you go" Amelia said taking the table back to the bed.

At 9, a nurse went in and Olivia was water coloring a book with Amelia by her side.
"Good morning miss Olivia" the nurse, Sarah, said.
"Good morning" Olivia said.
"Dr. Shepherd" the nurse said and Amelia smiled as a way of saying good morning.
"It's 9 already" the nurse said.
"Olivia, we gotta do your shot, okay?" Amelia told the girl who just nodded sadly. "Oh you're gonna be alright honey" Amelia said.
Amelia took the table out and sat back next to Olivia. The nurse pulled the covers down to reveal the child's leg and started cleaning with alcohol.
"Can you hold me?" She asked scared to Amelia, who hugged the girl.
Nurse Sarah did it and Olivia couldn't hold her tears. It hurt bad that time. She cried and Amelia just kept hugging her and saying she was okay.
"All done" the nurse said. She felt sorry for the child too.
"Thank you Sarah" Amelia said.
"I'll get her meds now" Sarah said and left.
"Oh Livy it's okay. Calm down. You're okay" Amelia said.
"It's hurts" Olivia said trying to stop crying.
"I know. I'm sorry baby" Amelia said feeling bad.
"Can you pick me up now?" Olivia asked still crying a little.
"Not yet bunny" Amelia said.
"Please Amelia" Olivia cried and Amelia hugged her a bit tighter.
"I just want you to pick me up" the girl said crying.
"I can't right now. Honey. I don't want to hurt you Liv. Okay?" Amelia tried to explain.
"You're not going to" Olivia cried.
"Look Olivia. I promise that once I can I'll pick you up for a long long time. Okay?" Amelia said getting the girl's hair out of her face.
No matter what she said Olivia just kept crying upset.
The nurse walked back in and gave Olivia her meds.
"Let's lay this back down" Amelia said and laid the bed down. She knew Olivia would be out soon.
She laid back next to the girl and Olivia snuggled up to her crying and soon fell asleep.

Amelia laid there with the girl till about 10 minutes later when Alex walked in saying they needed an MRI to make sure everything was okay. They took Olivia and Amelia went to sit in the "screen room" with Alex and two interns. Everything was fine with the girl and Alex said Olivia would be able to go home in a couple of days.
They wheeled Olivia back to her room and the girl slept till 1pm.
Once she woke up Amelia had got hamburgers for lunch and they ate together watching a cartoon.
A while after they were done, Meredith walked in.
"Hi" she said smiling to the child, who was now just laying on the bed watching tv.
"Hi" Olivia said shyly.
"Liv, this is Meredith, my sister-in-law." Amelia said sitting next to Olivia on the bed.
"How are you doing sweetheart?" Meredith asked.
"Okay" Olivia said shy.
"We live in the same house. Do you know that?" Amelia said. "And Meredith has kids and it's really fun there" she added.
Olivia just listened.
"You're very cute. Do you know that?" Meredith said smiling.
"Thank you" Olivia whispered and hid her face embarrassed on Amelia's belly.
The women laughed.
Suddenly nurse Sarah walked in.
"Time for meds" she told them and gave Olivia her meds.
"And now time for a nap" Amelia said hugging the girl. Olivia pulled her covers to her face and snuggled them. She sure missed her blanket.

Amelia smiled watching the girl.
"Well, I gotta work now." Meredith said. "Will I see you soon Olivia?" She asked smiling and the child nodded yes but without taking her head off her hiding place. They smiled and Meredith left.
It was long till Olivia was out again.
A little after Alex walked in and told Amelia he wanted to take the urethral catheter off. He said she had to start moving more in order to really get better. He removed it and Olivia stayed asleep. He put a diaper on the girl and left the room. Amelia sat on the chair next to the bed and was beyond happy she could finally pick the girl up.

At 4:24pm Olivia woke up as nurse Sarah prepared an anti-inflammatory injection the child had to take.
"Hi" Amelia said when the girl woke up.
"Another one?" Olivia said scared but she wasn't crying.
"It will go super fast, okay?" Amelia said sitting next to the girl and hugging her.
Sarah went and gave the shot on Olivia's leg. The girl started crying badly since it was burning quite a lot. Once done, Amelia put her hand on the girl's back and on the back of her knee and lifted her up. She cried a bit worse feeling a little bit of pain on her tummy. The nurse wheeled the IV. She carried the girl to the couch and put her down on her lap. She hugged Olivia till she calmed down.
"You picked me up now" Olivia said still crying a bit.
"I told you it would be soon, didn't I?" Amelia smiled. She just held and hugged Olivia till she fell asleep again shortly after.
Earlier that day Susan's grandmother, Meryl, had stopped by the house for Susan to pack, since they would be going to Europe in a couple of days. The girl got pretty much all of her things and packed Olivia's too. Meryl had said they could take her things to the hospital since Olivia would stay with Amelia.

So later that day they went.
"Hi. I just brought her things. It's not much but there's some stuff she really likes" Susan told Owen at the hospital hall.
"Okay. I'll make sure she gets everything" Owen said looking at the medium size bag.
"Her blanket is in the front pocket" Susan said.
"Oh thank you. She was asking for that" Owen said.
"Can I see her now Doctor Hunt?" Susan asked.
Owen felt bad for the teen. He knew she loved Olivia and she was suffering with all of that too but he didn't want to upset Olivia.

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